Main Disc. Thread - Wanted ZP v2

This new experimental version has noticeable less recon it seems, but I wonder if part of it is because of the new delivery system, just like a trojan horse that does not alert the guards of the fort as easily. So, after a while of exposure to the new version, our mind will catch up a bit when it gets used to it, and put up some more resistance to the scripting again, or you could say exposing the soldiers inside the horse sooner.

This is just something that I thought of the other day, and I’m not saying that the results will go back to before, not at all, rather they will be way better on this version. But it might explain the lack of recon and instant integration that are frequently reported on these new versions of ZP. The mind is a tricky subject and I’m very excited to see how this develops :slight_smile:


Basically, we made Zero Point even more Zero Point. We edited the primer to make sure that every single part of the script is capable of being interpreted the way that best benefits you, while still sticking to the script’s overall theme.


So is this…

Absolute Zero Point?



hahahahaha :wink:


Sorry if I am asking this question again and again, but do I get exposed to the full script with 30 secs?

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If you’ve listened to Wanted ZP (either the experimental or major title) for at least 3-5 minutes in the past, you can do a microloop. But it’s unlikely you’re getting the entire script in a microloop.


Thank god😍
I don’t wanna go through that recon again. 30 sec is best for me

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What if not? What if it just fires constantly without problems? (considering you dont overexpose etc) :slight_smile:


The truth be known ahahhahahaha

That is a posibility that I’m more than happy to accept if so :star_struck: That would probably mean mission accomplished and the product is done, but just as everything else in life, that when you open the door and think you have arrived, life laughs at you and presents another door…

giphy (1)


Found myself researching how to improve the voice and increase volume when I speak.

Also been getting back into workouts again

Wanted seems to be a good internal guide for where to go for self improvement


I ended up running Wanted exp. & LBfH exp. as a 30s microloop each this morning. Social interactions during the day were nice and relaxed, including some chats with people I’d never met before. I’m somewhat tempted to go out but it’s been a long day, long week, really, so I’ll leave that for the weekend.

My appetite has changed since running this stack (combined with Spartan+Legacy). In the mornings I’m quite hungry, and specifically for anything with protein. Normally I can easily go with a just coffee till lunch, just not very hungry, or just insert a fasting day and wait for dinner. That’s not on at the moment.


@SaintSovereign my good friend please can you release PS and GLM today.

Thanks in advance.

We gotta do a money sub, then we’re going to watch and decide if this will become Zero Point v2. I had no idea how this was going to go. It was actually supposed to be a test for the new lifechargers, rofl. Now that it’s performing so well, it’s throwing off our announcement a bit. Emperor Black et. al. is still coming. We just want to get the information to improve the product.


Was thinking this earlier since R.I.CH always get me to spend money when I don’t want to but on immediate stuff leave me broke alot so am looking forward to this one especially.

Oh also just realise like a minute ago a particular female being more friendly than usual, we talk but she seems to be trying to get closer.


Yeah, I don’t like it. Especially when your budget is low

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Will Customs be upgraded to ZP v2 ?

You can already order experimentals. There’s a new option on the “Build” page where you can select experimental build at no additional cost (as it’s the primer and the actual build file that’s changed, not the modules).

I just haven’t advertised it much, just in case something changes between now and the actual release, but I doubt that it will. Everything is performing so well that I’m probably not going to keep tinkering.


Why not?
If care to share please

He’s covered it already. The “Experimental” part is just a different primer basically.