1 Year Review of Subclub (2021)

Hey there :wink:

It is almost about time to celebrate the new year. Crazy that is already that time again, right? Before ending the old and cheering the new, I always like to sit back and reflect on all that happened in that year.

2021 was not an easy one for meā€¦ There were times were I was suffering like I hardly ever did, but in the end, it might be one of my greatest years so far. I am very curious if others have similar experiences because for me the level of self-development I went through this year was so grandiose that I am almost a different man in comparison to last year. My behavior, my appearance, my goals, and even my deepest beliefs all got affected. And while some of them changed 180Ā°, I am actually the truest to my real self I have ever been.

The biggest factor contributing to that are undeniably the fantastic customs I have run this year. So I decided to end this year with a review of ALL the products I used. One thing for sure, it is going to be a long post and a personal one.

My Background:

My journey with subclub started with the release of Khan, though I used some products (Emperor, Primal) way before. In a matter of a few weeks and months, Khan turned my life around: I was no longer that cool but sometimes shy guy, who almost always was put in the friendzone. Khan helped me to let go of my sexual and social insecurities and my fear of rejection. Suddenly, I was desired by so many women that I lost count with how many I hooked up with, crushing my comfort zone, having the most fun I ever had. Furthermore, Khan gave me the cockiness, confidence and vision to try the entry exam for medical school in the best university. With my grades and poor knowledge of chemistry and physics, all people called me crazy and told me it is impossible, my family even begged me to have a Plan B, choose another university or do something else. Long story short, I passed that exam, started medical school with the goal to become one of the greatest doctors who ever existed, and hooked up with even more girls. 2019 was the absolute EPITOME of my success in life.

2020 came crushing in with the pandemic crisis. It lead me on a path of what I was told to be ā€œspiritual awakeningā€, led by one member with whom I communicated over private messages. He opened up a whole new world for me:

The ideas presented intrigued me and I thought:

I started to turn my life around, including becoming vegan to ā€œincrease my vibrationā€. He introduced me to magick, the lightworker concept, Hermeticism, alchemy, numerology and pretty much the whole New Age stuff, and a lot of conspiracies. Without realizing I started to isolate myself more and more from my friends and began to live inside an unhealthy spiritual bubble. My whole day was consumed by reading ā€žchannelingsā€œ, following other ā€žlightworkersā€œ on Twitter, looking up my ā€žstarseedsā€œ, studying astrology, ā€ždecoding messagesā€œ, watching the news, learning magick, and falling asleep during the day because I was so exhausted and tired. Very early on he planted seeds like:

And over the months, I became so brainwashed and depressed that I agreed with the conclusion and made the conscious decision to drop out. Especially the vegan diet + fasting was a contributing factor starting to show its physical symptoms, even though I was supplementing with the highest-quality supplements on the marketā€¦ At one point I was counting 30+ symptoms lol. I destroyed my gut, smelled bad, had no energy, could not concentrate, and was definitely unable to study medicine. But I got convinced that it was the universe just pulling me away from it because it is not my highest life path lol.
He personally never wanted money from me or anything else for that matter, his intentions were always pure and good. I am really grateful that he took so much time for me and told me all he knew. He was wrong about a lot but not about everything! :wink: And anyway, the lessons I learned over that period are just priceless. I am just happy that I was able to pull myself out of that rut at the last moment in 2021. And to be honest I need to thank Ascension/Emperor and Quantum Limitless for that.

Letā€˜s start with the review of 2021:

Before going into the year 2021, I wrote down all the things which I disliked about myself or my life and how I could change them. I came up with 15 points. They are personal and but for reference, they included stuff like how I behave in conversations, that I need to wear glasses or contacts as I am having myopia (shortsightedness), my posture, how I react to certain situations, other issues with health, etc. Here is one example:

Now 1 year later, from the 15 points I have overcome 10! The 5 things left are big ones like for example that I still have not cured my myopia. But now to my customs:

My Year 2021 - Reviewing my customs:

January - May: KhanSt4/Stark/PCC + QLSt4/Mindā€™s Eye + Dragon RebornSt4.
You can find the customs with the corresponding modules here:
The King, The Star, The World

  • Started the year strong running those three fully-packed customs simultaneously. My focus for the first months of 2021 was HEALTH and WEALTH, while I waited for the right moment to tell my parents that I am going to drop out of medical school.

