Main Disc. Thread - WANTED ZP [Now Available!]

I’ve been like that lately. IRL anyway, maybe not so much on forum :joy:

Times like that, I just go do the solitary things I wanna do anyway. Read.
Sit in Starbucks on my laptop working on my Empire Project.
Watch people at the airport.
Embrace the quiet/silence. That is at least when I get my coolest ideas/thoughts.


I am stacking my custom wanted with stark and emperor. They seem to work really well together for me so far.


This must be a part of growth, like some emotional and mental healing is going on inside of you, because sometimes I felt the same as you do now. Sometimes I had even worse feelings, especially I felt alone and depressed. But all this shit will go away soon, so stay strong and hold on. All the forum is with you. At least, I’m with you.

By the way, how long have you been running the title?

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Has anyone had an experience with wanted fixing their self-image? I seem to have a severely bad self image that only got worse when I put on some weight, like when I play wanted I want to believe the script but I don’t see myself as that person.


When I was in the first private testing, I felt a lot better about my appearance. Seeing myself in the mirror. Felt more happy with how I look.

Noticing more to appreciate about meself.

I noticed the same thing one day when pulling into my driveway. Was like “my house is f***ing beautiful!”

A mix of gratitude and awe in both cases


Looks like you no longer have a need to say things for other people’s approval, so you’re remaining silent. It’s not a bad thing, as incessant talking is often taken as a sign of low status / people pleasing behavior. That’s why it feels so uncomfortable, it’s not what you’re used to doing.

Also, remember that Wanted cultivates an air of mystery. It’s the quiet but strong men that people tend to chase after and try to learn their secrets.


Since starting Wanted ZP, I have been more accepting with how my body looks and also not so worried about what others think about me. Even though I am on a weight loss journey I am accepting myself even more, but also understanding that it’s going to take time to accomplish and that’s okay. It’s making me think more about my wardrobe too, and how I would want to change it


It takes time. If you’ve thought of yourself as “ugly” for so long, Wanted can’t help you change that overnight. But, over time, you’ll start seeing internal changes. There was a time when I was younger when I suffered from the same thing. I remember not being able to even look at myself in the mirror, despite the fact that I had very attractive women chasing me and telling me how handsome I was. As I began to delve into my mental alchemy journey, however, over time that feeling began to subside. Now, the lady playfully scolds me when she catches me admiring my own reflection in the mirror. :wink:


I watched a clip of Robert Greene talking about that on IG the other day. Basically said that excessive talking diminishes your power/status, where saying less than you need to adds to it.

I think that’s part of why Hemingway was so great as a writer. Forced the reader to fill in their own perceptions by being so minimal with his words.


Since I’m on this page I might as well ask. Has anyone ever had a detox effect for the body while running this?

My metabolism is quicker when I’m on Wanted and I also recall getting complimented on my skin health and scent.


The only weird experience I had, again during private testing of Wanted ZPPF, was when I was out driving after running the sub.

I ran a red light. It wasn’t even that I didn’t realize the light was red.

It just didn’t even click for me in that moment that traffic lights were a thing. Just driving.

I went home early that day just in case. Only time anything like that happened as far as I recall.


Even though i was told i was handsome looking. For reasons dating back to childhood i always thought i had an ugly face.

Wanted seems to have cured this. In fact now i look in the mirror and think why was i thinking that way ?

I will continue to use wanted for a long time.


Would Wanted stack well with Emperor? Would the archetypes of these two clash with each other?

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They work well together


Do you think Wanted is starting to show the physical shifting you’ve been wanting for awhile (or maybe more accurately, were wanting; I don’t know if you have a journal so apologies if you’ve already reported on this), or do you think Wanted shifted your personal way of looking at yourself, to show you your actual attractive self?

Of course, the two aren’t mutually exclusive so it could very well be both.


They stack together marvelously. Make sure you have ample nutrition, though. The energy draw is a doozy. That’s the only reason I dropped Wanted for now. I don’t eat a lot throughout my day due to my work schedule.

Okay let’s not lie to ourselves Sage, I don’t eat a lot 'cause I don’t make myself a lunch :joy:


Definitely yes


I am using a custom wanted i dont journal anymore. Its still early days will report in 6 to 8 weeks.


Was it one of those moments where you feel ‘outside of time’ and you went through the intersection and only realized right after what happened?

That’s happened to me. Pretty scary shit (upon recollection).

It’s happened by myself and with my girlfriend in the passenger and she even told me afterwards she thought it was green too. But it was like I/we were guided to just go and everything was just perfect; nobody hit us or even came close (thinking back I remember motorists gawking at me incredulously :joy:), though obviously the other cars had the green.

Each time this has happened to me, I’ve felt like I was taken to a different dimension briefly and then returned. It hasn’t happened on subliminals for me, though.

‘A moment out of time’ is how I’ve dubbed these occurrences. It hasn’t happened for years.

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