Rise to Stardom

lol,it was a actually the same post :sweat_smile: Im brain dead today,must be recon.Rest day tomorrow :rofl:

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Haha thanks man! I wanna get my custom sorted today so that I can get it started asap.

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Sorry for being late to contribute, we’ve been having an insane heat wave here the last few days and my office has been uninhabitable.

I didn’t look at the other suggestions so as to not influence my recommendations. Here’s my suggestions:

  1. Wanted Core
  2. Heartsong Core


  1. Approachability Aura
  2. Aura of Craving

Attraction & Enjoyment modules

  1. Charisma & Flirting Automatic Mentor/Improver
  2. Chosen of Venus
  3. Depths of Love
  4. Dragon Tongue
  5. Earthshaker – Sexuality
  6. EGO ADSUM - to enjoy the current moment
  7. Enchanting Smile
  8. Focused Arousal
  9. Gorgeous Manifestor - assuming this is gender non-specific, of course. :slight_smile:
  10. Instant Spark
  11. Joie de Vivre - to enjoy the current moment
  12. Seducer’s Gaze
  13. Temptation
  14. Transcendental Connection
  15. Yggdrasil - to boost manifestation

And lastly, if you want to attract multiple partners, Alexander’s Play to help boost that aspect of Heartsong.


Thank you man! Appreciate the thought that went into this, means the most! Hope the heat wave isn’t killing you off too much dude.


You’re welcome! Thanks, we have successfully survived the heatwave. :slight_smile:

Okay, so I’m limiting myself from buying too many modules for now - for financial reasons, but here’s what I’ve come up with so far:

Long Range Seduction
Sexual Manifestation
Earth Shaker - Sexuality
Depths of Love
Charisma & Flirting Automatic Mentor/Improver
Love Without Attachment

I already licensed the below

Transcendental Connection
Chosen of Venus
Dragon Tongue

What do you think?

I feel like this could be my final one, and if I need any in the future I can update it possibly.

@Meng123 @anon2351792 @friday @Sub.Zero @Lion @BLACKICE

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Looks absolutely fantastic

I would leave out Deus because I feel like Qv2 subs on their own are already powerful enough.

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Looks good but do you need sexual manifestation?both heartsong and wanted already manifest sexual partners

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My recommendation:

  1. WANTED Q Core
  2. Heartsong Q Core
  3. Long Range Seduction
  4. Sexual Manifestation
  5. Temptation
  6. Earth Shaker - Sexuality
  7. Depths of Love
  8. Charisma & Flirting Automatic Mentor/Improver
  9. Love Without Attachment
  10. Transcendental Connection
  11. Chosen of Venus
  12. Dragon Tongue
  13. Yggdrasil

If you can get Mosaic, put that in too

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I’ll take out Deus.

I’ll take this out.

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Okay, I’ve bought it. I took out Sexual Manifestation and Deus, added Mosaic.

I’m excited for this.


Nice final selection, good luck with this custom! :+1:t2:

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Thanks man!

I think I got to the party as it was ending, what exactly did you get? (Link?)

Oops, didn’t realise I didn’t set out the cores haha.

Heartsong Q Core
Long-Range Seduction
Love Without Attachment
Charisma & Flirting Automatic Mentor/Improver
Transcendental Connection
Chosen of Venus
Dragon Tongue
Depths of Love

I know I missed out possibly crucial elements and cores, but I’ll probably update when I can afford some more and add stuff in like Inner Gasoline. I also didn’t want to make it too big.

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Just so people know what has been happening in my life.

These past two weeks have been some of the hardest times I’ve ever dealt with. Me and my ex broke up, and we’ve argued - yesterday we had one of the worst arguments ever with the guy who does my fetish being there, and it was horrendous. Today, we had closure. We are not getting back together anytime soon but we are still best friends. We’re still close and we still love each other. We’ve ended on great terms.

Everything I was afraid of happening, losing him, and whatever else I have with him, like our dogs (he has a Pug which he has now given to me due to our break up since he doesn’t want him separated from the other two dogs he’s grown up with), hasn’t happened. I think Heartsong has helped me with that to be honest.

In regards to the guy, we’ve had ISSUES this week and last week. We’ve really struggled, however he definitely has my best interests at heart. I stillI think he’s bisexual or bi-curious and that there’s possibly a chance BUT it’s weird because he’s kind of like my little brother, ew. However, he helps me out and he’s really nice. Yesterday we had a really bad day together but today, and a little yesterday, we sorted everything out. He’s back to helping me out and being my friend with benefits, which is fantastic.

