Main Discussion Thread - Ascension v2

Yeah I disagree with that theory as well lol. From personal experience, I have a Terminus custom with 4 cores, two of them being ST4 cores. And I have literally never felt drained.

From personal experience it is very true, that does not mean it may be affecting you differently. Do keep in mind that I read many journals, and actively reflect on their behavior and the Customs or Titles they are running in whichever format. I have been researching and investigating subliminal’s ever since my first introduction to them. Moreover, I have been conducting all sorts of experimentation to prove my personal theories.

Let me tell you in the beginning when Stark Terminus was released I did 6 loops or so and I mentioned not feeling any overexposure, that does not mean I was not having overexposure but that I was not aware of it. The point is that one loop of Terminus might cause side-effects while 5 of them would, at least in the short-term. A very interesting pattern happens when you listen to more loops than you can execute, where after you listen and feel no instantaneous effects – from what it seems your unconscious just places this scripting into a queue and starts to execute or manifest it, once it is the next inline, additionally you may experience stonewalling (having no results at all).

Because I have been following up on this theory and put it into effect, I can now run any Title in my arsenal and see effects right that instant, because there is no queue. Instead, I listen to one program, let it execute, and move from there.

Take this information and with awareness, you might come to realize this is true for you as well; and if not then we may conclude that subliminal’s really affects everyone differently in major ways, which I do not particularly believe as humans are still humans and we are not that indifferent, so neither should the effects be night and day. All of us have Homo Sapien DNA and all of us use around 5 to 8% of our consciousness, so where is that difference in processing power coming from? I’m not sure, but I leave all criteria open for investigation.

The more data we have, the more we are able to see patterns and link evidence to each other.


Yes, subliminals really do affect everyone in majorly different ways. And by different, I mean VERY DIFFERENT. We have a much larger data set than anyone else here, with Q literally crawling the forum and collecting data for us. It’s how we’re able to improve our programs so quickly – our backend tech stack is much more advanced than everyone realizes.

Subliminals affects everyone differently because everyone’s minds are wired differently, hence the very unique way we script our titles. There are some people who literally lack the ability to project mental images into the space around them – they can’t do it AT ALL.

I have a colleague who we run tests with. He can’t “see” any mental images in his mind’s eye, and yet he’s an incredible artist, capable of reproducing pretty much any drawing just by looking at it. On the flipside, I can mentally project an exceptionally vivid apple onto my palm and I can describe it with great detail, including how it smells, tastes, etc. I can’t, however, draw worth a damn. I have no artistic skill whatsoever when it comes to drawing or painting.

That being said, how do you think the affirmation “I am now rich,” would affect us? We’d both have different reactions to it. As someone who lacks imagination, his response would be, “but I’m not,” and he’d go on by his business. Me? I begin to imagine myself as if I were rich, how that would make me feel, and begin taking steps to get there.

The way my mind works even complicates things at work. The majority of my job involves optimizing marketing funnels to produce better results. Conventional knowledge says that you’d change just ONE variable of a single funnel, then test it for results. I’m capable of changing multiple variables and intuitively understanding how those funnels interconnect and affect one another. The powers that be lacks that ability, so I constantly get accused of “swinging for the fences and somehow landing a home run.” No, it’s not swinging for the fences – I can simply project an image of the funnels into the space around me, then analyze how they work.

So, that being said, a subliminal’s script would affect me much differently than it would affect my colleague. We are literally wired differently, and the issue is creating a subliminal script that would work equally with everyone. That’s why our work is so advanced. We’ve cracked many codes that other producers haven’t.


I’ve always wondered why subs affect me so well but I didn’t expect my rich imagination may be the key factor in here.


I think that’s spot on
I’m effected well by subs as well, and it’s only in the last two years, I’ve learned to pay attention to reality somewhat, and not being completely absorbed in my imagination or creative projects. The world in my head seems more real at times.Subs are a perfect bridge for that and action in reality.


Lol, just yesterday I was thinking “I wish I knew exactly what to video ad to choose, what to put in the ad copy and which keywords to target for making sure shot profit right in the first trail” and now I read you saying you intuitively know all of that. Mind running my YouTube ads? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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All this talk about how each producers script is the best reminds me the spungbob episode where mr.krab dream about how he first got the krabby paddy formula then everything became history😂

Hi Saint, to what extent do you think you have created a subliminal script that achieves just that?

Is it possible to stonewall Ascension QV2?

It is possible on all titles in my opinion, especially when you are not taking action on the program.

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possible, but much less likely.

That’s the point of running programs like Ascension and Mogul first.

They help your basic internal structures to develop which makes it easier for you to put the external behaviors into action.

More importantly, Ascension is lighter and more easily executable than say Khan Stage IV or even Emperor.

In my mind, Stonewalling is the mental equivalent of this:


Choosing a task that is too large for you to handle. It still gives you good exercise, but it’s frustrating because even though you’re trying hard, you can’t seem to make any progress. The incline is too steep, your paws are too smooth, and your muscles can’t yet generate the force and speed to overcome that.

Ascension gives you a more manageable task to accomplish. And in doing that you also build up your muscles and your climbing equipment.


After building your strength on that, you’re eventually in much better shape to handle the more difficult and advanced progression involved in an Emperor, Khan, or Ecstasy of Gold.

not stonewall

I don’t think that stonewalling is likely with Ascension unless a person were to run it with 5 other programs. Even the stairs can become impossible when you’re carrying too much weight.

obese struggle

But otherwise, Ascension will give you everything you need to complete its tasks. No problem.


Always a pleasure to read your analogies.
Thank you.


That was a hilarious read. :joy: :ok_hand:t2:


I love your explanations. Are you a comic character who is a great guide?? I sometimes feel like that.

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Haha the chubby dog in the end is hilarious. great content!

Ascension is the most internal growth focused sub and its external goals are quite feasible, therefore, the risk of stonewalling is very low although it could occur if you were getting overloaded constantly or… refused to get up of your bed. :wink:

On the other hand, I noticed people have started overestimating “basic programs”. If attaining Khan goals were possible only for the chosen ones were there any sense to release that title at all? On top of that, a lot of people without “Ascension foundations” succeeded on programs like Emperor which is a little beast as we all know.


Ascension also tackles a narrow aspect of your life as compared to Khan or Emperor. So if one is not taking action or atleast some action you will go into reconciliation very hard.


Being an employee, and especially at a school, is very against Khan script. On top of that it doesn’t give you the right opportunities to execute the script.

We all have to remember that the core rule of running subs is: choose the right tool to do the work. We need to put everything else aside especially our pride. Let me put it more clearly; fuck the pride!


It’s sad I can’t repost what you posted!
Excellent :ok_hand:

The environment really messes the execution of Khan!

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