Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

HERO multistage = Spartan + Emperor Fitness modules + Paragon + the new physical healing modules (A/SPS categories) + MORE!


Oh damn I’m looking for an update on Khan on Q+ fully rewritten.

Can only imagine the POWERRRRR


So each time I run Wanted, I end up feeling like I could have whoever I WANTED to have. I feel powerful as fuck. I feel like I have the mindset of “Yeah, she wants me” when I see someone I fancy. I don’t go after any of it, of course, being married and all.

I just feel like I could with maximum success.


Khan Q+, Inner Circle Q+ (THIS one wil be amazing, given all the advancements in manifestation tech), Power Can Corrupt Q+, Wanted Q+. All name-embedded. Imagine that.

From Zero to Hero faster than you can say “Subliminal Club is Awesome!”


Unless @Fire or @SaintSovereign specifically said this, it’s just speculation.


Look through here a bit:

Does this help?


Thank you
Helps a lot

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so I made a mistake…

listened to a loop close to bedtime 6 hour ago, yet I still can’t sleep and have had 2 meals since then :slight_smile:

anyone else?


I have been running WANTED for about a week and so far this is what I have noticed;

  1. Total and ACTIVE disregard what people think about me; you know that quote about rather being hated for who you are then loved for who you are not? Thats how I feel…found myself surprised by my lack of self consciousness in situations i would feel a tinge of embarrassment.

  2. Very very calm and very aware of the difference between being silent and talking. I find myself doing less and less of that talking just to say something habit which is honestly very weak when you analyze it…ACTIVE listening seems to be becoming my default state. Like I’m more aware of implications and voice tones and body language of others and focused on that more then what I want to say in response.

  3. Also noticing when I do talk its more to create feelings in others and not to communicate direct info…when it comes to woman my interactions have been VERY positive. I notice the energy from them is almost like they just want to bask in my energy. They stand closer, try to get you to notice them, make heavy eye contact, flirty energy and the biggest thing I notice is they all seem to SHIFT whenever I enter their vicinity; like I’m the stimulus to their reaction instead of vice anxiety around them (granted I wasn’t SUPER anxious aroudn them before but just a week of listening and I WANT (ha ha) to just go out and be smooth with some girls)

All in all I’m loving this subliminal so far and personally I plan to combine it with Stark Q in the near future. My intuition tells me this would be a devastatingly potent combination.


Can you elaborate? This is something we were definitely wondering about.


To answer everyone’s question, WANTED is NOT Hero. EF isn’t Hero either.


@SaintSovereign there is no such thing as a hero title right? It’s just technology.

There’s a title on the way. :wink:



One thing after another I see

Looking at everyone with that smug “I told you so” expression :smiley: :smiley:


new sub??


I am super curious as to what HERO can possibly offer as a title that wouldn’t be EF Q+.

If it was just spartan with hero physical shifting,i would probably buy it already.Prefer spartan to emperor fitness if it was up to date,lol.Nothing beats that program mindset wise.

Can always hope for it to be what primarch/paragon was leaning towards also from warhammer,lol
The primarchs were bred to be perfect generals, warriors and statesmen; larger, stronger, faster, and smarter than any normal Human could ever hope to be. They possessed a potent charisma and martial prowess that made them like the mythical gods of old, untouchable by disease, old age or supposedly the petty failings of lesser men.


This won’t be coming until far in the future.