Mixed Review of Quantum Limitless Qv2 (custom)

In the last 30 days, I was testing a Quantum Limitless Qv2 custom for a big medical exam I had on 29.09.21. The exam covers the material of a whole year of medical school both in theoretical knowledge and also in practical skills. It is an oral exam where you perform the practical examinations (e.g heart inspection) with a real patient and a professor watching you, and the theoretical knowledge with a professor in a room who can ask you ANY question he wants to any of the topics that were covered in the year. In total there are 2 practical and 2 theoretical tests and you have no idea what topics you will get until you are already in the room with the professor, so you basically need to learn everything.

As if this is not stressful enough for a normal diligent student alone, I dropped out of medical school in December 2020, as some of you know. 7 months after dropping out I changed my mind and encountered some great manifestations that allowed me to come back to medical school and continue my studies as if nothing happened under the condition that I PASS the exams. At this point now, I have not visited ANY lectures for more than 1.5 years but even though I could not remember anything, I was at least slightly experienced with some of the material. This was the first exam out of four but the second-biggest.

Now in regards, to Quantum Limitless I have great experience here. I have run each stage for many months in the past but only Qv1 (or the even older build methods). So I think it might be helpful to review Quantum Limitless Qv2 and compare it to the experience I had with the older build methods.

Here is the custom I was running:

  1. Quantum Limitless St4
  2. Mind’s Eye
  3. Science Adept
  4. The Single Point
  5. Khronos Key
  6. The Lines
  7. Sanguine
  8. Overdrive
  9. Yggdrasil
  10. Machine: Action
  11. Machine: Rest
  12. Natural Winner
  13. Fusion Optimized
  14. The Way of ROI
  15. Organization Perfected
  16. Stress Displacement
  17. Carpe Diem Extended
  18. Deep Sleep

For the whole time, I was using the new listening strategy. 1-2 loops max one day, and taking the next day off. Sometimes I took 2 rest days depending on the reconciliation I encountered. I was not stacking this title and did not listen to any Ultimas regular (besides to Beyond Limitless twice on a certain occasion).

Okay, having said all that, let’s start with the review now :smiley:

1. Quantum Limitless St4 Core

Why I choose Quantum Limitless Stage 4?

When building my custom, I had 3 options in mind: Either to go for the normal Limitless Core, or Quantum Limitless St3 or Quantum Limitless St4. The issues I first had in mind with QL St4 were that 30 days is quite a short time for such a filled custom and I needed it to work from day 1 as I had no time to waste and secondly from experience I know that Quantum Limitless has the “everything effect”, a tendency to make me wanna study everything, including politics, spirituality, nutrition, cooking etc but to even have a chance to pass this exam I need to focus 100%, 24 hours every day for the next 30 days on that exam and cannot sacrifice any time for any other interesting topic than my study material.

Limitless Core would have been great as it is far less dense, greatly focuses on productivity, does not have any added scripting which I do not need, and the probability for the “everything effect” is far less.

Similar to that is Quantum Limitless St3 which focuses even greater on focus and productivity is less dense than St4 and has more advanced script additions. The only downside would be the “everything effect”.

I read all sales copies again and in the end, I decided to go for Quantum Limitless Stage 4 regardless.
This is what sold me:

“ST4 combines the previous three stages into one while further improving Quantum Focus Mode (even more expanded seeing of possibilities and underlying mechanisms, further time dilation, added enjoyment to studying, etc…) and making it even easier to access and developing some crucial skills to unimaginable levels…”
“You will also find yourself creating optimal models for your studying, understanding and memorization, as well as notice extreme dedication to practicing and studying.”

I really need ALL resources and the best scripting and product in the world to help me pass that exam. Only Quantum Limitless St4 can fulfil that standard.

^ This was my baseline before Quantum Limitless.

Only one day after my first loop of the QL custom, I started to become a productivity machine. In the mornings I went through all my revisions in 2 hours and then sat down and worked through the new material for 10 hours a day. I quickly found my rhythm how to best study most efficiently and with each day I became faster and faster in studying new topics, which includes the following process:

  1. Understanding the topic first of all.
  2. Researching needed details.
  3. Breaking the information down and putting it in a form where I can best learn and test myself later on (Anki cards).
  4. Learning the new cards in the evening so I integrate them into my memory during sleeping so that I pass the revision the next morning.

