Main Disc. Thread - Zero Point Custom Build Questions

Thanks. I am also thinking about using Stark instead of Ascended Mogul.
Lion was in that version, too.

Omnidimensional and Hegemon sound good.

Good idea of going more for Alpha than for sexy.

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Maybe you could leave that too.

In AM desc
" * Develop your body language, voice and presence to that befitting of a high-status individual."

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And with Lion, you can omit Total Nonchalance, because he has it at some point.

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Successfull Alpha Writer

Module Effect
Ascended Mogul Core Alpha + Money
Renaissance Man: Ultimate Writer X Core Writing
Yggdrasil ! Results Enhancement
Tyrant ! Results Enhancement
Omnidimensional Result Enhancement
You Are Not Alone Social Growth
Hegemon Status
Lion IV Status
Iron Frame Status
Rogue Status
Lifeblood Fable Status
Auric Overdriver Aura
King’s Radiance Aura
Gloryseeker Fame
The Spotlight Fame
Cashflow Catalyst Money
Financial Success Reality Shifter Money
Positive Being Attractor – Wealth Money
Secret Source Money
True Sell Money
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Any tips on this QTKS Custom Build?


  1. Do Machine Action/Rest seem like too much considering I already have carpe diem, virtue temperance/patience, and Joie De Vivre?

  2. What 2 manifestation modules would you recommend? Or would you recommend 1? Or 3? Why? I’m thinking about Dominion as the primary, and choosing between Yggdrasil, Void of Creation,

  3. Do you think King’s Radiance can be used for sales or is it directly sexual? I don’t want directly sexual.

  4. Does it need more wealth?

EDIT: Decided between 3 manifestation modules, thanks to Palpatine. Dominion, Yggdrasil, and Tyrant. Leaving out void of creation as it’s “advanced” and this subliminal needs to be right, no redo’s. Unless someone has a strong case for tyrant, I’ll do dominion and yggdrasil.

Check this out @Azriel @Niles @Vesper @Malkuth @Invictus @SaintSovereign @Fire @RVconsultant @Palpatine

Might add Productivity Unleashed to have that with M:A.



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Not necessarily, as they have very specific focus of optimizing both your action and rest times. The other modules don’t target this, but they could achieve similar-ish effects given a long enough period of time and conscious guidance.

Yggdrasil yes. Dominion VS Void of Creation depends on what you want.

Dominion would be perfect if you also require some status in your custom. Looking at the custom, you can benefit from it’s status effects.

Void of Creation is if you believe you can handle it, since it is very much a more advanced module.

Yggdrasil is excellent as it will help bring together the whole custom and further open up the pathways of manifestation.

Yes, conscious guidance will help of course. Keep in mind it is about creating an imprinting effect - if your sales includes customers later hitting you up, then it can definitely help by making sure you leave a strong impression on them.

Hmmm… You have 3 direct wealth modules. You could get away with adding Sultan if you really wanted to, just to beef up the wealth aspect a bit more - but considering this is a HoM oriented custom, I’d say you’re good to go there.


Oh daaaang!!! This sounds amaaaazing.

I still don’t entirely understand how conscious guidance works

Conscious guidance is quite a simple concept actually: it’s just about taking action towards the goals you want.

If ouroboros wants to use King’s Radiance for sales instead of sexual scenarios, he should be putting himself in position to be in a sales interaction as much as he can. Doing so guides the subliminal output towards what you naturally desire from it, by allowing your conscious to execute your subconscious programming.

Now there are different levels to conscious guidance, and that depends on your relationship/awareness level with your conscious. Many engage in dialogue with their conscious (I’m sure you do too) and guiding those internal interactions that you have can boost this further. There are fewer people here that can completely abstract their inner dialogue from their day-to-day thoughts to further guide themselves, but that is a difficult skill that requires practice.

Hope this helps.


If your wondering James, yes King Radiance works in the programming/tech scenario. Don’t ask why or how just know it does. - Source: Me


I wasn’t aware but thank you

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It’s different than taking action. Although it is largely taking action.

Conscious Guidance is about having a dialogue with yourself around how you want the module to manifest.

To use Conscious Guidance in this scenario, I may have to be a bit more conscious of the fact that King’s Radiance is in my subliminal.

When I’m in sales calls, recalling that I have King’s Radiance in the background will help that aura express itself further.

And to avoid sexual implications, I may want to remind myself during conversations with women that if I’m not careful, King’s Radiance will start to express itself, so, I may want to consciously tone down my power in those kinds of interactions.

Of course, another way like @bombayduck mentioned is to just expose myself to the scenarios that help me accomplish my goals most directly, like taking sales calls instead of talking to women. Noone can be mindful and self-aware 100% of the time, so naturally, I’ll forget to use conscious guidance, in which case King’s Radiance will positively express itself in sales calls and interactions with women indiscriminately depending on what I’m doing.

Of course, King’s Radiance is a subliminal that CAN be utilized with conscious guidance, so, this is an acceptable use case. King’s Radiance delivers an aura of awe and imprinting, specifically, unforgettableness, which would actually be really helpful for me. So I can consciously guide the way I use that but I can’t consciously guide the effect it has directly.

For an example, let’s look at Instant Spark

I would be able to use conscious guidance (thought/intention) with instant spark to create an “instant spark” with people of the opposite sex, because that’s what it’s intended for, and I could use conscious guidance alongside the other modules in my custom to use that for wealth purposes

But I would not be able to use it on members of the same sex and I would not be able to change the feeling that comes up in them - romantic attraction. I can consciously guide how the subliminal is used, but I can’t change what it does.

For context, I asked support if I could use instant spark for sales and they said no, more or less. They said that it could be useful in some cases but I wouldn’t be able to turn off the sexual/romantic interest that comes with it. That’s beyond conscious guidance.


I don’t get this whole thing about people calling King Radiance “sexual” but @ouroboros.

It depends on your focus to be completely honest. I’ve been fully locked in on things outside of the romance things @ouroboros knows that and focused on networking as well. I haven’t noticed a single instances where King Radiance acted in a way with “sexual results”. Sometimes I feel like people thing that because it it has “sexual aspects” then girls will just come chasing you and lock you up in a basement. That’s not the reality that’s a different sub called Wanted Black lol.

Again @ouroboros knows King Radiance when I use it it is 10x better heck even 100x better then modules like Direct Influencing Aura. Life changing maybe not yet but I guarantee with QTKS having Kind Radiance will be night and day for some people. Yes your essentially Tony Stark.

To add to what I mentioned, I haven’t noticed a single instance where King’s Radiance gave me romance results. THIS IS A GOOD THING. Since if it did that would distract it from what I’m doing currently and wouldn’t make requestion my custom lol. If your single tho, prepare for all of stares and girls coming close to you a lot everywhere not the point of Wanted Black tho. If your in relationship, don’t even worry about it just don’t get into trouble and King Radiance will work according to your heart desire.

Orrr at least that’s how I think it would so test and try :see_no_evil:




But @Vesper i’m seriously grateful for you mentioning KR instead of DIA now that I’ve worked through it and adding it in I’m 100000000% percent happier with the way the custom looks. It really ties things together nicely.

I was thinking it was missing something like Alpha of Alpha or whatever, something body language and status-y, but with KR and HOM I feel 100% complete in that area now.

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to be honest i wrote canada alphamale in google and gave me this not sure what to make of it lol.