I got the idea to get my ex some flowers, and write a card to him explaining how I feel. I did the same with the card for the guy too (he doesn’t get flowers…haha).

I’m super excited for my Heartsong/Wanted custom to help me find someone perfect for me, whether it’s this guy to do my stuff and be interested, or whether it’s someone else as a boyfriend. Right now I want to have some fun with people and get into my sexual side, but in the future I want to have a serious boyfriend for sure. I’m excited for Heartsong/Wanted to give me the edge for this.

P.s. I need a name for my new custom.

Any ideas please?

I legit just thought of the TV show Too Hot To Handle and thought that might be it :joy:.

But legit, I need a name. Please help.



Saint & Fire I won’t tag you but I love you :sob::sob::sob:.

My schedule will be

Heartsong/WANTED custom and Love Bomb - TUE/FRI

Or the other way.

Okay so.

I’m a little confused.
I decided to listen to MSQv2 yesterday and today as well as my new Heartsong custom today too. One loop of each.

Tomorrow I’ll be a rest day.
Edit: Thursday was a rest day as well as Wednesday too. So I’ve technically used the subs 4 days this week. I did normal Heartsong and love bomb on Monday, WANTED and R.I.C.H on Tuesday, MSQv2 yesterday and today and my Heartsong custom today too.

It’s been such a weird day.
Energy has felt super weird. Things went wrong for me this morning even though I’ve had a pretty good day.

For example, I ordered Mcdonalds and the delivery didn’t show up - it was over 2 hours late before I got a refund (this happened earlier in the week too).

I didn’t realise I had a dance private with someone and was like 40 minutes late since I had to get ready and wait for the mcdonalds that never came too.

After that I had a pretty good day but I’ve felt so weird. The guy I like messaged me and was like do you have the keys to the spare dance room since I want to choreograph because I’m pissed off and I’m like sure…you can come… He comes and I speak to him and I feel super weird around him. I know I like him but I feel off

I really feel like I don’t want to continue my fetish with him, even though deep down I do, and I still believe he could be bisexual/possibly have feelings and hasn’t come out. I keep getting feelings that we shouldn’t be friends but then two seconds later I feel like I want to be his friend and possibly even more, I don’t want a relationship with him or dates right now, just…more, I don’t know.

I’m so confused.

I’m having such a hard time mentally. I don’t understand what the fuck is going on or what I’m meant to do.

For the first time in my life I’ve started drinking too. I’ve drank before but I’ve never ever felt like I needed or want to, and now I’m drinking. I’ve had two drinks and I definitely feel like I’m gonna be a little out of it, in fact writing this is harder than normal and probably doesn’t make too much sense.

But I feel so stuck. I like this guy, I don’t want to lose him, or his friendship. Why am I feeling this way? Surely this can’t be Heartsong.

I’m so lost rn.

That sounds like some heavy recon my friend! Deep breaths, you’ll get through it. I’ve got no experience with any situations quite like this, but I’ve had many stressful situations where I felt confused and lost. I found meditation really helped… It helped distance myself from the problem so I could see it as a separate thing that I was involved with, and not something intrinsic to me. It helped me gain clarity that the situation was an eddy in the river of life, and not the river itself… if that makes sense.
It also helped me see that I was thinking the situation was X, when in fact it was Y.

That sounded too vague, here’s an example.

I asked myself what/how I was feeling. Then I asked “why?” for each feeling I could name… and repeated that process until I got to a core belief… in this case, that I would die alone in misery. Pretty dramatic, and once I stated it… I realized how over-dramatic it was in response to the situation. That realization made me feel much better.

No idea if anything like that would be of use to you, but it helped me go from being utterly despondent to just bummed out for a while.

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I didn’t even consider it recon, especially because I’ve felt that way about him twice. Like I’m constantly thinking he might be the guy for me, which to me would be AMAZING, I’d like it. Not necessarily a relationship right now, but more than friends, if that makes sense? Mutually however of course.

I’ve been meaning to try the meditation you sent me, can’t remember if you sent it on here or via Signal but I’ll try and do some today as I’m at the studio all day. I’ll listen to some meditation stuff with my AirPods with noise control on and figure out what I need to do.

I remember writing what I wrote, but not what I wrote (I haven’t read my previous post) in regards to my previous post however it but I know what I said is truth and felt right.

Thanks for the exercise also, I’m going with the meditation you suggested previously so I can get some insight and then I’ll try the latter.

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