'Chart' your sub use with your Astrology Chart

I’m reflecting today on Chiron.

“The Wound.”

I was thinking that the sensation and the insight of Chiron can be expressed thusly:

"I am no good (am unworthy) because I am not able to __________ ".

You can fill in the blank with the actions of the sign (and House) of Chiron in your chart.

If Chiron is in Aries, it would be

“I am no good because I am not able to assert myself or to compete effectively or to stand up for myself.”

And so on.

If Chiron is in the 10th House it would be:

“I’m unworthy because I’m ineffective in establishing myself in society.”

We all have areas in which we feel a fundamental sense of inferiority and unworthiness.

But the point of Chiron is to strive in these areas and to work with them.

A person never “conquers” Chiron, but we can develop a truce.

And these areas in which we experience incompetence, unworthiness, insufficiency, etc., are the places where we can test ourselves and truly learn profound insights.

They are the places where we learn about healing.

We truly learn about healing by courageously facing wounds.

And even though Chiron’s wound may never completely heal, the sense of unworthiness can heal.

The wound remains. But the gradually mastered lesson of Humility transforms Unworthiness into genuine Generosity and even Compassion.

There are some lessons that you can only learn in the mud.


For me, the readings about me provided by the astrology websites are quite far off from my character in real life, so I don’t think astrology helps me much in learning about myself, unless I have been lying to myself.

On another note, I personally believe that a person’s character is shaped by his environment and other factors outside one’s control apart from his date of birth. These factors also include the influence of other humans like your parents, who probably would be influencing your astrological chart with theirs.

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You probably need something more in-depth than what you could get from an astrology website. Those tend to be generic and algorithm-based.

You wouldn’t take detailed medical advice from a general website. You’d probably prefer to at least get a blood test and have it analyzed by an actual specialist. Or if you wanted to analyze your blood by yourself, you’d probably make reference to books that explained how to recognize underlying genetic markers and so on.

Anyway, there are 1000s of useful systems in the world. If you’re not finding astrology useful, just choose from one of the many other useful resources.

One thing I can guarantee. No matter what resources, conceptual systems, etc., that you eventually find to be useful for you; there will be other people in this world who find it unacceptable for some reason or another.

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In my experiencew, this generally means that there was a lot of societal indoctrination (or from peers etc) that overrode your true self which is reflected by Astrology.
Or the readings were bad.

If anything, the more subs I run, the more I heal, the more I notice becoming the person mentioned by the natal chart years ago…

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I realised that we had been discussing the same issue previously in this thread.

Anyway, I’m more curious these days about the influence of a parent’s natal chart on those of the children’s. As an example, if the parent happens to have a domineering and protective attitude over the child, is that reflected in both the natal chart of the parent and the child?

Only if the parents lived true to their nature given by the natal chart, which these days is rarely the case.

What can be displayed is the upbringing itself. In my case the natal chart literally said I will grow up in a dogmatic religious household, and I will have to work through this and solve spirituality growing up.


I think that one major part of the deal with astrological ‘predictions’ is that cognitive and perceptual bias are very real phenomena. They influence our experience of the world a lot.

The natal chart is supported by Confirmation Bias. In other words, we tend to see what we’re expecting to see or what we’re ‘wired’ to see. The natal chart tells you what you are ‘wired’ to experience and to see.

It’s much easier to predict a person who is not aware of or involved in his own ‘wiring’ or ‘programming’.

You can see this outside of astrology as well. For example, you can see it in conventional mental health issues.

A person who is living with paranoid schizophrenia is going to experience himself or herself being spied on and oppressed by malevolent forces. There are tons of plausible and real malevolent forces to choose from, and if none of those suffice, the person will readily construct a few using imagination.

This pattern is more obvious and easy to observe in a person who is currently experiencing psychosis, but, in fact, the same dynamic occurs in all of us.

  1. We project an experience onto the world.
  2. We ‘forget’ or erase the evidence that we are the ones who projected it.
  3. We relate to the experience as a purely external ‘reality’.

Unhealthy minds do it. And healthy minds do it too. Healthy minds just do it in more socially acceptable ways.

Astrologers. Con men. Illusionists. Salespeople. Artists. Anyone whose work involves influencing people or guiding people’s impressions. They all make use of our patterns of involuntary ‘Reality Projection’.