Before Quantum Limitless, I needed 4-5 days to cover one topic (for example immune system), after the first days of Quantum Limitless I only needed 2-3 days for a topic. After two weeks, I only needed 1-2 days for one topic. Obviously, this speed comes with some sacrifices in retention quality and comprehension but the speed improvement is absolutely crazy. 30 days ago I could have not imagined finishing one whole topic in one day, that’s a 400% increase in learning speed.
The first improvement step in learning speed was because Quantum Limitless helped me to study for a longer period of time. Obviously, when you study 12 hours every day vs 6 hours you will get much more done. However, the second improvement in speed was only possible because I was increasingly able to understand the new material at a much faster rate which allowed me to work like the machine I described above. And those are not simple topics, we talk about high-level biochemistry here. Also, I am not a numbers guy, in fact, in those 30 days, I figured I have a form of ADHD.

However, I am really disappointed how unfocused I was. Quantum Limitless really did not deliver on this front for me. I was often checking here on the forum or watching youtube videos instead of working. But this also due to the „everything effect“ (which I mentioned in the section explaining why I choose QL St4).
I know it is much to ask to be able to focus for 12 hours a day on rather “dry” information but I would have expected that it rather guides me to work only 8 hours focused instead of 12 hours unfocused. I definitely did not notice any „Quantum Focused Mode“ even though I have quite a lot of experience with QL.

Also, I noticed that Quantum Limitless Qv2 is not so consistent in results like older versions are.

The darker the color the more cards I did in a day (the better). This is from 2020 and you can see how nice red Feburary 202 is when I was running QL St3. Almost every day it is deep red (until my exam). You can see how both QL St2 as well as StarkQ lacked the incredible focus QL St3 gave me.

Bildschirmfoto 2021-10-02 um 12.29.04

First of all you can see my baseline in August 21 when I was on a washout. I did not really start learning for the exam and was on vacation travelling, but still interesting to see it in comparison to all the other times when I am running subs. This literally proves that subs work.

But you can also see how inconsistent the colors of my QL St4 custom are in September in comparison to QL St3 (was this before Q?) in Feb 2020 but also to Qv1 subs like StarkQ.
You can clearly see the days where I had reconciliation (more yellowish coloured) followed by a darker colour because I tried to redo the cards I missed when the reconciliation faded.

Of course, this is somewhat of a faulty comparison because for example, you compare a very dense custom to a more focused major title but it shows the experience I had quite nice and the results were not consistent for me. However, in my experience things like intelligence improvement and in general RESULTS are MUCH MUCH MUCH greater than in Qv1. But when it comes to exams, and you need things like steady productivity I feel like consistent results are maybe even more important than how great the results in general are. I leave my personal interpretation at the end of this review.

2. Mind’s Eye

I choose Mind’s Eye for a very specific reason. Not only does visualization help me immensely in memorising information and QL is definitely lacking this kind of scripting but I also choose this core because I wanted to manifest the date of my exam: One week before the exam you get notified if you have the exam on the first date or on the second date, which is two weeks after the first one. I put everything at it that I have the exam on the second date so instead of 30 days I get 45 days to study. I thought Mind’s Eye would take care of it. Mathematically I had a 2/3 chance of getting my desired date.

Terribly, this was not the case. When I saw that my exam date was set on 29.9 instead of 14.10, I got extremely frustrated with Mind’s Eye because I relied on it that I get the second date especially since even the probability was higher. I did everything to manifest it and it did not work (yes, I took action on the manifestation too). Now I was in a fucked up situation because if I had known I would get the exam on the first date I would have never dared to even try the exam. 30 days of intense study would be fine MAYBE if you were studying the material for the whole semester but not when you have not seen any lecture for over a year.

Please read the Yggdrasil section for how it all turned out :wink:

3. Science Adept

Love this module as it seems to bring you all the qualities you need when dealing with science.

I think this module was a major contribution to why I was able to learn new material much faster as I could simply think myself into the topics more easily.

Also, I am pretty sure this module helped me immensely with my practical exams. I only studied for a day or two for my practical examination and I think I absolutely nailed it. It helped me to become “smoother” during the introspection, making sure I take care of both the emotional needs as much as the health needs of my patient. In the end, it seems to make me a better doctor.

Rating: 10/10

4. The Single Point

This module did absolutely nothing for me. My focus during studying was very weak as I said in the QL section. After around an hour of intense work and even after taking a small break, I was very unfocused and always came here on the forum and wasted my time instead of studying. It got a bit better in the first days but also got worse in phases. Later instead of writing comments here I was then watching some youtube videos about politics or cooking.

As I said, I do have ADHD (undiagnosed) so this is most likely the reason why this module did not work for me at all. I believe with more time (many months) and a proper diet, QL should take care of ADHD though.

