MALKUTH, Building : BUILDING, Malkuth

Losing as me is better than winning as you.

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The criticisms of one who does not see or understand your potential are of limited value.

And it’s common for most people to measure you by the yardstick of their own frustrated desires, rather than by the standard of your own nature and potential.

Knowing this, judge yourself wisely.


We fight, kill, and die over packaging;

Never even knowing, what’s inside


I looked them up and I kinda understood what each meant individually but the thing is these planets have aspects with other planets in my chart. This makes the descriptions online not accurate and lack of proper interpretations.

This is something I always wonder-how do we know what we don’t know? An extreme example is fatalism in the sense that if one was “designed” not get to know water, not only would him live in desert, his family, friends and acquaintance might not hear of it too. He would never learn water in any way let along enjoying it.

On a semi related note, when it comes to sub, putting astrology aside, what indicators you think are useful to determine if it is better fitted for a person? E.g. euphoric when listening to it, fast manifestation, or no recon etc?

Online astrological descriptions are like individual ingredients: cheese, salt, dough.

If you want to make the actual pizza, you may have to cook it yourself.

What are your NN, Mars, and Venus sign and house placements?


I have this concept of ‘tropism’. You know, in the way that many plants are phototropic, as in growing towards light. I think we have various ‘tropisms’ in our nature. And as we walk about experiencing and being exposed to various influences, parts of us are catalyzed, activated, and influenced long before we’ve realized it.

Yet, you’re right; if there is something that has been absolutely and completely absent (conceptually and experientially), who knows how our potential relationship to that thing would be expressed?

This is a great topic that deserves some more thought and its own response.

:thinking:wanders off to think…

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I have only estimated birth time.
NN Aries in 1st house square Mars as well as opposite Mercury.
Mars Capricorn 11th house square Mercury.
Venus Scorpio 8th house trine Jupiter.

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Are you able to get the precise birth time? Or was it lost in the mists of time?

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It’s lost but time should miss no more than 10 mins backward or forward.

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So should be okay. But if you notice that anything is majorly off, that could be one factor. Your rising sign/ascendant (sign of the 1st House) is one easy way to test that as it will usually be pretty apparent which one that is.

It seems that your first house is in Aries (or partly in Aries)?

As such, you would notice that there is a particular Aries-like quality in how you deal with people in your daily life. And relate to society as a whole.

Here are some brief keywords associated with the Aries archetype. You’ve no doubt seen it or something similar before.

Do these symbols seem to correspond to your general social persona and style: The Warrior, The Pioneer, The Survivor?

If so, I’ll just assume that the Houses are lined up more or less accurately.

As one of the fastest moving planets, Mercury’s position (and thus its aspects) would also be significantly impacted by the birthtime. Mercury, the Houses, the Moon. Those change pretty fast. So those aspects may or may not be accurate. Venus is pretty fast too, actually. But the Venus-Jupiter aspect may be accurate.

I haven’t dived so deep into aspects and transits yet. My astrological journey is fairly unhurried.


I’d say yes especially true when I am at ease or feel secure.

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Okay, I’ll continue this over by your journal since it’s about you.

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How did you get this @Malkuth? Is there a website for this?

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I photographed it from a book, The Inner Sky by Steven Forrest.


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Had an 11 AM meeting scheduled today. Didn’t wake up until 10-ish. So no time to meditate before. I allowed the meeting to extend to 12:40 pm. My own choice.

And now I’m ready for my next loop of Sapiens ZP.

(This will be my third loop.)

My way of life is embodied in the ongoing, moment-to-moment actions, interactions, and choices I make;

much more so than through the conceptual insights I express.

The plan is:

Introduce Naissance ZP on 7 September. (At the start of the next play period.)

Introduce PATHS ZP on 3 October. (At the start of the subsequent play period.)

I am still experiencing a strong block to including a module called Tyrant in my upcoming custom.

Tyranny is pretty much one of the worst things I can imagine. The word itself is offensive to me.

I’m thinking of using Divine Will instead.

Just got the kindle edition right now. Thank you for the recommendation, Malkuth :pray:

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My Three Customs

Sapiens - External Building
Naissance - Internal Deepening
PATHS - Optimization

Sapiens ZP

Quantum Limitless
Wisdom Personified
Eagle Eye
Mercy Protocol
Way of Understanding
Whispered Power
Story Teller
Ultimate Writer
Technological Prodigy
Instant Business Tactician
Carpe Diem Ascended
Productivity Unleashed
Victory’s Call
Mountain Breaker

Naissance ZP

The Alchemist
Sage Immortal
Harmonic Singularity
Spiritual Reality Alignment
The Single Point
Khronos Key
Immortal’s Blade
Immortal’s Courage
Awakened Perception
Spiritual Freedom
Starfilled Night
Gratitude Embodiment
The Wonder
The Merger of Worlds
Ascension Chamber (considering)
Void of Creation


Ecstasy of Gold Complete
Emperor: The House of Medici
Financial Success Reality Shifter
Unrelenting Wealth Motivation and Energy
Debt Annihilator
Wealth Limit Destroyer
Positive Being Attractor - Wealth
Secrets of Akasha - Wealth
Secret Source
The Lines
The Way of ROI
Organization Perfected
Machine: Action
Machine: Rest
Purity Without

This root stack addresses everything I am working on at this time.

I may take periodic ‘trips’ away to try out this or that program or to do Healing Retreats or Washouts, but this is the home base. It’s a stack for me to grow with over an extended period of time.

That’s the intention.


Today about 2 or 3 hours after my loop, I laid down for about an hour. As I was laying there, I smoothly went into the hypnagogic state. That is not something usual for me. Also unusually, when I paid close attention to it, it did not dissolve or disappear. I just stayed in it for a while.

Maybe a ZP effect. Maybe a Terminus2 effect. Don’t know. Either way, interesting, and worth noting here.