A skilled artist can draw 3 or 4 simple lines. Your brain will then unconsciously fill in the rest of the picture using imagination. And when that’s done you’ll even say, ‘wow, what an incredible picture! How did the artist draw that?’

Astrology is one of many systems that describes the patterns of your involuntary or unconscious ‘programming’, the patterns of your projecting.

And one of the first steps in improving the relationship to your programming is to find some systems that can accurately describe that programming. Such systems help us to, as Carl Jung said, ‘make the unconscious, conscious’.

As with most things, it’s a good idea to observe your programming for a bit, and to gain at least a little understanding of it, before you start mucking about with it.


This is a dope post.

I’m Chiron in Gemini

Chiron in Gemini Meaning and Personality Traits | Ryan Hart.

Super accurate.

My Chiron is Gemini in the 7th house


So for me the wound is is in assuredness in my communication, Timidity or hesitancy in self expression, over thinking emotions, and being more open minded about myself to myself.

The irony is my communication in my life empowers and shifts things for people in every way possible where it was not possible before.

Part of Chiron from my understanding is our wounds become our gifts. Our weakness become a source of strength for others.

7th house wounding is I am unworthy because I cannot establish -substantive stable to unbreakable loyalty and ties in romance and business. And the medicine from one perspective is in learning to be completely fulfilled and happy as an individual. (Not needing to be alone-but having that as a baseline. )

@Malkuth Where’s your Chiron placement?


Aries in the 10th House. I was using my own placement as the example in the post I wrote.

Yes, that is my understanding too.

I think it’s not just that the wound becomes a gift. It’s that the wound itself is already the gift.

But it’s also true to say it ‘becomes the gift’ because, as I grow, my view of the wound changes. In actuality, the truth is it was always a gift. But when we’re younger in life, we tend to have simpler ideas about winning and losing.

It’s much harder for us in those earlier times to see anything positive in a so-called flaw or a so-called loss. They’re just so damn painful. And in our simplest moments, the equation goes ‘Pain=Bad’. All of our pains we see as punishments or as signs that we (or someone else) has done something wrong or bad.

Over the years, we have the potential to learn that sometimes pain accompanies important benefits. We also can learn that pain is not always a punishment indicating that someone has committed a transgression. Sometimes it’s just part of the natural cycle of life.

The more we learn these lessons, the more our so-called flaws begin to become our friends and teachers.

But it has to be learned through experiences. Words alone are not enough.

So, even though I can understand and say these words that I just typed, I’m still quite a few experiential insights away from having really learned these lessons.

And Chiron’ll keep staying with me to remind me to keep on learning.


May read the book recommended by @Malkuth

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I missed this, what’s the book?

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Steven Forrest books

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@Martin Thank you

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Let’s talk Lillith

Mines in Leo and while it is not my regular or overriding issues- it definitely points to a rock bottom resistance I have, especially when triggered, reactive, or in survival modes.

This along with Chiron is really revealing my weakness, resistance, and stuck points in life. Maybe enough people are running Achilles Heel that its permeating the zeitgeist of the forum :joy:

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Another book on the unending backlist of books I still need to read :smiley:

One important lesson from astrology:

You are who you are, not because of the worst things done to you or by you; but mainly because it’s just who you are.

But within who you are, there are better options and much worse options.

Your job is to cultivate and nurture the best versions of what you are.

Work with the raw materials you’ve been given, to make something splendid.


Sun in Cancer :cancer: 9th
Moon in Capricorn :capricorn: 3rd
Mercury/Mars :cancer: sq Jupiter/Saturn :libra:
North node/Venus :leo:
Pluto in :libra:, Neptune in :sagittarius:
Lilith :scorpius:

Sensitivity and being disciplined, shy and reserved with bite is my nature, something I’ve been told was wrong and was to be more social open and extrovert. Closing off myself to protect my nature was shameful. Maybe I should just ignore that advice and gladly accept what I’ve been given.

I don’t know why people think being an introvert is akin to some major crime or social taboo. What’s up with that?


Just discovered this. The system seems accurate but I am not an expert on how to read this. Is anyone into this?

it seems that my strengths would be improved with Chosen, HOM or Stark.
and weaknesses are grounding (ascension, glm)

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I am into this. Curious, what site gave you that chart?

That one should be from MyHumanDesign.


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