Main Disc. Thread - WANTED ZP [Now Available!]

Just thought id add this here… btw to further that point


Just gotta give a shoutout to this sub!

Started a stack on 12/1 (with Diamond ZP and R.I.C.H.) and experienced undeniable / awesome results pretty fast.

For context, I’m in a long-term committed relationship, have a young child, and barely (if ever) find myself in social contexts at the moment.

My goal for Wanted was centred around:

  1. Creating greater spark/attraction/playfullness in my relationship (wanted more “spice” than Heartsong)

  2. Physical shifting (already comfortable with my looks, but wanted to see what would be optimized)

  3. Create a stronger vibe in client situations (I’m a coach / course creator) and am frequently taking enrollment calls, etc.

The Result:

Extremely fast and noticeable results on Goals #1 and 2. The physical shifting being the most obvious. My starting point was solid – I’ve maintained a lean, athletic physique but have been mostly in “maintenance” mode for the last few years (eat extremely clean and workout maybe 2-3x/week – mostly bodyweight / kettlebells / calisthenics, etc.).

Less than a week in – muscle definition in my upper body was clearly “sharpening” – while my stomach just – well – miraculously flattened. My partner noticed these things as well (without any prompt on my end)… so this is NOT me simply “imagining the changes”.

Normally I’m awful about isolating variables, but in this case, there was nothing else added to the mix (diet, supplementation, training protocols, etc.) that could’ve caused those changes.

I recall someone posting that Wanted was kinda like HGH or SARMS (without actually supplementing). My experience of this is true,

As for the relationship side… definitely a major uptick in intimacy frequency / attraction / playfullness. There’s minor recon in the frustration that a co-parenting context is inherently unsexy and there are necessary aspects of our relationship that exist out of seduction/intimacy (ie. the practical “day-to-day”)… but the sub is finding “pockets” to assert itself wherever it can. So it is breathing – and having pathways to manifest / express.

Rarely post here (even though I’ve been a user for about 18 months). But this past stack has blown my mind and improved my life to a degree I felt it necessary to share… and hopefully inspire parents/long-term relationship peeps to give Wanted a go as well. “Heartsong” was a beautiful experience, but was more pf a Philia type love (for those familiar with C.S. Lewis’ 4 Loves)… while Wanted was more Eros-based which in my situation needed a greater uptick.

Thx @SaintSovereign and @Fire for such an epic, life-enhancing sub (and to the SC fam for the endless inspiration).

Happy holidays y’all :slight_smile:


Seems the awesome results i have been getting

Now vanishing… 2, 3 girls which shows interest…now not seems to be much interested

I am on washout and it’s 3rd day.

I will again start loop of wanted now will add chosen and primal seduction too

Calmness is still there but I don’t know why spark fade

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To reach a conclusion, positive or negative results should maintain a consistency in time

The minute to minute overthought cues make the person that finds them appear a little bipolar


These past couple of days have been something else…

Girl I wanted to get in bed finally did, wrote a review about it on Diamond. It was so unexpected how she interrupted me as I was working around 11pm to come get her.

Noticing more lingering eyes with people, men and women. How just a simple hello turns into a full blown convo with em talking a lot.

I’m questioning myself more. How aligned I am to the script and I came to the conclusion that it feels natural. From the way I walk, how intense my emotions are but I’m nonchalant about it. How I can be playful, teasing people(mostly my siblings) and I love how I’m not expecting a reaction from them, it’s just purely for me.

I’ve learnt to accept situations that are out of my control, I may be angry about it but I ask myself how can I make sure I’m not in a similar situation again. And I get the drive to back it up.

When going out, at first it may take about 20min to get accustomed to the environment since I’m doing things I’ve never done before, partying in places I’ve never partied before. Once I’m comfortable, I feel pretty good about myself.

Most women don’t excite me - period. I know very well I won’t find someone I’d want to keep on rotation when going out, so now it’s starting to be about me surrounded by people I’ll never see again and I’m okay with that, so long as I’m having fun. And I’m always ready to go home if the vibe is dead. Now that I’m very specific about my type, I’m making out with way less women. Generally I don’t care if I’m wanted but when I look back I realize how much my presence has an impact.

Day by day my libido rises and I see no end to it.

I’ve been losing track of days… on a good week it feels like every day is Saturday. I’m not complaining so long as I’m not losing track of time.

My dreams are mind blowing - I now can control them and I can tell that I’m dreaming but at the same time I know something deep is taking place like a few nights go… I got over my fear of failure.

I notice how lately, a lot of women are into me. They’d like the idea of us doing something together but it’s just me, not acting on it. So back to what I’ve said before, most don’t excite me. What surprised me was how I was feeling good and my ex reached out, we last dated and done stuff in 2016…

Talking about wanting to visit and told me to book a cab for her.(no Uber this side) I wanted to spend the night alone and when I found out it’s triple the price of Uber I made an excuse… made me realize how I could have her any day I want, I hope I don’t get too horny and call her over lols. And she’s not the only ex that surprised me, one I was dating last year video called me, talking about how she misses me and that if her and I were in the same room, it’ll be “baby making sex”:upside_down_face:Another one too, I’m on and off with her.

Ambition is pretty high right now, even though it’s holidays…. I’ll enjoy my moments but when I’m alone, my goals are the focus.


Today I finished my solo run of Wanted ZP. Tomorrow will be the first day of washout.
I ran the two loops in the morning shortly after waking up from a good night’s sleep. I was tired or sleep deprived or anything like that. Shortly after I finished the 2 loops, I felt wiped out and I started dozing off. I had to take a long nap. IN THE MORNING!!! And I had a ton of dreams too. After I woke up, I could still feel the sub coursing my body. I occasionally experienced similar things while running Qv2 but this was on a different level.
I understand why @SaintSovereign said he had to turn the power down and why he only recommend 2 loops a day. I’m not sure anyone would try to run more than two loops a day. I also understand why it is recommended not to run it right before driving. You don’t want to fall asleep at the wheel.

Let’s see what happen during the 5 day washout then I’ll move on to my 2022 stack.


I just ended my 5 days washout
Don’t really see any physical changes but I feel lots of emotional healing at this point, not wanted but really loved by my family and friends.
I no longer feel hurt or bitter about the past.
I’m getting results from my art custom though.
When I dream I don’t see my actual physical self, I see another version of me that looks very much as my ideal appearance.

Edit: there’s actually a physical change I experienced, I usually get big and painful pimples on my back (yuck) and I got a bad case of dark spots and scarring. Haven’t really seen my back but when I feel the skin of my back I only have a few smaller pimples right now.


Curious if SC is still planning to release 2 versions of WANTED ZP - one for women seduction one without?

Yeah, this is something I also notice, I seem to have fewer pimples with Wanted!


Ah lucky guy. I’ve had more blemishes appear since wanted! Think it’s to do with hormones. Everyone’s are different.


Wanted without seduction???

So you want a Wanted not wanted by women??:roll_eyes:

Edit: sorry, i guess you mean a version for other genres.

Seductress is WANTED for women. The new version even more so.


He meant the version specially for heterosexual guy to seduce specifically female. @Ice If I remember correctly, that version was cancelled because they were able to find a way to make it work as a unisex version in the most recent Wanted release :wink:

What I am curious about is pushing the limit of physical shifting!


Well its been a month on wanted zp and i am yet tio see any physicak changes I am going to give it another 2 weeks if i still dontt see anything will drop it.


Just out of curiousity, what are you expecting to see so far?


Are you taking any action towards your physical changes?


Physical changes around the jawline, face, eyes, skin, body. Anything that would indicate that the physical shifting is working.


To be fair gyms closed 3 weeks back so i no longer use the gym. I eat organic food and try my best to avoid processed food. I take my multivitamins on a regular basis together with my omega oils and on top of that take lions mane. My intake of carbs is adequate as i admit during the listening of wanted i was feeling more hungry then usual so i ate alot more.

So tellme what actions should I be taking to initiate the physical changes around for example the face and eyes ?

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I see… why don’t you gym at home?

I can’t answer that since that’s not something I want to work on. But ima leave you with a question and a bit of wisdom…

What should you be doing in order to see changes with your face and eyes? And don’t expect quick results, think of it like going to the gym - we all know one can’t get ripped without putting in the work and time.

Good question! This would be a great question to ask support!

Also, there are skincare products that could help out, it might be a good catalyst.