Luther's 2023 journal

I only do the full 15 minutes these days, lol.

I do 1 loop of Khan Stage 4 every 2-3 days


Thank you, your understandings about the law is really superior :fire:. Bookmarked all ur three posts… ,just its time to enact on it

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I don’t post a lot on this forum, primarily because I don’t have a lot to share. That’s not a knock on the subs, those are working amazing, but I tend to journal offline.

That being said, your journal is one of the few things I do follow on this site, along with a small selection of a few other open program reviews under the news and updates sections. I find your posts enlightening because of the balanced approach you take to answer things, even when it’s clear you’re dumbing down your answers for the public forum. It’s also amazing to track your progress from where you started, and it shows that you have identified the best way to get the most out of these subs.

I just wanted to give you a shout. I think you provide a tremendous amount of value, even if its sometimes lost on other consumers of your post. Cheers!


hey bro,

can you share your thoughts on what you have noticed with each different version of ZP?

i have actually been mostly using the versions from summer 2022 and have been reluctant to go to ZP version 2.

what are your thoughts on this subject?

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So from your words, my deduction is that the best way how you destroy your limiting beliefs about your PS1 engine is to listen either to Limit destroyer or Rebirth, or what do you suggest?

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My thoughts are that there is zero point in using the older version of Zero Point.

My experience is exactly that:


See that little part I bolded there? Pretty neat, ain’t it.

Which part in all of this is unclear that ZPv2 is not an upgrade?

We don’t even know the script.

Listen to the experts, you know the people who actually make the subliminals.

The people who use their own technology and are literally programmed to release better and better shit.

aka SaintSovereign and Fire.

All Q/Qv2 vs ZP debates and discussions should be officially over after this.

You see, @TheQuestion we don’t have access to massive amounts of data, nor do we know anything about the subliminal technology that Saint and Fire have created.

They probably know 100x more about their own products than any client that uses them and that’s being generous.

Now enter some random client who makes the claim that Q/Qv2 is better than the latest technology. This person logically bases their opinion on their personal experience - that’s literally all they have.

Now ask yourself this:

What is more likely?

  1. That the client, who knows very little about the subconscious mind, has zero knowledge of the subliminal script, lacks complete access to massive amounts of internal data on both technologies, doesn’t know 10% of what the developers (Saint & Fire) know, is in the extreme minority and has access to various deep discussions and plausible explanations from other clients (many of which are reputable) on why their opinion can potentially be wrong…

has a flaw in what their understanding is based on.


  1. That the people who have masterminded AND USED every. single. version. of their technology while knowing the in and out of them down to the molecule … have somehow taken a step back. These same people who have an eagle eye vision over everything.

What is more likely?

Exactly, lol. There is nothing to talk about… there are just quacks with big heads who haven’t thought shit through as much they think they have and that’s on them.

I’m not going to entertain any discussions about technology from previous years.

Use the latest shit and get the best results.

Subliminal Club is moving forward, we are moving forward, everyone is moving forward.

ZPv3 will eventually be here.

Please catch up, otherwise you might get left in the dust. Don’t let some minor fear or FOMO hold you back from using the latest and the greatest. If you’re getting recon, you’re getting results.

Don’t be the guy who spends more time worrying about what is most optimal, than he spends taking action and focusing on his goals like a badass.

That guy… before he knows it, has gotten lapped.

Don’t be the guy who cradles his iPhone 10 like a baby when the iPhone 13 just released. The iPhone 13 is better… it’s an upgrade. Nothing to talk about.



Self-Worth and Money thoughts.

Say your yearly salary is $50,000 and you want to make 6 figures.

Your internal framework has to be aligned with 6 figures.

One of the most important things is:

  1. You have to subconsciously believe that you are worthy/deserve 6 figures (self-worth).

If you don’t meet this requirement in your internal framework, it’s impossible to be aligned… in the same way 2 + 2 ≠ 5. This is extremely mechanical.

If you feel unworthy of it on a subconscious level, your subconscious mind will never give it to you. It’s the most adamant and fundamental type of blockage.


It doesn’t matter what occurs, what happens, what you do, or what you use.

Since you are creating your reality, you cannot give yourself something that you feel you are unworthy of. That would be completely asinine and nonsensical.

If you subconsciously feel unworthy of it, you are essentially walking around 24/7 yelling to the universe “I don’t deserve this”.

Universe: Noted. I won’t give it to you then.

The universe is confirming your belief.

The universe is merely a reflection of your internal reality.

Look how mechanical and processual this is. This isn’t woo-woo, this is essentially like math when you understand it.


If you subconsciously believe that life is hard, making money is a struggle and that you need to sacrifice your well-being, sleep and physical health in order to make money…

Universe: Say less, brotha. Here you go.



“I can’t get these hot women because I’m not 6 feet tall, have enough status and I’m not rich”.

Universe: Say word? No worries, I got you.

This is the only Red Pill there is.

It’s that the universe is merely a reflection of your internal reality.

Perception of reality = Experience of reality

Perception of reality ≠ the objective truth and nature of reality. (what 99.8% of people think)

Once you understand this, you are free. This is the only Red Pill.

There is a difference between a belief and an awareness.

They are not the same thing.


alright, now I go back to cleaning my house lmaoo

first quarter of the year is almost over (march 31)

I will need to do a big assessment on myself and make adjustments, theres a lot I can do better


What is the objective truth and nature of reality

And I cant understand this truly

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What I mean by this:

Is that 99.8% of people confuse their experience of reality with the objective truth and nature of reality.


Person A is in his 50’s. Throughout his entire childhood, teenage years and adult years, life has always been incredibly difficult for him. He’s always had to fight tooth and nail to make minimum wage.

