Main Disc. Thread - Wanted ZP v2

I think that’s a misunderstanding. You can hear microloops with all ZP tracks. Not only with the new experimental ones.


My inner mouth always stretches out when listening to wanted, some times I’ll literally crack my jaw hands free out of nowhere with a tiny micro movement and feel my jaw realign (rare)

This loop has that effect but stronger than usual


I ran a full loop of Wanted Exp. this morning (nothing else). About to start a new round with a few changes planned anyway.

It started processing very quickly, and noticeably. The next few hours a few experiences from my past came up in my mind, including some I didn’t like at the time, and that was totally fine. The experience was a lot like “look at it, figure out it’s fine and has nothing to do with who you are in the first place”.

The rest of the day I felt extremely calm (still do), relaxed, social interactions fine but not necessary. A bit like sitting in a seat and watching the world go by and feeling good since nothing that happens really has a lot of bearing on me and who I am. A strong feeling of “I’m totally fine, and sufficient”. I don’t particularly suffer from inferiority complexes, but this particular mixture of calm and quiet confidence in myself no matter what was very noticeable to me.

And zero reconciliation so far. I’ve never had a big problem with recon, but this time it’s nothing at all as far as I can tell.

EDIT: There was also a bit of not taking anything too seriously, now that I think about it.


Thats incredible @Yazooneh so it appears the effects have been enhanced.

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Possible effects of Wanted-E


This is wanted black


How exactly would that work? xD

“Come to me women!..but also…leave me alone!”

is anyone taking a day off between loops?

it felt so light yesterday that i’m tempted to listen today as well :sweat_smile:


I took yesterday off and listened this morning with wanted/khan and libertine……yesterday was incredibly smooth in terms of internal results(extreme sense of internal strength I applied towards my creative projects)……however I spent most of yesterday relaxing and reading and working so not much in terms of external results….although I had multiple people invite me out last night out of the blue…today I will be around people all day though so I’m looking forward to seeing what happens.


this is me today.
other than me heading to the gym in a bit, I have nothing planned, nor do I feel compelled to do anything.

just feel like this tbh haha:


I did my experimental pattern and I feel the same way in terms of lightness, in fact I actually forgot I even ran subs yesterday haha although I will continue to take my test days


Lol it’s like with a high flow factor you can tank ZP like a champ after a while. Even with a main stack and experimental loops I try and spread things out. ZP is always mood lifting for me so I like to spread my listening days out to help maintain a positive but grounded demeanor throughout the week.


I sent a very juicy pm to @SaintSovereign about how I feel about these experimental versions, if he replied and confirmed my “theory”, then boy oh boy am I excited for what this new upgrade is gonna manifest :heart_eyes:

That’s the thing man, with my 2 cores customs, I was already doing a 5 days on pattern 90% of the time, with 2 customs every day, so going from that to suddenly just 1 loop of an extremely light version of just one of the cores I was using is similar to me going from eating a large stuffed crust pizza 5 times a week to just having a tiny slider once a day :rofl:

But on a side note, results ain’t stopping, and for some reason, I have not had the chance to put my phone down today for more than 10 mins at a time, cause people can’t stop texting and calling.

Previous WANTED ZP (in custom and standalone) texts from chicks were common, but with this one, people aren’t just texting, but calling too, and it’s people in general, not just chicks.

If previous WANTED made me feel desired, this one is making me feel like I am someone people just crave a lot :stuck_out_tongue: feels better if I’m honest :wink:


I agree, this version is so immensely powerful that yesterday I felt a girl I never talked to or met at the breakfast hall have an inner war with herself on coming to approach me, I felt like I had a fishing pole and k was pulling her towards me I could see her body go between “I HAVE to talk to this guy” and “omg you can’t just do that”


Listen man you are an advanced user.

That’s what I’m trying to say as well, that this version of WANTED actually feels like it lives up to the name the most, because now, people are even more compelled to take action to come to you and approach you.

Maybe that’s why this one lady got flustered today :thinking:
Either way, one of the things I also noticed is that there’s a bit less shallowness and childishness here, like this one feels like it’s coming from within, so instead of my outer behavior and looks being the ones that are “attractive”, it’s every single atom of my existence that feels that way.


Go for it.


Seeing you being so chill about it makes me wonder about something :eyes:

Can you check your PM?

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Been my experience exactly with the refreshed version. Gonna have to see if I’m gonna include the experimental version in my next stack.