Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

@Mystery we dont want to be advertising other vendor products. I appreciate you are being helpful but such practices could get you warned and possibly banned.

@Brandon thanks for sharing im happy for you.
What about the sexual espect of Wanted, can it help to pickup hot women and get them in bed? By taking action of course
Are the script somehow similar to PSIT
Does it have the same goal for seducing women?
Whats your success rate been with women and sex on Wanted can you share

Hey, a question for @Hermit and any others that know about this topic: regarding life force/vitality loss through ejaculation, does a vasectomy have any effect on any of this? I just had my fifth child this week, and I’m considering a vasectomy as my wife and I decided that it’s enough :blush:. I’m assuming, if anything, it should have positive effects in retaining vitality, but I would like you guys’ opinion on this.

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Anything that requieres an intensive use of energy seems to drain the auras quite a bit, in my experience.
Having really bad news, being hungover, poor sleep, are some that comes to mind.


Well…I’m gay so my success rate with women is 0.
However I get a lot of compliments from them and everything is good with them besides the sex stuff since I don’t desire it.


Hallo Community
I am planning on doing this as a custom in Q format

Wanted Q
Heartsong Q
Love Bomb Ultima
Aproachability Aura
Enchanting Smile
Song of Joy
Total Nonchalant
Alexander’s Play
Depts of Love
The Wonder
Carpe Diem Ascended
The Flow
Inner Gasoline
Transcendental Connection
Inner Voice
Chosen of Venus

What do you think
Is there any module you woud cut off?


Replying for mAh records

It, of course depends on what you are trying to get out of your custom.

However, me as me looking at this, love bomb seems unnecessary.

What are your thoughts?

Hello. Who tried this new one? Any interesting results?:thinking::wink:

@Leandros what do you want to achieve ?


Copy and paste…

The lady who runs this site passed away so its no longer a competitor with SC. She talks about sexual energy.

Sexual energy is the essence of vitality - and what you can do with it may be yet beyond your wildest imagination. People who have an abundance of sexual energy have not only greater sexual appeal, but also a greater appetite for life, greater confidence. They find it easier to get what they desire in life because they become naturally magnetic and people like to be around them. Around some intensely sexually magnetic people you can almost feel electric sparks and you’d just love to share those fireworks.

Some people channel their sexual energy into sexual pursuits, some into business pursuits and some like to use it for healing, rejuvenation and for spiritual pursuits. You can use the techniques you learn in this program to improve in some way every area of your life, whether you’d like the opposite sex to fly to you like bees fly to honey and embark upon sensual adventures, or upon successful business adventures or even spiritual adventures.


This kinda cracked me up lol


I would drop Aproachability Aura and choose either between Love Bomb Ultima or Chosen of Venus

Quick sidebar…

You know the effect when you’re scanning some text and your name (or something of high relevance to you) jumps out as your eyes move past, so you go back and look in detail?

As I was reading one of the pages on that site, I kept seeing my own name. So I’d go back and… nothing. I scanned it again, and boom… there’s my name… go back, not even any word like it. wtf? That has NEVER happened to me before, even though I have a rather common first name. FWIW it was the “stress relief” product page that did that.

We now return to our regularly scheduled discussion, already in progress. :nerd_face:


Why exactly?
Where do you see problems or conflict?

This seems like an overload.

Wanted has Aura of Love, Love Bomb is Aura of Love, Chosen of Venus has Aura of Love, Heartsong mostly like has Aura of Love too.

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Ok sounds like you are looking for a relationship so it makes sense with what you have added.

Looks fine to me so long as you stick to 2 loops a day and take 2 days off.

I can take it.
I have big room for Love
Now that so much garbage is out :wink:

I try it anyway and let you guys know.

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First of all did 2 loops of wanted and I love it
Love Bomb is my favorite Ultima (beside Sanguine, witch I lisen the most of all subs)
Then Heartsong realy resonates with me.
Also I go back to Switzerland in a month and I don’t like the vibe of the women there. So I let them coming to me.

Switzerland is not like here in Peru where the women show you immediately if they like to you to fuck with them, be sexual, sensual…

So I want the women to come to me so I can respond to them without energy and time loss.
Also Switzerland is a 0% sexual culture and everything goes trough the heart and mostly the head.
( psst let me tell you a open secret, in my country the women are like a depressing, whinging and moaning hole that sucks the lifeforce out of everything, they have everything but they believe they have nothing and somebody is responsible for theyr wellbeing but not they themselfs (that’s why they suck energy, they don’t provide for themselfs the minimum qualifications to life. To give you an accurate picture :they are like a Frige and when you open the Frige there is a Book-maker that spies on every move you make. And then they belief they have the same if not more rights than you to tell you how a relationship has to go :joy:. Basically they are transvestites in the Male polarity with a imagined dick and mustache and want to fuck you :joy:)

The Last 5 years I responded to only 4 women in Switzerland (Zürich)

So that’s why I want to try this custom ( I already ordered it😊

Also I have a Primal Seduction Qv2 Custom that I start to lisen in a Month and after 3 months I switch to this custom.
The next half year is going to be sexual and then I Wil try The Alchemist

I have 3 directions I am going this Year
1 Sexual and Relationships
2 Money (covered)

I start with Sexual :grin: