Main Discussion Thread - True Social (Supercharger)

Superchargers aren’t ultrasonic or masked - they are quick, usually meditative, audios. True social uses various components to quickly adapt your mindset to being social by listening to the track and going through the very conscious process while subliminals work in the background for even greater effect. I believe there is, in fact, an ultrasonic track embedded into true social for subliminal effect.

Social King is a bonus ultrasonic which is in some way or other an adapted version of Daredevil. Bonus tracks are often just an ultrasonic version. If you want an idea of what tight and focused means, think Iron Throne but for Daredevil. If you don’t know what that is search the forum for posts about “iron throne”. This is the same thing but for Daredevil instead of Primal Seduction


How you suggest using the social king @SaintSovereign ?


I’d say it’s special nature makes it very stackable. So not to use standalone (since it’s missing some of the basics) but very effective to give any major program a little nudge towards the social. Iron Throne was apparently a lot like that, very effective on top of another major program.

In a way, it could also probably do well directly after the supercharger as a means to keep True Social’s momentum going inside the subconscious.

In truth, I’m wondering the same thing, I’m just guessing here.


You’re absolutely right. Social King is “Daredevil lite.” Since it’s a stack module, a lot of of the healing modules have been removed, meaning it’s heavily focused on becoming a social alpha. @Baphomet’s analogy that this is the “Iron Throne” of Daredevil is apt, though this won’t be nearly as hard to run.


That was my thinking. It’s in my stack now as a little social booster (EoG ST1 x4, social King x1)


What about listening to this back to back with libertine, before going out? Recommended or not?


Please forgive the rudeness, but… it’s only been 13 posts.

I’d be interested if people that try it tell us if it’s better to run Libertine first and True Social after or the other way around though…


I think True Social is one of the best super chargers to come from Subclub so far. I have only used it twice but it has proved remarkable.


@DarkPhilosopher I am currently using true social and Libertine back to back at 2 loops. Will report back in a week or so with progress.


Could you elaborate? Perhaps a journal entry? :wink:


The first day I ran True Social for 2 loops it was after my run of Emperor. I didn;t think much of it. However what happened after the second day running True Social at 2 loops was remarkable. Will explain why.

The second day I listened to 2 loops right after I had been working on my laptop. About 2 hours later I wondered out to the coffee shop. As I began walking past people in the shopping centre. It was almost lile I felt this inner happiness fill me on the inside.

This cute blonde walked right past me I turned my head like I was on auto pilot and shouted “girl with long blonde hair stop right now”. She immediately turned round smiled and walked upto to me smiling she said hi and we began chatting away to each other. It was like my charisma switch had been turned on. From there I was just flowing. I immediately began hitting on other girls. Emperor gives me the mean alpha edge however true social helps temper the meann edge and gives me a much warmer charismatic vibe. Its like the subliminal gets me into charismatic state straight away when I am around people.

I am going to experiment stacking Libertine and true social with emperor.


Is that so…
Good, because Libertine Remastered is on the way. :wink:


Isn’t it a bit concerning if the influence of the sub causes such brash unconsious (auto pilot) impulses? Sounds like that could end up having negative reprocussions in some situations. Do you end up having less awareness to filter yourself?


@Rhinesuchus you think too much go out there and take action the subs will guide you accordingly.


Let me answer that first with a question:
Why are you asking about Alchemist on the True Social thread when it has its own dedicated thread?

Next, by quoting from said Alchemist thread:

I know what you’re thinking:
If Fire creates scripts dozens of pages long, how can he still be a man of so few words?
Awe inspiring, isn’t he? :wink:

Even though the Alchemist product-line has since grown, I think that if the intent to provide an upgrade-option was there at the start, it should still be there.

And for any follow-up questions about Alchemist, see line #2.


Your absolutely right, i downloaded true social today since its just the cost of a lunch. I seem to think that all hell will break loose if i say the wrong thing in social situations.


@Rhinesuchus i use to think that there is an old saying “he who hesistates masturbates”.


Guys try running 3 loops of true social and 3 loops of Libertine before you go out. I think both chargers compliment each other. Last night I had one woman literally laughing all the time at my dumb jokes. Then I went to order my drink she asked me “should I pay for your drink”. Two women kept standing close to me whilst I was at the bar for no reason.

Had guys shut up and go quiet as soon as I began talking.


Good fucking game! What is your main sub @TheBoxingScientist?


@friday My main sub is currently Emperor