  • I began to study the work of Aajonus Vanderplanitz, Weston Price, Francis Pottenger, and Jeff Green, all promoting a diet rich in animal products, who I discovered through some quite remarkable manifestations of Quantum Limitless. Instead of being vegan I now began to consume large quantities of raw meat, raw milk, raw eggs, raw butter, raw unsalted cheese, fruit and later some raw celery juices. I still remember the day where I tried a raw egg for the first time. I was certain it is going to make me sick and potentially even kill me lol. But nothing happened, besides my mal-nutritioned-self starting to crave it. And surprisingly I began to feel great.
    So for the first week of 2021, I spent the time looking up every local farmer in my country and nearby countries for all the raw products I would need, I must have sent over 200 emails lol. Getting some of the raw products, unheated, never frozen, not chemically treated can be quite a big pain in the ass depending on where you live. Luckily, I encountered a lot of manifestations, literally found farmers who sold their products coincidently just nearby every Saturday and who were willing to specifically provide me some of the raw food I needed.

  • For the first time ever in my life, I then focused on wealth and how to make money. I wanted to work with cryptocurrencies, so I began to analyze the chart and find potential logical patterns that could indicate a high probability that the price will either move up or down. I quickly started my first attempts at actively trading but I soon had to realize how horrible I was as a traderā€¦ I was far too emotional and just lost more and more money.
    One day I had an epiphany: Is it possible to have a program that connects to my broker and trades for me automatically? This would allow me to take the emotional side out of the equation, I no longer need to sit down at the computer the whole day and the program can also trade when I sleep. It did not take long for me to figure out that this was in fact possible! I even found some already-made crypto bots with a nice win/loss ratio and connected them to my broker. At that point, I already thought I am going to wake up tomorrow being a multimillionaire hahah. Obviously, I was totally wrongā€¦ even though the bot seemed to work nicely on paper it made only losses in real. I started to test pretty much every crypto bot on the market and came to the same conclusion: THEY ARE ALL A PIECE OF SHIT. THEY DO NOT WORK. Instead of making me 5% profit a day, some of them made me 5% loss in a day, but not one made me some profit.
    So I taught myself how to code. I began to adapt the programming to my needs, change parameters, add my own strategies. The combination of Khan, Stark and Quantum Limitless made me so dedicated that there were days, sometimes even whole weeks where I forgot to shower haha because I worked the whole day. I wanted to make it possible. All my first attempts at coding my crypto bot failed, there were many times where I got super frustrated but modules like Natural Winner and Overdrive kept me going. After around one month, I found something which worked. I then started to build on top of it, expanded the scripting, complemented it and suddenly I was making money! Good money! I was coding during the day, the bot was making money at night and the next day I analyzed the performance and tweaked it even more. From a simple strategy, the bot got so evolved at multiple points in the development during the next couple of months that 1. it was looking at the chart almost in a 4th dimensional way 2. I always tried to simplify as much as possible but there were times where it got so complex that I did not even know how it generated the signals 3. finally I reached the max limit of how many lines of code I can write.

  • This was the time when I decided to tell my parents I am going to drop out of medical school. It was a huge tragedy. Seeing my mum crying so hard was ripping me apart. The following weeks were really tough not only for my family but also for me. Dragon Reborn was a great companion during that time. First, it gave me the fearlessness and courage to tell my parents, secondly it helped me to ease the stress I was experiencing at that time and thirdly it helped to rethink my decision if it truly was something I wanted to do (I already hat doubts at that point but I thought it is my 3D self pulling me down lol). Dragon Reborn in general cleared out so many useless beliefs, deep insecurities, and dramatic traumas that were affecting me on an almost daily basis without realizing it.

  • I then bought myself a RICH + Beyond Limitless Ultima custom where I soon began to make so much money that I did not even know what to do with it. I think this was also the time where I was giving away a lot of money to people who I thought could need it, like buying someone here on the forum a custom because he desired one but truly could not afford it.
    I am not sure if I am allowed to talk about it but at one point things went so well that I even ended up discussing business with the subclub founders who were interested in getting access to my bot to increase the corporate funds of this company in exchange for connecting me to people they know who would likely pay me 10k each per month for licensing the program. The deal never happened and looking back I am pretty happy because it would have prevented me to do anything else besides working on my bot. For the first time in my life, I realized how fucking awesome it is to have money, especially if you do not need to work for it ā€œphysicallyā€ but at the same time after a while, it felt unfulfillingā€¦

May-June: Ascension

  • I realized Khan is not the best sub when you are mentally fucked up. 2019 I had that foundation but in 2020 I did not. I made tons of posts about it so I am not going into detail again but metaphorically if your house is burning, do not run Khan. You need to build a proper foundation first. You CANNOT build a 120-floor penthouse out of mud, it would fall apart. If you want to get that far high you need to first start with Ascension then switch to Emperor later as both will give you the best material, the strongest foundation. Only then run Khan and it will build you the fucking Burj Khalifa on top of it.

  • Ascensionā€™s beauty is the very light delicate script. It does not turn you into any different archetype but just helps you find out who you are and enhances those features. The one month on Ascension felt almost like a washout, only that it actively helped me to reconnect with my most authentic self.

June-September: Emperor/Primal/Wanted
You can find the customs with the corresponding modules here:
Light of the Lion

  • After half a year on my new diet, I already felt like a reborn man. This was the perfect time to upgrade my game and go for Emperor. The level of internal strength this title generates is just unbelievable, it really is less about becoming a commanding masculine dick and more about becoming THE EMPEROR WITHIN. It is the program that clears away limiting beliefs the most profoundly, not through emotional healing but by pushing you to take action on them and getting new reference experiences.

  • This custom lead me to socialize again, something which I have neglected at that point for far too long. I reintegrated myself in my old social circle of college friends and was very well-respected and perceived. I started to have quite a lot of love affairs again; the combination of Emperorā€™s internal strength, Primalā€™s sexual tension, and Wantedā€™s attractiveness gave me almost the results of Khan, with the only exception that I needed to work a bit harder for it (which was another plus because that helped with my fear of success which I often have when running Khan because deep down I feel like I do not deserve to be treated like Leonardo DiCaprio without working for it). I also attracted different types of girls, for example, one girl who was ā€œhatingā€ me when I was running Khan now could not get enough from me. On top of that, all that happened when I was growing out my hair looking like I just came out of the jungle (but not in a good way haha).

  • The biggest result of that custom though was that Emperor + the Wayfinder module helped me to find my PASSION. For a few weeks, I traveled to lands where no tourists were found, connected with nature and meditated on my true calling in life: It still is and always was to become a doctor. In fact I realized I want to become a Professor Dr. Dr. in Microbiology, Toxicology and General Practice with a specialization in human nutrition. How could I have been so stupid and drop out from something as beautiful as the study of human nature? Suddenly all dots connected for me and for the first time in my life I knew exactly what to do and how to do it. I encountered some incredible mind-blowing manifestations that allowed me to drop back in and continue my studies as if nothing happened, under the premise that I pass the exams. I do not even wanna imagine what would have had happened if I had that realization just one month later, all hope would be lost, all doors would be closedā€¦

September-October: Quantum Limitless/Mindā€™s Eye

  • I used that custom to prepare for one of the big medical exams which I needed to pass to drop back in. At that point, I had not visited ANY lectures or anything else related to medical school for more than 1.5 years. I had around one month to prepare for the oral exam (2 practical and 2 theoretical tests) which covers the material of a WHOLE YEAR of medical schoolā€¦ I wrote everything about it here: Mixed Review of Quantum Limitless Qv2 (custom) including the module list, if one is interested. The only important thing: I PASSED THE FUCKING EXAM! In 3 out of 4 of the individual tests the exam consisted of, I scored almost 90%!

  • I am now on my way (again!) to become a doctor and am studying medicine as if nothing happened haha.

