Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of Spirit ZP

Its hard to tell whether the intensity level is due to RoS or the solar storm we’re in right now but I’ve definitely been noticing what might be considered recon, but also positives on the spiritual side of things as a result. I ended up writing to this $company telling them that if I did not receive a call by 9.30am sharp I was going to their competitor, after they turned out not to have a permanent office for doing important governmenty shiznit. It worked, but God I hate being that guy.

I’ve also had very few downloads on my software and decreasing funds and noone donating to the cause and difficulty making publicity all combining together into one big stress ball. Oddly enough that seems to help the intensity of the meditation and the last two nights have been quite intense, specifically feeling the presence of that benevolent intelligence quite strongly, and wanting nothing more than to be in its presence. The two situations, dealing with government and life finances on the one hand and then having this deep turning away at the same time is pretty jarring. I’m juggling an upcoming exam, government assistance, trying to start a business, and the spiritual at the same time. But I also know its the right time to be deepening my connection with G-d anyway, so its not like I’m going to back off from running it. But definitely a little more cautious with this one than other ZPs.


Yesterday :)) something happened which tensed our entire friend group(nothing illegal lol just party stuffs). One of my friend even had a panic attack(he is genrally the one who takes too much stress) well in normal situation, i would have anxieties too lo. But yk i just understood the whole situation, keeping my emotions aside, i could see the whole picture which people only get to see after some days prior to these type of unfortunate events lol.

Yes everything is ok now, i was not only able to cool down but also aved my friend from feeling the guilt he was gonna pile it up for 2-3 days(again nothing illegal was it, just some arguments/party stuffs) with proper reasons.

And newly i started drinking, not regular but occasionally. I didnt want to drink yesterday even though my frnds requested,i straight up denied. They drank infront of me but i didnt. RoS is the reason

Edit: i am oddly addicted to the sub :))


I like how the only category of this sub is “Major Programs” because it doesn’t fit in any. Not even spiritual :wink:


If any I would classify it as a healing title.


Since action is important, what kinds of action would be beneficial for this sub and help it take effect?. Spirit can’t be defined, but can actions for Revelation of Spirit?


No action needed for this set of subs.


Ouhh RoS hit me hard. Last night it felt as if my soul was crying. I guess because my current life is so incongruent with who I really am and what I genuinely desire… But afterward, it also felt kinda good. Like a sober awareness of what causes that incongruence, and what to do about it and that it’ll work out in the end.

7/5 would do deep spiritual catharsis again.


An update to this. My father felt much better in the morning. He took some blood tests today as recommended by the doctor and when the results came out, there was no issue at all. He will do some further tests next week as a precaution but I attribute his healing to RoS.


It seems to me that @Simon was right saying that RoS put you back into the hands of God… I’m happy for you both, mate. :slight_smile:


Be careful what you talk about and think of on this sub. I’ve noticed that this has been resulting in instant manifestation for me. It’s all been positive in that sense, but its prompted me to be more mindful.


Mee too. Yesterday i manifested something which i didnt think was possible in months :slightly_smiling_face: . That forced me to think that i should be mindful of negative thoughts on this sub


Did you use Ros+RoM combo, feels it would amplify the manifestation, what did u manifest if u dont mind saying?


I’ll keep the specifics private for now, but its answers to questions being pondered, and items that turned up all of a sudden after the mere mention of them.

Just been on RoS, not with RoM, but there is an update to that so I might pair it.

For one listen I added a short loop of Alchemist Core St1.


Bit hesitant abt this. Its not related to career tho.

This is something which i expected to happen after 9-10months / a year atleast, but it manifested yesterday lool


5 mins of RoM was included in yesterday’s loop


Felt some annyoance waking up. Have not felt that in months . But just 6r it a few times and i was back to peace .

I feel like im starting to understand manifestation and the void module more and more . Super cool

Kinda want to make a new custom . No I should wait until ROB.:joy:


whats the void module i see this keeps being mentioned


I think it is Void of Creation. Here is the official description from the store:

What is the void, if not the limitless potential of the single point and of the infinite? Void of Creation is a module that aims to unlock your understanding of your inherent abilities and the underlying fabric of reality for the purpose of massively improving and cultivating your ability to manifest. Void of Creation is an excellent result-enhancing module to add to your custom, however please be advised that it is considered a more advanced module – we recommend having some previous experience with our customs.


Yup that’s the one. VoC for short. Ooh, and speaking of the devil… I’m curious about how VoC synergizes with RoS…

@invictus what’s your experience with VoC together with RoS (and possibly n combination with Ascension Chamber)?

@SwagKing you also had some cool increase in ESP with VoC and Power Awareness iirc.
Have you had a chance to throw RoS into the mix as well?

@Malkuth also cause of the whole VoC-AsC synergy thread-thinge you started :smiley:


Expressed very simply, Void of Creation cultivates your feeling for how mind creates (and mediates) reality.

You feel it.

And RoS develops, expands, and deepens your capacity for Reality.

So, with Void of Creation and Revelation of Spirit, there’s more Reality for you to feel.