Anyone Made Big Money WIth Rich ZP?

what does this have to do with money?

the goal of Rich is to make a lot of money fast.

are you saying your income went from that of a beginner in your field to that of an expert as a result of using this product?

you keep using the word “can”

did actually you sell your art and make a profit?

if yes, did the profit you made from selling this art significantly improve your financial situation?

significant = at least double your monthly income

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Dude you are literally the only person in this whole community and probably on the world who thinks everything below DOUBLING your income is nothing. At the same time you spam the whole forum, comment on months old posts asking everyone on their experiences. You have a problem with money. I dont care if you have multiple millions cash - your whole idea of money is fucked up and it truly shows in every single of your posts.


I’m glad that you do share what you do with us! My reticular activating system (RAS) perked up when I saw the mention of you being a very private person. Because I found a new quote that I really like today.

“Fall in love with privacy, boundaries, limiting social media, and peace of mind more and more everyday.”


From 0$ to 10k$ a month in 60 days

but you know my story


Seriously? I missed that



how long ago was this?

and this is from Rich ZP solo or you where using other products as well?

are you still using Rich ZP right now?

and what has happened since you hit 10k per month?

and im assuming that is 10k profit per month?

not sure if that is directed at me but no im not aware of what you are referring to here.

I’ve just about 5x’d my income over the past 3 years, but that was incrementally, aside from one increase that happened before RICH.

ergo, none of that counts at all, of course. :roll_eyes: :crazy_face:


What a great quote. Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:


Lol still surprised he is on the forum to be honest :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I feel like MU is more like one of those annoying exes that just keep coming back :rofl::rofl::rofl:


finally, someone said this LOL.

I get that money is important, but I think when it comes to subs… it’s the other areas of life and personality that needs to be focused on for improvement, which then pushes you towards making changes in life that would have an effect on increasing financial gains, but definitely in increments…

seems to have a subliminal subreddit user mindset… they all expect intense results within the first listen… or maybe they expect to listen and win a lotto… :rofl: :joy:

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Running Rich and EOG at the same time is a really good idea.

Art is a type of investment / asset class.

Imagine if @lrw would’ve said:

“I got a lot of gold coins for a fraction of the value.”

“I got a lot of diamond jewelry for a fraction of the value.”

“I got a lot of residential real estate for a fraction of the value.”

“I got a lot of crypto currencies for a fraction of the value.”


Would you still ask if she sold those things and turned them into cash?


If one was going to use that cash to buy those assets anyways …

then … Buying an asset at a fraction of it’s market price = making a profit.

Every trader, investor, and purchase manager knows that.


Yes. But the form of that wealth can also be assets, discounts, gifts, etc.

RICH is about creating an opulent lifestyle.

Start of the RICH salespage:

People keep reporting getting free meals, videogames, travel invitations, and more.

Which links back to …

Owning art is a part of @lrw’s opulent lifestyle.



Somebody is looking for the magic pill. :rofl:


You’re right :slight_smile: I like to collect art.

@madarauchiha since art is not your thing, but cold hard cash is then you will get there in your own way. Remember though that life has twists and turns, it can’t always be mapped out perfectly.


When I started listening to RICH and Ultimate Artist my artwork started to sell. I started off selling my creations around $40 to $50 after listening to mogul & RICH I was selling my work for $120-$180
That was great but I was still having some financial issues so I decided the best thing ti do for my personal situation was to go back into the workforce and build from there save money and circle back to my business once I have the financial resources I need to run a business successfully I think this mindset came from listening to mogul.Fast forward I start my cycle of minds Eye and rich many opportunities starting flowing in I got one job offer I wasn’t to satisfied with the salary I listened to Ascension chamber/ Minds Eye and ended up getting a job offer that was $13000 more annually although rich wasn’t in my Cycle at this time it was still at work It was included in my 2 previous stacks and I believe I was in the bloom phase. But as others have said I do think that it helps manifest opportunities and may include things like discounts gifts and things of that nature. It depends on your personal situation I also practice gratitude which has helped bring more to me.


yes ! i can attest to even though right now am not rich i understand that rich can help with correctly deciding jobs too. or picking a job with more money :smirk:

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My Mom made a bunch of money one weekend. Didn’t say how and I didn’t ask


This was me, 0 to 10K in about 40 days, listening to Asxended Mogul.

Then over a year later listened to mogul/rich zp and, well, we already talked about that on another thread.


Wait was she running rich??? Hahaha