Rise to Stardom

I’ve messaged you, thanks for the list!

Chosen of Venus has made me want to not use Love Bomb as I have it in my MSQv2 custom which I will be using.

I did choose Long Range Seduction and Love Without Attachment so far. I think they’ll both help with my current situation and future situations based on my intention.

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These are nice ones. I always add Result Enhancers after choosing the rest of the modules and prefer keeping enhancers to a few.

Some other modules I recommend are skill based ones which help make bonding fun, like:

  • Charisma & Flirting Automatic Mentor/Improver
  • Dragon Tongue
  • Song of Joy
  • Story Teller
  • Emperor’s Voice

Then there are extra factors of yourself that makes you attractive like:

  • Enchanting Smile
  • Perfect Style & Smell
  • Lion IV

And finally, some modules to give that love at first sight effect:

  • Instant Spark
  • Seducer’s Gaze
  • Earthshaker – Sexuality
  • Focused Arousal

Bonus module to attract loads of partners:

  • Alexander’s Play

Loads of modules, I know. But am sure you will be able to sort through them.

PS: try to keep Auras to a minimum because they are energy intensive. 2 or 3 modules max


Haha,i just like result enhancers cause they diffuse the custom the least while giving a boost but perfectly valid to use them minimally also.


What I have so far.
I’m unsure whether to just fill the rest with enhancers.

Edit, I added Attachment Destroyer too.
With the situation I’m going through.

I still get the energy that he’s secret into guys still.


What you have till now is great! I invite you to check my Wanted/Heartsong/SexMastery custom to see if it inspires you some more… I think its a pretty similar vibe.


Sex Mastery
Sexual Manifestation
Sexiness Unbound.
Long-Range Seduction
Instant Spark
Gorgeous Manifestor
Focused Arousal
Prevent Premature Ejaculation.
Male Enhancement
The Wonder
Chosen of Venus
Love Without Attachment
Depths of Love

I suggest you dont add Attachment destroyer or any other healing module to your custom, If you want healing you can run Regeneration or Elixir or Dragon on the side (for an amount of time you see fit) instead of permanently locking healing in a custom you are designing for a quite different purpose.

Result enhancers and Manifestation modules are a good choice.

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@Meng123 actually suggested I use Sex Mastery however I’m gonna be honest here.

I’ve only had sex a couple times and it isn’t my priority. The sex I had also wasn’t necessarily the kind where we gelled. So technically, even though I have done it, I also haven’t.

My fetish also doesn’t require sex, I mean I’d love it in the future but I’d still be holding back because my fetish isn’t nudity required or anything like that. It’s kind of like a contradiction within itself. Does that make sense?

I am thinking of replacing Love Bomb with Sex Mastery since I have Chosen of Venus and I have the Love Bomb Ultima anyway.

In regards to attachment Destroyer it’s for me to get over the breakup/the guy but at the same time I don’t necessarily want pure healing. I have DR if necessary.

Your custom looks great, gonna look some more into it.

  • Dragon Tongue
  • Emperor’s Voice
  • Transcendental Connection

Seem pretty vital. Maybe also Dominion

Yggdrasil and Omnidimensional are the best result enhancer


I think I can add Yggdrasil and Omnidimensional anyway as I believe I’ve bought them already

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If I have modules like Dragon Tongue/Chosen of Venus, Transcendental Connection and whatever else in other subs, is it redundant to put them into this new custom or no?

It will take effect in the sub its in first before it affects any other subs.So usually would depend if you need the immediate effect or not?It will still affect all in the long run .This post is related to result enhancers but same concept.

Ah I see.

I’m worried about adding Chosen of Venus twice since it has an aura of love in it, and I’m assuming Heartsong does too.

Oh yeah,the other modules in a sub will also affect how a module acts.Forgot about that one

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Doubt it will clash but probably unnecessary to have two of it.Would just be the same as getting extra exposure

It’s more because Chosen of Venus is in MSQv2 and that’ll be like 3 aura of love. But I guess it could stay in there as I have it licensed already.

Hmm,having chosen of venus twice wont make two completely seperate auras.Would just be getting extra exposure to the same script as far as i know.Need to go dig up saints post,lol

lol,it was a actually the same post :sweat_smile: Im brain dead today,must be recon.Rest day tomorrow :rofl:

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Haha thanks man! I wanna get my custom sorted today so that I can get it started asap.

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Sorry for being late to contribute, we’ve been having an insane heat wave here the last few days and my office has been uninhabitable.

I didn’t look at the other suggestions so as to not influence my recommendations. Here’s my suggestions:

  1. Wanted Core
  2. Heartsong Core


  1. Approachability Aura
  2. Aura of Craving

Attraction & Enjoyment modules

  1. Charisma & Flirting Automatic Mentor/Improver
  2. Chosen of Venus
  3. Depths of Love
  4. Dragon Tongue
  5. Earthshaker – Sexuality
  6. EGO ADSUM - to enjoy the current moment
  7. Enchanting Smile
  8. Focused Arousal
  9. Gorgeous Manifestor - assuming this is gender non-specific, of course. :slight_smile:
  10. Instant Spark
  11. Joie de Vivre - to enjoy the current moment
  12. Seducer’s Gaze
  13. Temptation
  14. Transcendental Connection
  15. Yggdrasil - to boost manifestation

And lastly, if you want to attract multiple partners, Alexander’s Play to help boost that aspect of Heartsong.


Thank you man! Appreciate the thought that went into this, means the most! Hope the heat wave isn’t killing you off too much dude.


You’re welcome! Thanks, we have successfully survived the heatwave. :slight_smile: