My Mogul V2 Progress

@Fire @SaintSovereign My phone is acting up again. Can you please reset the downloads for Ascension for me? Thank You

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Done. Please try saving them to a computer, or Google Drive.


@SaintSovereign done. Saved to Google Drive

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I’m finding running Emperor way too much at this time so I’m going to run Ascension with Rebirth twice daily until I feel I can move on. I’m nowhere near the man I know I can and want to be.

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@SaintSovereign any idea why I feel so much anxiety when running Rebirth?

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Rebirth is a particularly potent method of emotional healing, aimed at reframing past traumatic experiences so that you benefit from them. Unfortunately, for some people, this means reliving that trauma as the mind has a hard time letting go.


@SaintSovereign makes sense. I’ve been running Ascension by itself for the last few hours and I feel better than I have in the last few days. The other question I have which I believe I asked before is it normal to lose interest in a lot of things running the audios?


Yes. The subliminals are questioning your current belief system. That means, you may lose interest in many of the things you find important, especially if your interest was trivial. Anything you really enjoy, however, will not be affected.


I read you have AD(H)D. (I have this too).

There’s a 60-80% chance you catch a comorbid disorder with ADHD.
When comorbid conditions are present, it can make the diagnosis of ADHD much more difficult to pinpoint and the symptoms harder to treat. Some comorbid disorders that commonly occur alongside ADHD are:

Knowing you might have one of the comorbidity is a good way to be aware of what might happen at this moment, when you are aware you have more choice and power over it, and can/could improve this… indirectly a good step towards healing more and more.

Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Bipolar Disorder

Conduct Disorder
Sensory Integration Disorder
Learning Disorder
Early Speech/Communication problems

Personaly I struggle(d) with Depression and Anxiety too(still do sometimes, but way less). For me the reason is/was that I have internalized a lot of suff people said to me, when I was little. I didn’t understand I didn’t have a neurotypical brain. I can only adjust to society to a certain height, but my brain is just wired differently. What I found is that when I started removing and letting go of my inner beliefs / feelings/ self imposed limitations / constant comparing with others, instead of comparing me with ME.

The ADHD part got less too.

The biggest one I had to change, was constantly stop pleasing others so I can feel good about myself. The less I care, the less I am in my head, the less I am in my head the less I keep stuck in Loop-patterns, or OCD like analysis of small things(It’s not fun when it happens for me), the positive side to that is that you can use that mode for more productive things at this current moment.

ADHD is one of those things that has so many friends attached to it, that are not good to/for you. How-ever when you can harness that creative energy, that resiliance we have to keep going, that hyperfocus on stuff you love.

You, are, a, weapon of beauty.


I have to admit even with what I continue to go through at the present moment I feel the Subliminal Club audios are definitely a huge part of my internal shift. As I mentioned in a previous post I have lost interest in a lot of things I used to believe I enjoyed although now I see them as distractions or time wasters. I have added Mogul V2 to my playlist as from the beginning my finances have been my main focus and the biggest source of stress for most of my adult life. Right now tonight I have run Rebirth and then Mogul V2.


It’s weird reading the description for subliminals offered by others because I truly believe that what Sub Club does best is strip away all the bullshit and fantastical stuff to help you become the best version of you possible.


My wife has said many times before that I have PTSD which is probably true but every time I run Rebirth the anxiety is unreal

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Have you seen a professional therapist with whom you have a good connection? If you have such a heavy reaction there might be a bit more deep trauma work to be done.

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Not yet but I plan to


I will start going to one again upcoming weeks/months, I’m sure it’ll help. Even though I postponed it a long time. Remember it’s YOU that’s important, that means keeping up with your mental and physical landscape.

The fact you might have found a core issue is already more awareness than most people have. I highly recommend seeing a professional(and even better if you go through several ones to see who you connect with best). Remember, therapeutic success lays a lot in the ability to trust your therapist and work with him.

I am not sure what’s going on with you, PTSD personally from reading your journal I am not 100% sure. But you do have some deeper laying stuff, that might be too much to handle by yourself.


