Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of Spirit ZP

Yeah with everything I am currently unravelling about reality, RoS RM seems like the next step.

Man, I was going to keep running the current stack for a while, but here we are again at the perfect lign up just “randomly” occurring in my mind :wink:


I always prioritize the consistency of my goals (or I would rather say my path) over the consistency of my stack and choose the most optimal tools that are at my disposal. It’s not a crime to do the same. :blush:


Agreed. Especially further down the subliminal path this gets way clearer.

I am having this theory:
WHen you start out (especially with ZP), your subconscious is yet still all over the place (indoctrination, society, etc) so you are pulled in all directions (jumping subs).

Over time, you remove a lot of bs and get closer to your true self (I think all ZP subs do this, regardless of title) and you get a better connection with the subconscious and the soul, THEN the urge to switch subs is more a guidance from the subconscious.

This is basically what @Invictus has been doing with 342342 customs he bought. He notices each module right away and can thus discern if it aligns and/or is necessary right now.
Us mortals can do this with the major titles after a big of exposure to ZP (I am talking years here)

It’s the same with self improvement in general imo.
In the beginning, you go in all directions, money, sex, confidence, gym, whatever. Over time, you realize how none of these things will make you happy, so you focus on other things and/or see clearer where you need and want to go.

In the beginning, the gym helped me build a strong mind, adversity, and consistency. Now I don’t need it anymore and realize the gym itself is pride and vain which HINDER further growth.
But someone who never was working out will not understand it.

So with subs, once you have exposure under your belt, you can much easier and more frequently switch the titles according to where the next plateu is, or where more groundwork is necessary to ascend other titles.

Or so my 2 cents.


Indeed, ZP helps you introspect and define who “you are” and who you need to become in order to achieve what you desire and being familiar with different programs helps you choose the right tools to do so, naturally, also taking into account your current “state of being”, circumstances and opportunities matters a lot. @Invictus’ great secret has been revealed. :blush: No wonder he’s progressing at the light speed. :slight_smile:

RoS is yet another great tool to improve the Mental Alchemist’s skill set: introspection, self-identification, recognizing and acknowledging our reality and how it’s build and interconnected, finding the way we manifest, and the drive to self-actualization. Great, great tool it must be indeed.


Right up my alley!! I will stack RoS with my Heartsong, LBfH, Diamond and SM custom next cycle… Who knows what wonders awaits!!


This persona feels like a copy pasted same person at any point in last 2k years and he would say the same thing ,like GTA irl experience

Amen :rofl:

Played 2 loops of if so far. The first one was the whole 15 mins and the second I tried 3 mins.

  • The whole loop is exhilarating and you feel immediate peace but it felt overwhelming for some reason the next day.

  • After the 3 mins loop, I felt much better over the course of the following 2 days.

  • My father felt a bit unwell today and I did a guided meditation for him to send him healing energy. I have done this meditation before for my mother when she was unwell and it worked very well. The difference this time was that I felt more confident and relaxed when doing this meditation (thanks to RoS) rather than being a nervous wreck before.

  • Talking about meditation, am also getting into Joe Dispenza meditations easier. Have an on-off relationship with JD’s audios but RoS (and even RoM) makes it easier to meditate. RoS makes it easier to meditate from your spirit. And RoM from your mind.

  • Am being more thoughtful of others the past few days. Feel less selfish and more concerned about others feelings. Even though the truth doesn’t care about feelings, I find myself reverting myself to when I was a child and more compassionate. But with less desire to gain anything from being caring but for the sole purpose that the other person am interacting with has its own unique nature and is a part of me too. It’s like not wanting to hurt myself in a way.

  • More interested in listening to spiritual YouTube videos like Near Death Experiences and Joe Dispenza.

  • Less perturbed by my physical limitations. More ready to get around them in whatever way I can. Things don’t feel as difficult.

  • More trust in the universe regardless of what happens.

  • More sure that manifestations are inevitable even before they happen.

  • Easy to forgive whether it be from.the far past or things happening now.

  • More in tune with my true Self. My Spirit.

Was planning to run RoS and Paragon with RoM but kept delaying running RoM for some reason. A part of me was nudging to run RoS + Paragon + UA. @evergreen and Saint’s commentary on stacking RoS with UA/RM solidified my resolve.


Has anyone experienced a strong draw towards philosophy after running RoS? Or even RoM? I will buy RoS in a couple of months but from what I am reading here, and from what I read on the sales page, it does seem it will get me back to the state I managed to attained after 2 years of meditation + shrooms + @cid + edibles. That was before I discovered SC. My argumentation and intuition was at next level. The only drawback was that I was an anxious mess, so “forgiving and compassionate” that I was a complete pushover. I also lost all confidence in driving or making sense of structural information, you can say I was way more fluid.

Since then I’ve used SC and got my self esteem, self confidence and a lot of other aspects back but lost the intuitive creativity as a tradeoff. i don’t really mind that though as I need to be more functional now that I am a father, but seems like RoS will help me get the good part of my past back without the side effects. Btw, SC helped me fix my lactose intolerance and now I enjoy having whole milk smoothies. I once read in one of Carl Jung’s books that a lot of physical issues are a result of psychological issues, metaphorically being unable to digest the information around you (anxiety, which I used to have) will result in digestive issues. I was able to fix that with Ascension.


Yes, you will most likely experience this. But, there’s an incredible amount of scripting to avoid toxic spirituality and positivity (as stated in the copy). When stacked with RoM, this issue is further mitigated. It’s a rather smooth ride, designed for natural “unfoldings” (for me, it’s generally flashes of insight that come out of “nowhere”) rather than being dragged toward any conclusion.

Honestly, this is probably the calmest, happiest, most productive and most focused I’ve ever been in a long time.


Would you say RoS will drive someone away from a financial wealth mindset? Before I became a dad, I reached a point of eternal bliss and flow. Not financially focused at all, yet debt free and owned a home, basically absolutely grounded but had enough to sustain myself. Ive changed after becoming a parent though, it feels like I need to earn more and achieve more to be able to provide for my family. I would love to pair RoS with RoM and Stark but just a bit hesitant thinking it will get me back to the 'I don’t need to chase money" mindset.

Maybe il get back to that mindset once my daughter stands up on her own feet lol, but not right now.


@SaintSovereign What are your thoughts on stacking Emperor with RoM and RoS? As it contains seduction scripting within it right?

Many thanks

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The way I text women is so fluid and loving now . It’s like the entire goal of texting to unveil if I think shes cool or not .

Have not ran a dating thing yet. It really helps me communicate through my soul. Which is something I found quite hard before to put into words.

Ran ROM and ROS today.

Got a date and also going out with a friend This weekend. Gonna try my new favorite dating combo before that double custom and Libertine.

Also my mind was quiet and peaceful before but now it’s just getting ridicolous. It’s like super charging my inner peace.

But more than that it’s helping me communicate How incredible I feel with the world and everyone around me.


This is too good, Prollt wont change stack at all until ROB comes Then I make a custom with rom and rob and stack it with ros.

Spirit Poweeeer


Yep. But not with RoS for me atkeast. But yes i see, that RoS can do that too

Spiritual minimalism

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I went that way with Emperor Black. Started becoming more interested in philosophy and Jung. Specifically shadow work. I’m still that way.


Share this experience as well

This is so incredibly important , approaching goals from a higher paradigm instead of ego chasing after it


@SaintSovereign Do any of RoS,RoM or DR healings work on karmic level,clearing past life imprints?


Has anyone tried RoS + RICH? That seems to be a good idea to try too.