Ecstasy of Life + Way of Nature + Revelation of Mind

That’s really great to hear and the technique you shared reinforces some information I came across awhile back and have recently rediscovered by Dr. Jill Taylor from her book My Stroke of Insight:

"Something happens in the external world and chemicals are flushed through your body which puts it on full alert. For those chemicals to totally flush out of the body it takes less than 90 seconds. This means that for 90 seconds you can watch the process happening, you can feel it happening, and then you can watch it go away…after that, any remaining emotional response is just the person choosing to stay in that emotional loop…if you continue to feel fear, anger, and so on, you need to look at the thoughts that you’re thinking that are re-stimulating the circuitry that is resulting in you having this physiological response over and over again.”

So it seems like using the flip switch technique should prevent or short-circuit the potential downward spiraling thoughts after a rush of negative emotion.

Adding it to the toolbox. And thanks for sharing @NinjaGazin , it’s pretty damn inspiring to read that you’re able to instantly change your state :pray:


Second CWoN and RoM listening day today. Full loops, CWoN first. Listened first thing, felt good. Easy. No sense of it being “too much.”

Read a short interview a medical researcher gave about his study on NDE’s, and watched this inspiring TEDx talk about one person’s experience having an NDE.

Then found my way to this TEDx talk about vulnerability, which I listened to while making breakfast.

And about half-way through cooking, I felt the urge to say thanks to everything… My food. My tools. My place. So I did, and I felt a surge of energy in my chest and head, and had a sense that I was emanating energy into the whole space.

A thought popped up after a few seconds, “This feels good, but the plantains are gonna burn if I just stand here.” So, I got back to taking care of my food on the stove.

I shot a text to a family member to thank them and tell them I love them while I ate, and that’s when the water works started to flow. Not like the “breaking of the dam” situation that happened while I ran LBfH, but more of a gentler release. Like a stream that got cleared of some debris.

At first I thought, “Why the hell am I crying?” Then I let that thought go, and said thanks to my body for releasing what needed to be let go.

I’m much more communicative running the RoM-CWoN combo than RoM-EB, which makes sense but wasn’t expected. And where I mentioned feeling vulnerable while running RoM-EB, that same deepened sense of vulnerability is accompanied now by a greater sense of acceptance of it…maybe that’s RoM’s doing as this is the second cycle, I think it’s the addition of CWoN. I can’t be sure, but I’m going to lean into it and see where it takes me.


Took my kettlebell for another walk yesterday to a grassy spot I haven’t visited in months. Noticed that they’d cut down one of the fully grown trees there…this one had a deep bend in the lower trunk and grew basically parallel to the Earth, with almost all of its branches forming on the top side, reaching up to the sun. It was impressive how it held itself up against the incessant tug of gravity with nothing but the strength of its roots and the bend in its trunk.

There was a stump right next to that tree, as if there were two trunks forming a V-shape at one point, I used to sit and meditate on that stump – had an interesting experience with a squirrel once who came close on the bent trunk and sat with me while I sat on the stump – but that was gone too. Only a mixture of fresh dirt and bark remained where the bent tree and stump had been.

I felt a twinge of sadness at the loss, but Life goes on.

So, I took my shoes off and did some Qigong.

On the walk back to my place, I saw a guy and a girl warming up to go for a run doing the usual stuff: lunges, upper body movements, etc. Both looked fit and like they were getting ready to make a big effort. As I got close enough to see the whites of their eyes – doing my best meanwhile to keep great form carrying my kettlebell in the front rack position, and not huffing too hard – I get a look from the guy. It was a look of recognition with a competitive edge to it.

And then the girl turned to look at me, and I got a completely different expression. She seemed almost awestruck. It wasn’t surprise because she saw me coming a long way off, but making direct eye contact with me looked like it short-circuited her brain, lol. But I didn’t stick around to find out.

Then a similar thing happened later at a coffee shop…

A girl walked in and we made brief eye contact as I walked over to wait for my order. I didn’t pay her any attention and read something on my phone. Then she decided to stand about 4 feet directly in front of me, which made me look up – she could’ve stood literally anywhere else as the place was dead.

She turned around and made direct eye contact with me for a good few seconds with a neutral expression on her face but something in her eyes I didn’t really understand in the moment. It was like she was trying to figure out if she recognized me.

So I gave her a small smile, and like she snapped out of a trance, she snapped her upper body right back around to face the coffee bar, lol.

