Main Store Titles Requests

perhaps you might like RM! it gives you some enthusiasm and alightment and unity, more goosebumps more love more of everything!


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Wanted without the physical shifting portion. I suspect that would make it a lot lighter and easier to stack or put into a custom while still giving many of the benefits.
I would still offer the full version of course, but it could spare some bandwidth for those of us who don’t want to focus on that part.


@COWolfe sn’t there a module like that?

I think it’s called the tempter or something

Edit: here Temptation – Quintessence by Subliminal Club

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As I’m reading it, not exactly. Wanted seems to be a lot more broad spectrum than that.

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I think this could be somewhat Wanted without the physical shifting, going off of people’s experience.

Total nonchalance
Instant Spark
Perfect style & smell
Sexual Manifestation
Transcendental Connection
Dragon’s Tongue
Scared words
Invincible Presence
Iron Frame
Lion IV
Power Unleashed

Switch this or add Earthshaker - Sexuality

I was thinking about adding that but didn’t

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Elite coder, software engineer, etc…


WANTED: Iron Throne :smiley:

I would like WANTED with only the physical shifting portion too. HERO: WANTED lol


That sir, is very good thinking.

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Instant buy, subscribe, fan service, push and so on and so fort



Im surprised there isn’t a sub to become a professional footballer (the most popular sport in the world or as americans call it “soccer”)


Ohhhh that’s it

I have a relative who is in the path to become professional footballer . And I can’t find any sub here to recommend to him .
But there is a little bit proplem here most of those on the path starting from young age . And here they say the minimum age is 18 . So it will be good if they can use subs from 15 . Because 18 in sport is the time you are seen the time you already bloomed and big clubs looking for you .

They can make the sub so we can attract a professional career and attract scouts no matter the age

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Emperor already goes beyond all limits. The problem is most likely that you lack the foundation to execute it properly.


This needs shouting from the rooftops.

I have seen endless people on here running subs they are not ready for, this merely stops them making proper progress.

And yet nothing can be done about this because of the nature of self help and the people who want it. just look at all the fuss over new releases.

Yet by and large people get what they deserve, so I can’t complain really.


This TBH :ok_hand:t3:

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For physical shifting as a main title to the max, I would look no further than Emperor Fitness Q+, which I like to call superHERO :smiley:

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Welcome oloy, amazing to have you here

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