Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

@Leandros looking foreward to seeing how you get along with your wicked custom. :slight_smile:

Stick to 2 loops a day and remember take 2 days off each week :slight_smile:

Even less

1 loop per 4-5 days is what works best with me

Thank you for your time and answer


I didn’t know she passed and last year emailed them about getting one of the titles for download. Somebody replies and still fulfills orders for the site.

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She passed away a few years ago perhaps her son or daughter is keeping the site alive in recognition to all the people she helped on their journey.

Mostly because you have certain modules contained in your draft that already tackle love, Chosen of Venus being the main one.

However, imma have to scroll down and see your goals in order to have any sort of real opinion :slight_smile: if you’re going for a long term relationship, then definitely ignore my previous post.

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Can confirm, am electric

If you can, tag me in your journal When you get the new one!

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This quote just single handedly convinced me to include Inner Gasoline in my next custom. Thanks @TheBoxingScientist


OK I will do that

OMG! This warning should be in bold and uppercase in the main page of each product. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


I have an idea for my next Libertine custom perhaps i will engineer it tonight :slight_smile:

I am one of these guys who loves to build customs and explore the effects on myself, its one of my many hobbies.


Hahaha same. Customs and food are probably the two areas where I spent the most money at,
simply because I do not need much else.


anyone else feel like WANTED is creating somewhat of a “halo effect”, i wonder if its something that’s part of the script, I was told yesterday at a restaurant that I didnt need to pay after the waiter dude was trying to flirt, and then today I went to get some tobacco I smoke (pipe tobacco) and got some extra (like waaaaay extra) for free :thinking:

I wonder what’s happening :thinking: anyone got any similar experiences?


That’s called an aura. :slight_smile:

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i feel stupid now :sweat_smile::joy:

Do keep us posted on that @TheBoxingScientist :wink:

Kinda similar experience (Wanted + Love Bomb ultima, 5 days on - 2 off)
I started getting free drinks and food from girls.
It never happened befure until maybe two or so weeks ago, now it happens every time I go out…

And @Leandros I wouldn’t go with Aproachability Aura, as it seems that wanted has it in itself.


What. Are you doing 5 days a week :scream::scream::scream::scream:

Any idea why Wanted has been creating problems for me as far as my mood and energy.? It seems like ever since I’ve added it to my stack it has been too much recon and no positive effects externally or internally.

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May u tell us exactly what’s happening with you?

Have you been eating enough? Me and others have already mentioned that wanted requires extra food for energy, coffee could help as well as a temporary pick me up.

How many times are you listening to it? And how are your off days?

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