October-December: Emperor/Stark/Quantum Limitless
You can find the customs with the corresponding modules here:
Light of the Lion - #96 by friday

  • With that custom, I became the luckiest on this planet. Some of the coincidences I experienced were OUT OF THIS WORLD. Small things like losing my purse in the dark and having people run after me to hand it to me, booked-out event suddenly getting free when I ask for it because somebody suddenly cancels at exact the same moment, strangers gifting me things at the exact right moment I need them, etc but also big ones like getting a certain status at my university which nobody else got. If you are familiar with the concept of ā€žThe Wave of Fortuneā€œ, that is EXACTLY what happened to me.

  • One of the greatest things this custom did was to really fuel me with the courage to do the things I feel are right and not shy away from uncomfortable situations. For example, politics made a dramatic turn in my country in fall, and nobody seemed to care. For the first time one was experiencing what it means to be part of a minority discriminated and excluded from society. It was a tough time for everyone who got affected but this custom helped me to stay strong without that it emotionally or mentally harmed me. The 5 months of Dragon Reborn might have a play in that too. At one point I used my courage and confronted my whole social circle even though I absolutely hated and feared to speak out like that because of very hurtful trauma when I was 14 years old, I just did it as it was the right thing to do, no matter if I will lose a friend or two.
    For whatever reason, this custom also lead me to do a lot of things in the gray area, not illegal but also not quite legal stuff haha but nothing harmful.

  • My favorite was the social effect though. I built up a whole new inner circle consisting of 30 like-minded individuals from my university. Again, the manifestations I encountered here were MIND-BLOWING. How likely do see it that I find one guy at my university who not only shares my values but is also the same geek as I am when it comes to nutrition and also follows a similar raw animal products diet than me? Seriously ask yourself, how many guys do you know that eat raw meat, and how many of them are medical students?? And now how likely do you think it is I randomly find someone like that :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

  • Sidenote: I think Emperor/Stark/Wanted could actually be one of the best alternatives if you do not want to run Khan but want similiar results. Another great option would be Emperor/Primal-Seduction:IT/Wanted/Inner Circle.

I am done building my foundation, dropped that custom, and am back to running Khan, now stacked with Wanted.

Wow, what a year!

Right now I think I am the happiest I have ever been, I just feel so good in my own skin. Thank you for reading, if you truly read all of it then you are seriously crazy haha. How was your year? I would love to see more people writing such kinds of reviews, very curious! Any questions, drop them down below. But I now very urgently need some rest after typing all of that haha. I wish all people here a happy and great start into the new year and in particular a big thank you to @SaintSovereign and @Fire for letting us play with these badass programs :partying_face:


One word : Insane!

Iā€™ve never ran quantum limitless, but it seems like itā€™s giving you good drive! Oh no itā€™s rich.
@TheBoxingScientist check this out!


This gentleman Friday is amazing he worked hard to and never gave up.


Letā€™s build an Altar for our new god friday



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Friday is hyper intelligent he is brain box.

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Cheers friday, you always give great reviews.

So @friday, a son is at home talking with his father. He asks his father ā€¦dad, what is it like to have a smart son? Father looks at his son and says: I donā€™t know, you have to ask your grandpa! ā€“ Badabing badaboom

ps. great review.

Lets build a temple you can sit cross legged on a mat waving josh sticks in the air. Humming ā€œbharat maha bharat friday salaammā€

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@BlackTiger Bro thatā€™s hilarious :rofl: Iā€™m just having this image in my mind :

You got to listen with sound on:


Played the first loop of my Wanted Khan custom in ZP today. 30 mins later @TheBoxingScientist posts in this thread. Doesnā€™t seem like a coincidence that you are all complimenting me out of a sudden hahah.
Thanks guys, I appreciate it!


That is so amazing! Would you ever consider sharing your bot with others who are learning to trade?

Why would anyone share a money printing machine?

To help others of course. Iā€™m not saying he has to share it for free.

I mean, why would you share a money printing machine even for money when it can just earn you more? The thing which you made with your own effort and sleepless nights? You can help others in different ways

Idk man maybe that makes sense to you but doesnā€™t make any sense to me. I have the same goal as him - to make trading bot, but once it happens, Iā€™m surely not going to share it with anyone except the most closest people

Good point, good luck to you on creating your bot.
Maybe one day Iā€™ll figure it out too :slight_smile:

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You probably get this question a lot but how did you go about creating your own crypto bot?

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