Main Store Titles Requests

perfect sub for drug dealers hahahahah


omg plzzz take my money

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Side hustle :muscle:t3::sunglasses:

The Secret Cavern/The Sacred Space Of The Heart Subliminal

This would be more of a spiritual based sub. it would go along with alchemist and minds eye. What is the sacred space of the heart? Many yogis say all enlightenment is moving out of the head and into the heart. Many people know about astral projecting outside their body, but most people don’t know that they can actually move their consciousness within their body. I’m not talking about putting your awareness on your body, but actually shifting your consciousness into other parts of the body, and most importantly the heart. The human heart generates an electromagnetic toroidal field that encompasses the entire body. Heart Math Institute has does many years of research on this and can actually measure when someone is in the sacred space. The singularity point of the toroidal field is inside the human heart and for a brief moment (referred to the Tiny Space of the heart/creation space) there is a space where there is no polarity and what you think becomes reality (as within so without). The heart can only make things that are positive for all life everywhere, (so don’t worry about people misusing this). Every single thing that has a heart/ toroidal field shares this tiny space. It is the first step into ascending into higher realms. I know many people won’t understand this, its pretty heavy stuff but the tiny space is the same place Jesus and Budda and other bodhisattvas were in. Humans have so much potential if we could just live in this space all the time.
If other people are interested I can elaborate more on this concept for a sub.
Some books on the topic: Living in the Heart Drunvalo Melchizedek and Journeys into the Heart by Daniel Mitel

ok there’s my sales pitch. hopefully people consider this and realize its potential


a sub that surpasses Emperor in personal power, status and reality-bending
i beleive it that subclub can go beyond no limits even more powerful!!! :star_struck: :star_struck:


A title to help with Physical healing of family and friends while we run the title for ourselves. Maybe an upgrade to Paragon?

It will be similar to House of Medici helping family with their success and the Covid 19 title helping with decreasing the spread of the virus around us.

An aura of physical healing I guess.


I came up with a new idea basically Ecstacy of Gold but for sex.

Description for new product:

Multistage focused on Sex

There is one for Spirituality (Alchemist)
There is one for Fitness/Health (Emperor Fitness)
There is one for Wealth (Ecstacy of Gold)
There is one for Social/Sexual Alpha dominance with some Wealth (Khan)

Now introducing the Ecstacy of Sex Multistage - one for Sex

Multistage (Manifest Sex Life, Romantic Partners, etc) fully focused on sex programming, sex manifestation and complete boundless sexual abundance and freedom.

Intertwining the best sexual elements of Sex Mastery, Diamond, Heartsong, PSIT and Khan.

Ecstasy of Sex Multistage:

ST 1 – Ecstasy of Freedom

Healing stage for sexual healing and negative beliefs and limiting beliefs related to sex. Also physical healing for any sexual issues. Basically similar to the ST1’s for other multistages such as EoG where the focus is on healing.

ST 2 – Ecstasy of Life

This subliminal will guide you to the skills and knowledge you will need to have the best sex in your life. It will help you find the areas that you will excel at over all others, and that will make you the happiest you can be in your sex life.

It will be your guide and your coach, helping you learn all the secrets of sex that you will find or have already found, and it will supply you with endless motivation to acquire this knowledge, as well as pushing you to become a master of sex and all positions etc, like the kamasutra.

ST 3 – Ecstasy of Manifestation

This is the stage of perpetually increasing sexual abundance — greater and greater manifestation of sex and desired partner with effects similar to Heartsong to improve sexual relationship with the partner/partners.

It would fill in the missing multistage archetype for a major area of life and the structure is conceptually not too difficult to fathom. I’m sure there is even a cool cover art idea somewhere

These are just some ideas, I am sure that @SaintSovereign and @Fire can salvage some something out of this post and take it to the next level


please @SaintSovereign @Fire @RVconsultant @DarkPhilosopher

we need a main tilte that has All Ap and sps modules as a mainstore title

that would be epic

it would be huge to stack it with Paragon in a custom or just stand alone



Am sure the HERO title (not a confirmed name) will have all that and more. It’s a title SaintSovereign has already said will come. But it will probably take some time.


that would be desne hahahah

i want just stand alone :yum: :yum: :yum: :yum:

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Without saying much, be advised that title may be a bit more sizeable than most people think it will be. This would not be one 60-minute track you’ll run for 6 months and look like a Greek statue.

Combining all physical shifting modules in one track might not be possible. Or advisable. Telling your body to change everything all at the same time?

Still, many of them can be combined to a degree, they would complement each other.

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it would be harmonic to make my body to change all together!

thats a beautiful song :hugs:

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Not sure if this idea was already mentioned but a healthy parenting subliminal would be a boost for those with children. Especially for those that didn’t get the nurturing when growing up.

Heartsong for parents, with a learning module to model the best tips from others or your own subconscious mind. Maybe call it Guardian?


I like that. Maybe one for mother’s and one for fathers.


This would also suit me. :thinking:

I would appreciate and buy a program for Karate, Aikido or Chakras. All of it. :wink:


At that point they might as well call it Titan or Godling

I think he said that it would come till after Q+ because of the tech it requires

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This would be totally awesome. :slight_smile:


I would like a sub just focused for generating feelings of happiness, enthusiasm, any kind of positive feeling . This is the result the only result nothing more .

If possible I would like sub club with every sub they put a light version of the sub (who here remembers Ascension lite ) this little title was my entrance to subliminalclub. I saw results right away. It will be helpful for the new people without experience , the doubtful one .

For example : you buy stark and you have stark lite in the download section with the other ones .