MALKUTH, Building : BUILDING, Malkuth

What is Real?

What is Good?

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Don’t get excited about it, or
Do get excited about it; but either way,

Do it.

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Working with some impatience these days.

It’s not overwhelming.

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Yes, we are all told that this is awesome or that is awesome.

This job. That money. This car. That woman. This club. This activity. That marker of status, recognition, or accomplishment.

But awe is a physical experience; like cold or warmth; or like hunger or satiety.

No one else can tell you when you’re hungry better than your own body can. And no one else can tell you what is awesome for you better than you can.

Find your own experiences of awe and of what is awesome and awe-inspiring for you; and recognize them because of what happens in your body-mind.


I can usually see what subliminals my mind is processing and how it is processing them by just observing what thoughts and observations come to my mind and by seeing what I type and post in my journal.

I’m thinking that this is another teaching about action.

I type and write a lot, and so this provides an easy avenue for my subliminals to be expressed.

If I were starting business or creative ventures a lot, that would provide additional, alternate avenues for the subliminals to be expressed.

To wit:
For me to sit here writing and writing, and then wonder why I’m not seeing results related to starting my own business would probably be a bit misguided.

Be active in the areas where you desire improvement.

I’m trying……I’m trying….


But it’s also true that success involves a balance between 1) Making things happen and willing them to happen, and 2) Tuning into what’s happening and aligning with the (beneficial) prevailing forces and conditions around and within you.

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In other words, it’s not just about changing your nature,

it’s also about divining which changes (and not-changes) are best for your nature.

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Pain is not always an indication that something is wrong; in fact, it sometimes indicates that something is right.

If after being told that you no longer want to be in a relationship with her, a woman physically attacks you or your belongings, there’s a good chance that you are probably making the right choice.


Vocational alignment is what I seek.

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And beyond that, lifestyle alignment

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It’s a random thought but iirc you’re advanced in astrology. Do you refer to or even base on the chart to make decisions as complex as vocational call or as simple as picking up certain subs?


Astrology is a valuable and valued tool for me. A sophisticated set of maps and principles. Very, very, very helpful. Oh yeah, also, very.

At the same time, the map is not the territory.

We live on a combination of conceptual and experiential levels.

Intellectual and conceptual tools, in other words, “maps”, will always be useful up to a point.

And there will always be a point beyond which they can venture no further into the territory of Experience.

I do pretty well with the conceptual parts.

And now, It’s time for me to humbly fumble my way through the experiential.

The felt world

The doing world

It’s always posed more of a challenge.

But I’m learning.


Feel like my system is getting used to this new play interval—once every four days.

Today is the seventh day since I resumed listening. A week to adjust feels reasonable.

Will I bring in Naissance ZP in the next play period or wait longer? We’ll see.

Sapiens and Naissance are meant to work together.


Just wanna say seeing you journal frequently with a piece of thought here and there motivates my own journaling😊


I use it as one valuable resource.

For Calling, Career, Vocation, one method is to refer to 3 particular astrological placements:

  1. Mars: Passion, Vision, Will
  2. Venus: Loving and being loved, Receiving and being received, Appreciating and being appreciated, Beauty, Aesthetic Preference


  1. North Node: The Proper Orientation and Developmental Trajectory of one’s Overall Life

If someone were to look at my customs, it would be easy to see the influence of these three placements.

But here’s the thing.

  1. If you’re listening to yourself, you’re going to address your nature and your characteristics whether you’ve learned anything about astrology or not. If you love swimming, you’ll find out when you go swimming. You don’t need astrology to tell you that. On the other hand, if you’ve grown up living in the desert, it may be useful to have a little suggestion that says, “you may want to go check out water at some point”. My point is that sooner or later, you’re going to learn about yourself; no matter what particular ideas you happen to get into.

  2. The subs themselves are quite flexible and versatile. I like to say that if you feed a carrot to a rhino that carrot becomes a horn and if you feed a carrot to an eagle, the same carrot becomes feathers.

So, I think that despite the diverse possible combinations of astrological elements and the resulting personalities and characters that proceed from them, subs are going to adapt quite well for many different people.

The particular genius that Stark calls out of you, will be different from what it calls forth from someone else.

One person may innovate and revolutionize child-rearing practices and ways of teaching small children. Another person may innovate how cars are built. And so on.

That’s what I think.

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Losing as me is better than winning as you.

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The criticisms of one who does not see or understand your potential are of limited value.

And it’s common for most people to measure you by the yardstick of their own frustrated desires, rather than by the standard of your own nature and potential.

Knowing this, judge yourself wisely.


We fight, kill, and die over packaging;

Never even knowing, what’s inside


I looked them up and I kinda understood what each meant individually but the thing is these planets have aspects with other planets in my chart. This makes the descriptions online not accurate and lack of proper interpretations.

This is something I always wonder-how do we know what we don’t know? An extreme example is fatalism in the sense that if one was “designed” not get to know water, not only would him live in desert, his family, friends and acquaintance might not hear of it too. He would never learn water in any way let along enjoying it.

On a semi related note, when it comes to sub, putting astrology aside, what indicators you think are useful to determine if it is better fitted for a person? E.g. euphoric when listening to it, fast manifestation, or no recon etc?

Online astrological descriptions are like individual ingredients: cheese, salt, dough.

If you want to make the actual pizza, you may have to cook it yourself.

What are your NN, Mars, and Venus sign and house placements?


I have this concept of ‘tropism’. You know, in the way that many plants are phototropic, as in growing towards light. I think we have various ‘tropisms’ in our nature. And as we walk about experiencing and being exposed to various influences, parts of us are catalyzed, activated, and influenced long before we’ve realized it.

Yet, you’re right; if there is something that has been absolutely and completely absent (conceptually and experientially), who knows how our potential relationship to that thing would be expressed?

This is a great topic that deserves some more thought and its own response.

:thinking:wanders off to think…

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