Rating: 0/10

5. Khronos Key

This is a very interesting module. The effects I have seen from it are subtle, so it is really hard to pin point to direct results as it seems to be always working well in the background. I remember that before this custom, I always had this notion that time is running out. In fact, I woke up, did barely do one thing of my to do list and the day was already over. With this custom, this my whole approach to time changed and I now appreciate and see the importance of every individual minute spent. Every minute adds up to multiple minutes. If you go here on the forum for “only 1 minute” in almost all cases you stay here for more than 5 minutes. 5 minutes might sometimes add up to 10 minutes or even 30 minutes when you write a longer post. Now if you visit this forum multiple times a day “for only 1 minute” this adds up to hours of time wasted during the day. So time wasting really is a cumulative effect of wasted “1 mins”.

After you have such a shift in your thinking, your approach to time will change and this resulted in me having the feeling that time during each individual day slowed down as you get more things done as you appreciate each and every individual minute, but looking back on the last 30 days in total it feels like they passed super quickly, like I cannot believe I was literally studying for a whole month every day for 12 hours a day. It feel like a week for me, maybe two max.

Rating: 8/10

6. The Lines

This module helps you greatly with any decision you make during the day, and not just the big ones but the tiny ones you basically make every minute: Shall I study X now or study Y now or shall I take a break now or shall I stand up now etc?

For example, when you come home from you have two choices, do some relaxation or start immediately with your personal work. When you choose to go for relaxation you have again multiple choices. Each choice will bring you down another pathway. When I watch Youtube Videos, I always end up in a negative spirial which leads me to become more tired which leads me to watch more youtube videos etc until the day is over and I have nothing done. So this module does help you visualize those pathways to achieve the goal you want.

It works especially well in the combination with The Way of Roi which further helps to choose the best pathways.

So I really love this module, however I wish it would be more present. Like any time you decide to go down a negative spiral again, it should make you more aware of it and kick you ass a bit or motivate you to stop it and follow another pathway instead. The module is great but a bit too passive.

Rating: 8.7/10

7. Sanguine

I choose this module to give me a cold head during studying and the exam.

After my first two practical examinations, I had a 2 hours break where I revised again everything theoretical and realized I know almost nothing lol. I was close to just give up and go home but I quickly kept my optimism and pushed through. So Sanguine definitely helped here.

Rating: 8/10

8. Overdrive

For me, this module feels like it manifests success. Whenever I put this module in all my projects seem to become successful. It quickly eradicates negative thoughts and replaces them with confidence.

Combining this module with Yggdrasil or another manifestation module is almost a guarantee for success in whatever you do!

Rating: 10/10

9. Yggdrasil

I choose this module for two reasons: First to manifest the later date of the exam (did not work, see Mind’s Eye core section) and to manifest easy questions and easy or specific topics in the exam.

Now before the exam, I did some candle magick myself, had a very good friend of mine perform one too, and prayed right before the exam, so I am not sure if the following was only due to Yggdrasil or if the magick did its work or both together:

Before the exam, I really wished for heart inspection because it is much easier to do it comprehensively in the set time. My probability to get that was 1/3.

How it works is you get called up in a corridor, leave your stuff there and then you get assigned to stand in front of the doors of rooms. Nobody in the corridor knows what topic gets asked in the room, not even the people assigning you, so it really is a game of “luck”. On a signal, everybody enters their assigned room simultaneously and on another one, everybody leaves the room again so there is no way for cheating.

So I stand in the corridor leave there my stuff when the first person is asked to go to one door. Suddenly I get a certain feeling and without even thinking about it, I stand up and go as the first person to the assigned door.

After everybody stands in front of their door, the signal occurs, I enter the room and guess what… I got HEART INSPECTION :wink: :wink: :wink:

But the manifestation did not stop there. The important part were the theoretical exams 2 hours after my practical exams. As I said in the Sanguine section, I was literally ready to give up because my chance that they ask me a question I cannot even say anything to was astronomically high. For the first of the two theoretical examinations, I had a 2/3 probability that they will ask me a topic I have ZERO knowledge about which would be an instant fail. For the second test there are more than 200 subtopics they could ask me about, and I managed to learn 155 but even if I learned it doesn’t mean I pass automatically because it really is dependent on what questions they ask. There are unlimited possibilities.

So in the two hours break before my theoretical examinations, I only revised what I have learned and did not even bother trying to learn a bit about the other topics that I know zero about because I thought if I get unlucky I will fail anyway and better to prepare myself for a situation when I get lucky. I prayed at the last minute and then it was again time to stand in the corridor and wait until you get assigned to one of the doors.