I really don’t know what to make of it, but I’m assuming CWoN is doing something to my aura that made these women get entranced…that’s not normal for me. But maybe I should just expect more of it, so it does become normal for me.


The only time in recent memory that this happened to me was when I was playing CWoN (this past summer).

Pretty cool.

Also, I like how you’re calling it ‘Ecstasy of Life’ in your journal title. I like to try to remember to give respect to the earlier stages of the multi-stagers as independent titles in their own rights. Helps to counteract my hell-bent focus on getting to the fourth stage.


So, it happened again. This time at the burger joint. She kept eye contact and didn’t want to look away as I walked towards her to grab my food – this was after she took my order and I caught her staring at me a couple times and she did that abrupt find-something-else-to-look-at-quick head swivel.

I kicked myself afterwards for not getting her number and defaulting to some arbitrary sense of decorum about hitting on her with her supervisor and coworkers right there, not to mention the other customers – it was probably 100% fear of public humiliation, even though I didn’t feel any anxiety whatsoever while locking eyes with her.

The bottom line: I have to re-mind myself to have fun with it. It’s not life or death, lol. I know what I need to do next time.

I introduced a couple new spiritual practices today, adding to an existing practice. I don’t know what’s normal for others, but at first it seemed like I might be trying to do too much, or combine things that shouldn’t be combined. I didn’t know “the rules” for doing this kind of thing, but I’m following my curiosity and learning to trust my intuition more and more, so here we are.

There was an initial rush of fearful thoughts as I began one practice, but they subsided as I re-Minded myself of my intent. Then things went smoothly and naturally.

As I began the second practice, since my body was already in a relaxed state I was able to go a little further into relaxation during the first part. And as I began the second part, using this tool for the first time and not expecting anything, I had a knowing that I’d receive a significant result.

And I did. And it said to combine seemingly unlike things, lol. Pretty cool…especially because my mind LOVES to do just that.

Got a few more responses from business owners about my idea, but I’m beginning to question the way I’m opening the conversations due to responses I got today. So, I’ll have to test and keep going.

Another thing I kicked myself for today is not walking into a business that might be interested in my idea while I was out getting food. I rationalized it away at first, but I know it was fear again. And I know what I need to do next time.

This combo of subs is helping me have a greater sense of flow and fun again, loosening my (imaginary) kung-fu grip on Life, plus I have a greater capacity to objectively analyze and observe my behaviors, and feel my emotions more clearly.


Got on comment on this, as yesterday was my first time listening to RoM in the afternoon as I posted on the main RoM thread, I felt good inside and outward energetically good too just I felt good that afternoon till nighttime. At bedtime I got to sleep, and I dreamt a water is flowing from faucet and I closed it down but then the hose was still flowing fairly strong CLEAR water.

I thought about this dream this morning, associating it as a result listening to RoM

Not sure how to really interpret it though. but the clear water I think is a good sign…

by google search

Dream of flowing water:

To dream about flowing water foretells a period of stabilization. This dream indicates that you may feel more relaxed than usual and all thanks to a new positive mindset. Think of life like water – no one can stop it from running and the best way to keep up with others is to relax and allow life to lead you where you need to be. In old dream lore, to see a tap running in a dream denotes an important decision coming.


My current stack is CWoN and RoM (with QL st4 , Mind’s Eye ) so good thing that ill be visiting your thread. :blush:


I noticed I tend to categorize my realizations into “major” and “minor” buckets of sorts. What use is there in that? Not much that I can tell.

I made coffee this morning (have had nudges to take a break from caffeine again for the past week, ignoring them is easy), and I added some honey as I normally do…because sugar. Tasted nice. Then, since I was out of cream, I added a bit of milk. Tasted it and thought, “WTF is that??” The milk wasn’t curdling and its best-by date is tomorrow, but this new element of flavor was like…like a hint of the essence of vomit.

So, here’s why I’m sharing this: because I continued to try to drink it.

And the realization that came around the forced fourth sip due to “not wanting to waste” this cup of terrible tasting, hot bean juice was that I have a strong ability to “embrace the suck” (which has gotten me through some tough stuff), yet I do it sometimes when it’s fully within my ability and control to have a much better experience, and therefore, is unnecessary. (A glimpse of my early scarcity programming, for sure.)

