Main Disc. Thread - WANTED ZP [Now Available!]

I grew an inch on Wanted while using it for one month lmao


I find this observation fair given there’s no context.

I don’t run these titles for men to be jealous of me, and dog me when they think I’m not looking. And yet, they do.

I don’t run these titles for older ladies to devour me with their eyes when I’m working in their home. And yet, devoured I have been.

Some of those older ladies though… :eyes:

There are side effects to every single title on here that, unless consciously reguided, may result in irritation.

Results are results, but they’re not always there ones we desire

Edit: An example that came to mind. @TheBoxingScientist gets the attention of women. Recently, he said that he is getting the attention of what he calls older women. He prefers the attention of younger.

It’s not that I necessarily mind all of the time, as I’ve journaled. But I haven’t always journaled about the ‘stares’. The hard, unblinking eye contact. I reported…awhile ago about being at a truck stop and a guy refused to look away from me, regardless of my pointed stares back, until I quite literally shrugged, turned towards him fully, crossed my legs like a therapist, steepled my fingers and studied him. That’s when the spell broke.

I promise I took no offense to your comment but the long reply was (hopefully) to demonstrate that not at all attention is welcome.

This might sound strange, but those Tik Tok videos about attractive girls breaking into your house, ‘what are you doing?’

I’d hit 'em with rubber bands and say gtfo. I don’t need attention lol, I just enjoy it in its time and place.

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Man you’re so on point with this, that’s exactly how I felt running Wanted while I was in Punta Cana. Some guys we’re so jealous and trying to dog me in front of a girl they we’re trying to hook up with (Even thought one time the girl they wanted to get was the one hooking up with me;)). You know anyway to reduce this or counteract it?


That’s crazy. I try to avoid journaling anymore about girls with their men ogling me 'cause I don’t think I get much from such an encounter besides an ego boost and I don’t like to give the impression of bragging on here; text to the reader’s eye, sometimes things get lost in translation.

It’s definitely something I’ve had to work on energetically with some of the husbands/boyfriends I encounter.

As for ways to counter this… Counter what part? Jealous men? Unfortunately, that’s just a sign of your own status my boy.

The women? I recommend pepper spray directly to the nip- I mean, if you’re interested in them, pursue 'em. If not, don’t entertain them even in your thoughts. I always wonder when I post things like this how many guys get what I mean but you attract what you entertain in your thought realm, so if you don’t ‘reject’ undesirable women even in your thoughts and feelings, you’ll just keep manifesting those women/circumstances.

I think.


The women part I don’t mind but guys nogging me is my issue (It gets exhausting sometimes) :roll_eyes:


Run it with Khan or custom with fearsome that’s how I combated it

I noticed this a lot. I am more introverted and reserved than ever.

I find it hard to talk even when the girl is more open. I was sweeping my dad’s shop one day when one girl across the shop stared at me, after a long time I noticed I stared back fixed my eyes into hers, doing this she started smiling,laughing…but I didn’t smile back at her, she looked away.


I want to run this Sub 3months on Semen retention. Avoid Pmo and sleep as early as possible.

i believe @Invictus used both together and got great results.

I am focused on using my custom stark and custom wanted they are helping me to meet beautiful, intelligent girls on my travels.


But on the other side stark made me and other people talk more, more open and tbh I experienced a bit more status and popularity on stark zp. I do not own wanted though. Seems like status has many ways to influence you and people


I’ve run them together and there is nothing within Chosen that clashes with Wanted whatsoever.


This is probably only water but yesterday morning I weighed 73,3 kg, and today’s morning 72,2 kg and I am feeling loose in my underwear.


Nice so your gonna have to replace your wardrobe soon.

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Stark and wanted = dynamite stack

Wanted helps you to come to terms with your insecurities in terms of physical features. I was so surprised, heres me over 30 years of programming from family and community members saying i was useless, ugly.

Yet 6 months of wanted and now i have come to terms with how i look.

Despite the SC advertising you will still have to approach and make the move on the girl. Thats where Stark shines.

Whats even more powerful is creating a wanted custom. The only thing is i still have to calibrate are breaks. So the usual one day break doesnt do it for me i have to take a break for 2 days. Sometimes longer thats where zp can be alittle complicated.


I chose Wanted because it has physical shifting, amongst other things.

I don’t think the objective of this sub is acceptance of your looks.

I don’t deny your experience but many people purchase Wanted precisely cause they are not totally happy with how they look and want and objective physical change.

I guess that for “acceptance” there are more suitable titles.

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Lemme clear up the misunderstanding you seem to have right now.

You see, WANTED isn’t just about accepting yourself or physical shifting, but a combination of both :exploding_head: seems cool right?

Now lemme tell you what I mean, and why it does what it does:

  • First, you embrace everything that you are, including all your “flaws” and “imperfections” (these depend on your self-perception), and owning them, hence why many go on an extremely deep level of recon on WANTED, which could be rivaled to some of the healing subs on the SubClub catalog.

  • Following that acceptance, you go through something even deeper, which improves your perception of yourself, this include: positive self talk, higher and deeper levels of self-love and confidence, and self appreciation.

  • With those deeper changes, your own behavior changes to doing things that directly improves your attractiveness, like working out, eating well, leveling up style, learning to accessorize, etc., and it’s at this point where you also see the physical shifting in full effect.

Now you might wonder: why are those things important?
Because true attractiveness doesn’t even come from your looks :wink:

a happy and confident man is the epitome of sexiness :wink:

Also here (taken straight from the sales page):

  • General masculinity boost, including boosts in confidence, power, strength, invincibility, self-assuredness, and being comfortable in one’s own skin.

Was it your experience that only after passing this

You began to notice



@Palpatine Correct me if i am wrong you saw physical changes right ?

Here you go @Houdini

Since Qv2 actually.
I dealt with it long time ago, and then during the private test as well, so my ride so far has been pretty smooth, since many of my friends also agree that I don’t even need to run WANTED anymore, because of how deeply I embody it.