At that moment, I realized I LOST my ID. The ID I need so that the professor can grade me in the first place. I told the supervisors, who panicked a bit but we quickly found another solution. Anyway, I then got ANOTHER DOOR than the one I would have gotten if I had not lost my ID.
So the signal occurs, I enter and my heart falls in my stomach. I got the exact topic I prayed upon!!! At this moment, I was so happy and ecstatic I could barely concentrate on the test loool.

After I finished this exam, I left the room and the same spiel I get assigned to another door for the last part of the exam. I open it and I get again a rather simple topic, even though the questions I got asked were a bit mean. Anyway, I was sooo incredible happy after the exam!! To this date I cannot believe how lucky I got. I talked to my peers what they got and to be honest if I have gotten any of the other rooms, I would have totally failed the exam LOOOL.

I am now waiting for my grades but I am pretty sure I passed!!

Rating: 10/10

What I am curious about is if Yggdrasil went on purpose against my conscious desire to get the second date of the exam, maybe because the question on the first date is simpler than on the second date? Now looking back, on the premise that I passed the exam, for me it is much better that I did it on the first date than on the second one. So did Yggdrasil go against the manifestation of Mind’s Eye (because I visualized the second date) or does Mind’s Eye also manifest primarily what would be best for you subconsciously and not what you consciously visualize?
@SaintSovereign if you like to answer that, I would appreciate. I am also curious if you think that Yggdrasil was the module manifesting my luck or rather the candle spells or if the candle spell was the action that opened the pathways of manifestation for Yggdrasil to work?

10. Machine: Action

Yes, this module definitely does what it promises! I quickly found my work rhythm and kept up with it. However, I did not find myself to be less distracted (see the single point section). What it did was to grew the desire to lessen activities that distract me but because I have a slight form of ADHD this made it even worse because we tend to be really hard on ourselves anyway. So in the end, the desire to become undistracted just made me more frustrated when I did not do it, which really did not help.


Rating: 8/10.

11. Machine: Rest

Hmm, it definitely helped me to find new ways of resting, also creative ones to rest the most efficiently in the least spent time like dancing, making sure I go out for a walk, power naps up to twice a day etc.

However, I was really watching far too many Youtube Videos. For example, after my 4 hour study block instead of taking a power nap immediately like I always planned, I ended up watching Youtube videos for 30 minutes or more, which made me more tired and just stole my time because watching videos is more like work than rest for your brain. I hoped Machine: Rest would have better helped with that.

Rating: 6/10

12. Natural Winner

This module really kept me going when I got the notification that I have my exam on the first date and not on the second, leaving me 14 days less to study. Very powerful module as it helps you to keep going NO MATTER WHAT.

Rating: 10/10

13. Fusion Optimized

I have seen both greater levels of energy as well as better digestion in general. I also had some very interesting manifestations in regards to nutrition, basically finding a complement to the raw diet I am currently on which if combined properly could really be world-changing. If nutrition is something you care about, you should add this module!

Rating: 9/10

If the energy influx would be even stronger, I would give 10/10

14. The Way of ROI

Ohh, I absolutely adore this module! I am a perfectionist and while it is a great trait when dealing with creative endeavours, while studying you do not have the time to indulge in perfectionism instead it is better to do the 80/20 approach. This module will do exactly that. As mentioned in the “The Lines” section, those modules complement each other very well making you aware what decisions to take to reach your goals in the most efficient way possible. This module was certainly one of the reasons why I was able to increase my learning speed by 400% even though it meant sacrificing some details.

Rating: 10/10

15. Organization Perfected

I am a realy messy person, often forget where I place my stuff, never organized (have another friend who does that for me, boy without him I would have been kicked out of uni plenty of times lol).

Sadly, this module did not do much for me. Maybe I did not provide the right pathways of manifestation because I did learn not in my own room and I did not need to organize much.

Rating: 4/10

16. Stress Displacement

THIS MODULE WORKS INSTANT FOR ME. Literally, it is the second time I have this module in a custom and both times immediately after I start running it all my stress goes away. Stress has a tendency to paralyze me so for example in my exam preparation instead of working I just want to lie in my bed and not think about the exam. Without this module I would have not endured the stress during the exam preparation, there is no way! Knowing you only have 7 days left for an exam which you need to pass even though there are many topics you know nothing about and it is total dependent on luck what topics you get asked and the last time you manifestation did not work.

One year ago when I was still vegan, there would be no chance I would have been able to cope with the stress. Now being on a diet rich in fat and in combination with this module made it possible.

This exam really pushed my limitations beyond anything I thought would be possible.

Rating: 10/10

17. Carpe Diem Extended

Helped me to sit down EVERY DAY and study. No breaks. Everyday for 30 days. No excuses.
And I even enjoyed it.

