Main Disc. Thread - WANTED

Works great!! the days I feel I can handle 1 more loop, I do it after lunch


Actually, I could handle seven loops per day but then the processing is slow, the results diminished and a queue is being built up that leads to overload and recon. On two loops a day the processing is really intensive and the results are very good. It’s like Qv2 needs more time to unpack all its content even though it kicks in straight away.


Here’s more I’ve discovered recently but I suppose most of us has known that already.

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Love you too! :smiley:

update now

4th day on just one loop so far

i had slight recon today but i pushed through and still listened to my loop today

every week progressively ill add one loop to see how im handling it

i feel like qv2 has less recon intensity, i dont know i could be wrong

today I feel either its HGH or testosterone within my bloodstream pumping in my veins but not like crazy uncomfortable

my posture and body language is more dominant and assertive but its not like im an overbearing ape but just like cool, relaxed

facial skin a little bit clearer and shiny but im not focusing it on too much, better to let things just work out in its due time

sometimes i feel slight sensations on the face

i do feel confident as im walking past women, like i do feel worthy and good enough to be with any type

i ended up buying spartan so that i can stack it with this and make it a priority to lose excess weight

I had an argument with my mother recently and I stood my ground because at the end felt my conviction merited my argument (we’re still cool as always lol)

last 2 days I’ve ended up drinking coffee (something i dont do) which ended up curbing my appetite and not eat as much as before. so ive felt a bit more disciplined as far eating habits


alright so i’ve been listening to wanted since the release day and I don’t know about you guys, but I’ve seen a massive increase in appetite, and if I wanted to put it in numerals, i’d say by around 1000 to 1500 calories extra everyday since I’ve started running it.

another little update; some of you might have read about me recently graduating and waiting for my certificate before I’m able to apply to jobs back when I was running emperor for a couple of weeks, well, one of my dad’s friends recently asked my dad to talk to me about wanting to help me get a job at the ministry he works in, which was already something I’ve been thinking about for the past couple of weeks, but this was a very random manifestation i’d say.


Noticing the execution finally kicking in more. Getting more playful online…


Listening to more music (In rarely do this when I’m by myself). From Divinyls to Punchline to Rising Appalachia. I have also noticed higher metabolism but more than this, when I am doing my evening walks the burn in the legs tells me my muscles are being tested and improved.

Bought a good hundred dollars or so of new materials - sheers, towels, salon hair care, jacket - to make me feel more solid and assist in self care processes. I have noticed minor improvements in looks from the ladies, but as yet no real desire to follow through with approach. I’m sure that will change eventually though, once the physical shifting gets less intensive.





I ran wanted alongside my custom it appears to have a very calming effect on me. I had a dream where i pulled down my trousers and scresmed because my penis had grown to 36 inches in size.

When i wokeup i checked my penis it was still normal size haha.


Is Wanted actually Hero ? or is it a future product.

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I had a pretty interesting series of dreams in which my self-worth was tested. The first dream I remember, nobody wanted me. By the final dream, I became the superhero of a story (I was the Flash) and everyone had eyes on me, including (of course) the villain.


I think WANTED a mix of Emperor Fitness, physical shifting modules (like Apollon, Facial Morphing, Height Inducer, Male Enhancement, etc), sex partners manifestation, and seduction scripting written from scratch (that is, the seduction part isn’t related to Primal Seduction or any other older seduction titles)

Hopefully Hero is a future product based solely on the body. Like a superior form of EF


@Sub.Zero Would have screamed as well


Hero is just EF Q+. Saint already said that subs will be rewritten once Q+ is out and I believe EF is the hero candidate.


imagine if it suddenly had an extra inch or three upon waking and checking


That’s what I do that works best for me, I wish I could get a third in there but on QV2 that has not been stable yet

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Would primal seduction or sex and seduction work well with wanted

Thinking of changing up my fitness/fun custom that has EF stage 4, Spartan, and PS. I might take EF out and put wanted in there and remove PS for S&S.


I ran WANTED solo Friday and had some great business discussion, felt great, and was pushing for higher leverage work with someone I work with, we had a great hour talk that opened a lot up.

Not sure about running solo-but definitely would stack it with other subs even if I wasn’t going out but not daily unless it was a core in a custom.

The reason I say not daily, is because I ran WANTED again today, and if I don’t start being around woman and interacting with them, I get kind of depressed…it could just be general recon from large stacking but that’s my intuition. You gotta get out there with wanted and be taking action as a RAKE at least a bit, even if it’s only strolling the streets and basking in the attention :slight_smile:


I have PS in a custom and it stacks really well with WANTED so far. Like REALLY well.