Main Discussion Thread - Daredevil

Look at this image. Wow. Just stunning.
You guys have improved lately


It includes some elements from Ascension, Primal and Sex and Seduction, but it is a completely new program in its own right. It’s all about becoming a social beast and mastermind.

Also, being sexual doesn’t automatically stop you from being social, and vice versa. It has both.


Can you stack it with Emperor or would you rather recommend using it on its own; why


This looks like a very fun sub!


Emperor makes me sociable I think this one if it can be run alongside Emperor will amplify the effects.


You most certainly can. It’ll add a strong social element to Emperor. I’m hoping it’ll modify some of Emperor’s “coldness” to make you more sociable during business meetings and the such.


will it have a masked version at launch?
i dont use ultrasonic


Yes, as always. All new titles have masked. Only a few of our older titles are ultrasonic only.


@SaintSovereign: I might have to stay away from Daredevil then. I’m already naturally overly chatty, sociable and easy going. Actually, one thing I’m really looking for with Emperor is the “coldness” and the gravitas that will balance my unnecessary talkativeness.


I have be waiting for this one. Thanks alot :smiling_imp:


Hope this sub also increases emotional intelligence(emparthy, understanding what makes other people tick, their perspectives) as it is a huge factor for being better socially. Not to mention reading/observing behavior

Self-absorption in all its forms kills empathy, let alone compassion. When we focus on ourselves, our world contracts as our problems and preoccupations loom large. But when we focus on others, our world expands. Our own problems drift to the periphery of the mind and so seem smaller, and we increase our capacity for connection - or compassionate action.”
― Daniel Goleman, Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships

“How you bring people into your home is just as important as when they walk through the door. Frame well. #marketing
― Richie Norton

“power dynamic operates in emotional contagion, determining which person’s brain will more forcefully draw the other into its emotional orbit. Mirror neurons are leadership tools: Emotions flow with special strength from the more socially dominant person to the less. One reason is that people in any group naturally pay more attention to and place more significance on what the most powerful person in that group says and does. That amplifies the force of whatever emotional message the leader may be sending, making her emotions particularly contagious. As I heard the head of a small organization say rather ruefully, “When my mind is full of anger, other people catch it like the flu.”
― Daniel Goleman, Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships


While the Daredevil marketing is highlighting how attractive it is being socially free, uninhibited, confident and so on. Which is true, it goes way beyond that.

The most important thing, after confidence, is social intelligence. Being able to read social cues and nuances. Knowing what to say, how to better persuade, being a better leader, a better negotiater…

When you are slightly drunk. You are drunk, you feel uninhibited. Thats exactly why alcohol has been a mans best wingman since 10 000 years ago.

Imagine being able to tap into that power at will. To better demonstrate your newfound confidence from Ascension, Emperor and so on.

My achillies heel is that being confident does not automatically make me more social. I still have a somewhat low social battery and i tire easily. I want to be able to get in the zone, connect effortlessly, have women be the ones chasing my attention.

I have suggested a subliminal that focuses purely on being social. Many more agreed. And as usual @Fire and @SaintSovereign heard us. They did the same when they wanted suggestions for Emperor. I suggested a sleep enhancing module…

So they createe Emperor with the Rich Deep Sleep Module. Its truly wonderful feeling that your voice is heard and it matters. That only shows how much love and respect they have for this community.

So thank you guys.


PS Iron Throne makes me extremely social and good at conversations.

What does DareDevil socially add that PS doesn’t have?


I bought it looking foreward to running it alongside emperor and PS.


Your social abilities are most likely part of your seduction style, that’s why Primal Seduction is bringing it to the forefront. When I tested Primal Seduction, it brought out my more cold, intense, stoic core and it gave me a very “dark and quiet man on fire” kinda feel. Daredevil is pure social scripting.


Soon , I will more deeply share my experience with DREAMS and Primal Seduction. Few words before then - intense, deep, lifechanging. Literally: I know what I want->Sub does something ELSE, what I want!->F*ck! that was EXACTLY what I wanted in first place! It seems your subs deal with TRUTH behind any neurotic expectations. As a result: trust increases a lot, even in harsh time of transition/identity change.

Question about Daredevil: does it contain Primal & Sex & Seduction scripting? Sorry if I missed it somewhere but it seem good to ask once again because I had a feeling that Daredevil is a variation to Primal at first place (not Primal Seduction but pure Primal). And another question: will Primal, and Sex & Seduction, Aura, Limitless be released updated with New Dawn? Thanks!


Is the Limitless module in DareDevil ?


Most likely - to learn about social dynamics and stuff.
I think it’s been in the Standard script for pretty long, though :wink:


What would be the suggested loops for daredevil taking into account my existing stack is

X2 Rebirth
X6 Emperor
x4 Primal

Goals to develop myself as a team leader in the workplace to continue to focus on my dating life. Which means having to be social hence throwing in DareDevil to the mix.