Rating: 9/10

The only reason why I do not give a full rating is because I am not sure how much this module really added to the already present scripting in the QL core.

18. Deep Sleep

This module worked so well for me this time!

I was literally falling asleep in less than two minutes, no matter much I slept that day or what time it was.

So for the most days, I woke up at 6 am and worked though my revision till 9 am. Then I took a 20 minutes power nap and then worked till 1 pm. I then took a second power nap for 20 minutes, so I was properly rested for my second work block in the evening.

I cannot remember a time when I was able to take two power naps in a day and fall asleep immediately.

Like with the most modules, if they work depends on YOU. I have seen always great results from this module (even when I was vegan and lacked some minerals) but those amazing results now are only possible since I changed my diet around.

Rating: 10/10


I think I passed. We will see in two weeks when I get my grades :wink: Even though it was more „luck“ than „brain“, this product was really phenomenal.

There are some things which could be better like the focus, I think those are not the short comings of the modules but of myself. When a module does not work for you at this point I would say it is in the most cases because of some limitings beliefs either consciously or subconsciously, and those need time and action to resolve. So even though I gave The Single Point 0/10, it could be a 10/10 for another person.

However, I still added a rating to the modules because even if this is the case I think such feedback could help to even further better the scripting of such modules, and give people are better idea who feel like they are similar to me.

In regards to the inconsistent results, I think what is happening is that the integration on Qv2 is far greater. Qv2 might be the first ever built method where you actually make longterm changes in your being. The changes with one sub feel now almost permanent. On old tech you were only executing the script as long as you run it for 12 hours a day and a few more days after that. In comparison to Qv2, you never really integrated it so deep into your personal core. So when you run a Qv2 title you immediately start to integrate and with that sometimes reconcile the scripting, which is a needed process. So it is really important to stick with your titles for longer.


Congrats on passing the exam .

That was A GREAT review of the Sub .

May I know for how long you ran QL before this custom ? Was that also a Custom or main store title ?

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This is a great review am current back on a washout to see how it affect me want to boost my current results/ increase my baseline


QL ST1 (pre-Q): 1 month
QL ST2 (pre-Q): 1 month
QL ST3 (pre-Q): 1 month

QL ST1 & QL ST2 custom: 4 months

QL ST4 custom: 5 months (but not always consistently)


And now another month of another QL ST4 custom



woah dude, amazing review… I was in awe and also excited when I started to read your Yggdrasil part haha! Subclub has great things…


If it’s undiagnosed, how do you know?



Awesome review, very helpful!

I’m still waiting to place the order for my wealth custom but I’ve taken the delay as an opportunity to revise it slightly, based on your excellent comments.


Was thinking exactly this when you explained how Yggdrasil worked for you. Mind’s Eye + Yggdrasil manifested the best option for you with regard to both date of exam and questions.

Love the detailed review on your custom. And good luck for the final marks.


What changes did you make? :grin:

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I dropped Single Point, and have submitted a ticket to ask about the compatibility of both Furious Ascent and Machine:Action with the rest of the modules. M:A largely from your review, and FA because part of the reason I do procrastinate on certain actions is out of fear of making a mistake.

Edit: woo! First post with my new rank. :nerd_face:


Were these the same cards you reviewed during Aug 21 and Sep 21 ?

May I know approximately how many cards you reviewed each day ?

PASSED THE EXAM! In 3 out of 4 of the individual tests the exam consisted of, I scored almost 90%! Not bad for not being in university for almost a year hahah.


How did I miss this review? First, congratulations on passing the exam, and second – y’all, THIS is how you provide feedback in a way that we can take action. We’ll be taking a look at “The Single Point” when we upgrade it to ZP, see if we can help even if an individual has ADHD.


Very interesting review @friday, we can see you really picked specifically your modules for a purpose in mind and you measured the success of that purpose related to how it evolved while running the sub.

I think people in here should try and emulate some of your wisdom :slight_smile: (At least I’ll try to get some inspiration from your review for my next one!)


You want more of those reviews? Well, you may hire me as a professional tester :wink:
My standard hourly wage is quite high, buuuuut I would make an exception for you and do it without monetary compensation, only in exchange for getting access to some of your knowledge you gained over the years in areas like business and spirituality :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hopefully ZP can also help those with dyspraxia, high-functioning autism, etc

Maybe with stuttering as well :slight_smile:

After all this month, I have High hopes from Quantum Limitless zp. Once it’s out,it will be my priority after stark

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@friday can you kindly elaborate on the differences you found between Machine: Action and Way of ROI?

Or was it difficult to discern the differences between the two?