He believes that life is hard. To him it’s a fact, it’s just how it is. “That’s just reality”.

He believes that the objective and true nature of reality = difficult, tough, struggle.

What Person A doesn’t know, is that… it’s just his perception of reality. It’s just a perception. Just a belief.

The difference between a belief and awareness is this:

You have 2 people.

  1. Person A
  2. Person B

Person A’s internal framework = life is hard, making money is a struggle, I am unworthy and useless, nothing works out for me, I’m doomed, more money more problems, etc

Person A’s experience = broke as fuck and miserably struggling

Person B’s internal framework = life is easy, abundance is everywhere, I’m worthy of wealth, everything is working out for me, things just keep getting better, etc

Person B’s experience = rich as fuck and somewhere on a yacht.

Person A and Person B have internal frameworks (subconscious beliefs/thoughts/feelings/emotions etc).

The reality that they experience is a reflection of their internal frameworks. It is a reflection of their subconscious beliefs.

Beliefs are subjective. Different beliefs, different realities.

Awareness is the top-down “umbrella” understanding of everything I just explained.

An Awareness is understanding of the true nature and objective truth.

Awareness is objective and always true.

When I say “the universe is merely a reflection of your internal reality”.

That’s not a subjective belief, that’s an objective awareness.

Completely different level and realm of scope.


Another example is the concept of infinite realities.

Whether or not you believe in the concept of infinite realities… doesn’t change the fact that there are infinite realities.

It’s something that just is… like a fact. Doesn’t matter what you believe or how you feel about it, it just is.

So it’s not really something you “believe” in, it’s something you become aware of.

When we talk about “higher awareness” or “leveling up your awareness”.

We are talking about letting go of your false beliefs in order to become aware of what is.

In a nutshell, that’s what spiritual evolution is about.


You actually don’t need to listen to any subliminals. Although you can definitely consciously guide them and I’m sure it would help immensely.

When you read this post, it creates an understanding in your mind which creates a feeling.

That feeling right there, is the key to everything.

It’s a feeling of empowerment.

A feeling that you are very, very powerful in your ability to create and influence your reality. A feeling that you are incredibly powerful, if not infinitely powerful in your ability to experience what you desire.

What you have to do, is generate those types of feelings and your internal framework will start upgrading.

Beliefs create feelings.

Beliefs (input) = Feelings (output)

When you generate a feeling consistently, you’re essentially creating a new output in your internal framework. Your subconscious mind then cross checks that output with your Beliefs (input) and if there is a disagreement, you kickstart a process called… you guessed it. Reconciliation.

Literally the same type of reconciliation you experience when using a subliminal.

You see, the ability to change one’s internal framework is built into every human.

They just don’t know how to use it because nobody taught them.

Spend 10-15 minutes a day just pretending and feeling like reality is in the palm of your hand and that you’re extremely powerful. The feeling is the key.

You’re going to stimulate a change in your beliefs to become congruent with the feeling. This reconfiguration in your internal framework will cause reconciliation.

You just have to move through the reconciliation and be consistent in your feeling. Eventually your entire internal framework will upgrade in order to become congruent with that feeling.

Since your developing congruence, you will be led to new epiphanies, understandings, mentors, sources of knowledge, etc that your subconscious mind will lead you to. Whatever is best for you. Your perceptions will be challenged and you will have to get out of your comfort zone. You will have to let go of the safety of false beliefs and a traumatized society. You will let go of any type of “victim” mindset completely and let go of a lot of fear-based beliefs. You’re also going to have to outgrow and become incompatible with garbage that programs you to be a PS1. It’s all part of upgrading.

When your internal framework (including your subconscious beliefs) have been aligned with your feeling, then you are considered a PS5.

Anyone can be a PS5, it’s just a matter of how willing are you and most of all… how ready you are.

When you have a PS5 internal framework, you will have a very high flow factor because you’re tapped into your own power.

Everything is created through you and therefore is through your own power.

So when you upgrade your internal framework, your experience will confirm your beliefs that indeed you are very powerful. This will manifest in your subliminal usage, your results, your manifestations, etc. This means high flow factor and less limitation in what you can manifest or experience.

Let me bring back the math, lol.


Since you are creating your reality, you cannot manifest yourself something that you feel is impossible to manifest. That would be completely asinine and nonsensical.

This is important once you realize that believing something is possible for you to manifest and believing that you are powerful enough to manifest it… go hand in hand.

Anyways, that’s about it for a while now. I’m going back to regular journalling lmao.




If anyone has trouble quitting porn or masturbation, then this message is for you.

If you understand this, you will be able to effortlessly quit.

You have 2 options:

  1. Have incredible sex with really sexy and attractive women.

  2. Wank off to pixels while you’re alone.

If I ask you to choose one of these 2 options, you’d go:

“Luther are you fucking crazy? Of course I’m picking #1… what kind of question is that?”


When you are running sexual/romantic subliminals (WANTED, Libertine, Primal, Primal Seduction, Khan, etc)… these subliminals are designed to get you #1.

When you engage in #2, it slows down your progression towards #1.

It can quite possibly even inhibit it altogether.

Essentially, anytime you have the urge to watch porn or waste your sexual energy while running these subliminals… that urge represents me asking you to choose one of those 2 options.

“Luther are you fucking crazy? Of course I’m picking #1… what kind of question is that?”

How I came up with this:

The other day, my partner called me after work to come home and do certain things to her (lol). The sheer determination, energy, motivation, willpower, purpose and speed that I left that building with… was unlike anything. If I had to drag my ass through the pits of hell on my way home, it didn’t matter.

Then it hit me like a light bulb, that perhaps this type of motivation can be used for something else. Lol.


This here is absolute GOLD!

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