Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of Mind (Custom Module Available!) (2.27.23 Hotfix Available!)

Yeah lets not make this a discussion about food :grin::grin:

To each their diet :ok_hand:


Anecdote for the day:

Never been too amazing at math but wasnt crap either, Iā€™d say I was above average/decent at it. But after school I never took an interest in it nor cared about math either.

After listening to RoM I decided to study up on 6th Degree Polynomials for the heck of it and grasped the concept with the greatest of ease.

Just for fun :sunglasses:


Math and fun do not exist in the same headspace for me lol. This is pretty impressive.


My wife who loves math made a very good point when we were discussingthis earlier.

Does the average person hate math because for some reason our society decided that math is hard and difficult and accidentally brainwashed ourselves to think itā€™s difficult from a very young age.

(Parents hate math warp that hate into their children and then itā€™s confirmed by their friends who also had society tells that math is hard and difficult)

Because of all this nonsense programming, we as a society made it hard simply because we said it was.

Probably why sometimes unintentional effects of some subliminals make people feel smarter is because they already were intelligent, but threw up a big stonewall with siege works and secondary wall, that they are not intellige and once they reframe their viewpoint, itā€™s like taking a cannon to the walls of Constantinople (modern day Istanbul) for that block on their mind.

I think the biggest thing I have gained from RoM is the intention to reframe things to a view that serve me rather than hinder me.

Another RoM result thought.


A musician wakes up from a terrible nightmare. In his dream he finds himself in a society where
music education has been made mandatory. ā€œWe are helping our students become more competitive in an increasingly sound-filled world.ā€ Educators, school systems, and the state are put in charge of this vital project. Studies are commissioned, committees are formed, and decisions are made-all without the advice or participation of a single working musician or composer.

Since musicians are known to set down their ideas in the form of sheet music, these curious black
dots and lines must constitute the ā€œlanguage of music.ā€ It is imperative that students become fluent
in this language if they are to attain any degree of musical competence; indeed, it would be ludicrous to
expect a child to sing a song or play an instrument without having a thorough grounding in music notation and theory. Playing and listening to music, let alone composing an original piece, are considered very advanced topics and are generally put off until college, and more often graduate school.

---------- Paul Lockhart, A Mathematicianā€™s Lament


Oh thatā€™s definitely what it is for me. Except math was always about memorizing. Sure I could be intelligent figuring out a problem, but rote memorization is what schools liked to teach. My memory was poor so I didnā€™t do well on tests. I also couldnā€™t do quick mental math like my peers and teachers later on seemed to like to call on me specifically when they knew I wouldnā€™t be able to answer. They seemed to take my anxiety for aloofness.

Also when I was teenager I kind of just wanted to off myself all the time so a lot of school was the least important thing to me. Math was one of those things that chipped away at my already low self worth.


I was just talking to @Fire about this the other day. Re-engaging with math has made so much of my day to day life more illuminating. Numbers are veryā€¦ interesting, especially when you consider that we didnā€™t ā€œdiscoverā€ numbers, we simply uncovered them. They seem to be a universal language. Makes you wonder why itā€™s always portrayed as ā€œboring.ā€


I stopped eating pork simply because pigs donā€™t eat anything but manure and dirt and they donā€™t sweat. So I said Iā€™m not putting that shit in my body.


just finished first cycle of Romļ¼Œpairing with EB and two custom I built early last yearā€¦it is a pretty good experience. I noticed the effects that listed on the sale pageā€¦the most profound one will be being present /deep satisfaction when meditateā€¦ļ¼ˆI think this one is go without saying ļ¼Œoff course ļ¼ŒI am gonna experience thatļ¼Œthat is why I choose it in the first place ļ¼Œstill love it so much ļ¼‰and to my surprise ļ¼Œit improves my singing ability ā€¦when I singļ¼ŒI am able to relax my muscle which is not in need for the singingā€¦and that directly enhanced the quality of my toneā€¦it is much effortless and soothing to the earsā€¦I believe it is the scripts of raikov and submodel alpha in workingā€¦it felt really intuitiveā€¦I didnā€™t think about it just do itā€¦kind of like UAā€¦I am gonna use Rom for 9 more cyclesā€¦I am sure the real goodies will come after the first cycleā€¦


Hi to all again,

More than a month, or roughly 2 months I was away on sc forum as I was so busy. Yesterday I read about this RoM , the entire thread and generous members contributions and I thank you all to especially to those who shared their experiences. Because of you, I bought the RoM today, and ran it for the first time 15mins. I can honestly say I feel good at this moment, as if thereā€™s a comforting energy engulfed me.

I am hoping to get the upcoming RoS too like everyone else anticipate. I started doing deep meditation for enlightenment in 1997. Through the years I have integrated my spiritual experiences already so Im grounded, and I believe I am ready to dive deeper again, however this time I will be using sc subs, no plans for enlightenment but to unlock all my possible potentials for who I am. :love_you_gesture: :grin:


This good feeling as a result of listening to RoM is not like the LBH one that I recognized, but there is energetically something feels good about it. I am certain I am wired, felt like some kind a bit of blissful high, like I had done a good deep meditation session as when reaching a state of nothingness, that only your awareness is present in the spacious void of nothingness.


Pigs are awesome. I used to feed and care for pigs on my cousins farm as a child.

I donā€™t eat much pork personally because I donā€™t like it other than bacon but why speak of an animal that way?

Your attitude about an animal gives off its own icky energy!


Just a religious problem, nothing else

Everyone, stop. Back on topic.


@SaintSovereign Does RoM help with manifesting as well since better subconscious conscious bridge and if i recall reading it has a bit of mindeye scripting? Anyway i like to run it together with Ascension chamber experimental. Thereā€™s something i rather manifest so made me think if utilizing rom helps.

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Devaluating the unattainable is just another coping mechanism. Isnā€™t mind programming mainly about eradicating those nasty coping mechanisms that hinder us when it comes to attaining the unattainable? I suppose RoM tackles that in terms of what our mind is capable of.


I thought this is relevant, my response to nice post by @summit


I can relate , i have had for many years issues there to the extreme, like a nuclear reactor core slowly melting over time sending painful-violent-chaotic energy in every nerve and cell in body .

As of late more physical gut pain issues+brain fog (despite eating a lot of probiotic and prebiotic foods), decade+ of chronic anxiety and several types of ocd, lung issues and some more ā€¦etc all feels like it comes from there.
Tried many things over the years but some relief nothing yet to the roots , i heard over many readings its past life karma manifesting as that.
Will see what ST2 dr, RoS and RoM bring. This year looks promising .


A bit?

Bruh manifestations are insane on rom!!!
Like I havenā€™t experienced something like that before.
Sometimes within minutes.


I ran mind eye right prior so not sure if its from that or RoM or both

Are u running full loop or 5 mins ?