Yes, I would definitely consider professional therapy in this case. The script of Rebirth is urging you to reframe past traumatic experiences from “this is holding me back,” to “I can use this as a source of power and motivation.”

Some experiences, however, may be TOO traumatic and your subconscious may have a hard time finding the “good” in it.

The anxiety itself is most likely caused by your subconscious not wanting to let go of this experience, as you’ve based your identity on it for so long.


PTSD, in my experience with others coming from rough backgrounds, is very misunderstood. Many associate it with external events like war, rape, and physical abuse. And even to people unfamiliar with such backgrounds can say “something is different about him”. External factors are just one reason for PTSD.

For example, I’ve had some sexual abuse by a male family member, a one-time event, and lately I’ve had old bodily memories emerge. It’s not disabling for me, but I’ve been very “aware” around other males when in close proximity.

I ignored this for years. Then, one day , I decided to jump onto the recovery wagon, almost 20 years ago. And my bodily memories and emotions absolutely sabotaged me making progress. I’ve been through maybe 5 therapists. How could I speak of–and release–the fears I’d been using to “protect” myself. Talking about it encouraged hiding, minimizing my pain, and even denying it to myself. Handling this on a conscious level has not helped me. It takes brass balls and a ton of support to handle this in my conscious thoughts. (For years I’ve fantasized about a weekend or week-long healing experience) However, I’ve found subliminals much, much, much easier, for I don’t get in my own way. I’ve felt my internal resistance to facing feelings and fears associated with old memories, and I’ve moved farther with subliminals than any other healing modality. Living any day without fighting myself in healing is a treasured day for me. Those I seek; thus, Rebirth.

@James, I’d move slowly and carefully were I you in taking active steps to handle this. Ask for help from people who have been where you’re at. And guard yourself as much as you need to. Your subconscious is protecting your conscious mind from things it feels are dangerous to your existence, for your thought life is where you live day in and day out. .You’re not alone.

One of my biggest challenges of my past was the continual emotional abandonment I faced. I’m crying now, just remembering those feelings. People ignoring or coldly dismissing my emotional needs prompted me to expect others would also get irritated quickly when I had such needs. I have higher trust levels now, but I was an absolute recluse after moving away from my home. I was safe being alone, and I lived there. But seeing others who had joy with others touched me. I wanted that. My first recovery experiences were in a counselor’s office, then in Al-Anon, a group for families of alcoholics. It had rules which applied to everyone. Noone could correct me or interrupt while I was speaking. And though I was in my 20’s then, I felt extremely young. For I wanted to be real. And I soaked up those experiences. Lots of little successes I had while sharing, and lots of failings, I thought. Like sharing what I knew would be accepted vs. my real truth. Sometimes, I was just…surviving. Surviving was all I knew at that time. No kidding.

@James,… … you’re not alone. And you could feel proud of being so aware of your weaknesses. Our culture does not foster emotional healing much, as denial promotes more “productivity” in life. Well, a miserable productivity, from my experience. You are on a healing journey, not a destination. Look over your change, for even your present words are not as anxious and uncertain as months back. You ARE making progress!


I think that’s a really good sign for you. I know the feeling must be absolutely miserable, but I’ve experienced intense anxiety, frustration, anger and loss of self-esteem right before huge breakthroughs since running Emperor. Seeing a therapist for your PTSD would be very good for you but I believe you’re making major progress.


Copied from a reply to another thread. I thought I would update

I have been listening to Rebirth twice daily and Mogul V2 since its release. I just added Ascension V2 in a stack that I’m going to run with Mogul V2. I’m still feeling a bit anxious but nowhere near as much. I’m definitely not feeling stress like I did even a few days ago. The main downside if it can be called one is that I have literally lost interest in everything that isn’t moving me closer to my goals. Television , movies, YouTube, or the net just bore the absolute fuck out of me now.


Because as I have mentioned before that my finances or current lack of is my biggest priority I changed my journal name to reflect this. I have been running Mogul V2 for no less than eight hours a day. Often beyond that. I have been running Mogul V2 since its release. Some days in a stack but now entirely by itself