A part of my mind tried to blow it off, “Stop overanalyzing, it’s just a cup of crap coffee that you took too long to decide not to drink. Relax, this isn’t a big deal.”

But, it seems like the seemingly mundane may contain the seeds of great change.


Only 3 listening days of CWoN so far and my baseline vibe feels, and is, noticeably different…

A friend came over earlier and in the middle of her telling me about a thing that happened and me patiently listening, she abruptly cut herself off and asked, “How are you?” with a sincere, interested tone and a twinkle in her eye.

I stayed silent for a couple beats while I held eye contact, noticing the details of her expression and the impression I felt, then I simply said I was good and asked what made her ask all of a sudden like that.

She agreed that I did seem “good”, and said it seemed that I was more positive than the last time she saw me. When I asked her what gave her that impression, she couldn’t explain it and said there was just something about the way I was being.



It’s the end of my second week running this stack, and looking back I notice some interesting changes…

  • I’m eating more fruit…way more oranges, and some berries for variety

  • I’m going outside more, even just to stand out there and catch some sunlight in my eyes

  • I have greater impulses to just “take care of things”, sometimes right then and there

  • I’m more detached from the thoughts, feelings, and “truths” of others, and simultaneously, I have greater ability to accept, consider, and learn from them

  • I’m feeling more of the fire to create, with an emphasis on creating for others rather than only for myself

  • I’m meditating more and becoming more aware of my level of energy throughout the day, and practicing to be able to shift states easily

  • and I’ve decided on building TWO vehicles (for now) to create more prosperity in my life, one I’m truly passionate about, and the other I truly enjoy doing

That last bullet has caused a real shift in my energy the last couple of days. There’s a sense of calm courage that’s welling up because I know there will be obstacles, but putting the required effort in regardless of the amount of Attention it’ll take every day makes the outcome irrelevant. I win either way, and when I do this well enough, others win too.

Can Ecstasy of Life help you see a pathway to wealth that makes you the most happy that fast?

Yes, yes it can.

(Getting to a place of peaceful and positive emotion first made understanding what was already within easier for me.)

Now, the real work begins.


My intuitive “pings” are beginning to come through more clearly, or maybe I’m just not obfuscating them as much anymore, either way the end result is that I’m noticing how accurate and timely they are and it feels both awesome to know my connection (and acceptance of that connection) is improving, and a little bit jarring…there were a couple of “oh shit, I actually am psychic” moments yesterday, lol

The thing is: I don’t feel it’s a special thing. It seems normal. Natural. Like anyone could do it.

And I’m looking forward to now consciously and actively developing these senses further. My practice of actively connecting to Nature is connecting me more deeply with a sense of universal Love and greater self-love at the same time, which seems to be opening me up to receiving more energy/information from internal and external sources.

If I said I was completely comfortable with the idea of stretching my senses deep into the unknown (to me), I’d be lying. Somewhat of an apprehension about doing this pops up occasionally, but it feels false…like I’m causing the fear myself based on prior influences – and if I put my tinfoil hat on, I’d say that that programming was put out there intentionally.

The more exciting prospect to me is considering how it could make everything about Life more fun, adventurous, and guide me in making a positive difference in the world while enjoying its abundance. That sounds like a great reason to continue developing these natural abilities.


Several days ago I hit a rough patch (recon), then I decided to cut caffeine out completely…so that combo has been fun. This is my second time cutting caffeine out and it’s way harder to do this time around, but I’m making progress with breaking the feeling of “needing” a hot cup of black gold in the morning.

Started to track my macros strictly over the past couple days. I have a hard race on a mountain side in a few months and the plan is to cut hard for the first month and train harder the following months – Spartan will probably make it’s way back into rotation after another cycle of this stack.

Going into a short washout before repeating this stack for another cycle.

It seems like the good feelings of the first couple weeks of this stack are gone, but that probably means that it’s starting to dig deeper. So everything’s going to plan, all I have to do is help it along and open up to it.

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These caffeine withdrawals are no joke…I broke and had some yesterday and again today so I didn’t feel so low energy while trying to be productive. There are worse vices for sure, I’m not all bent out of shape about it. But I’m fasting this week for at least a day or two, so that should help my body make the switch.

Another thing I’ve become obsessed over recently is learning about and sourcing the healthiest, cleanest foods and incorporating raw meat into the diet a little at a time. I started having raw liver, and it’s not the worst. Eating it from frozen for a little over a week now and I’m not dead or sick so that’s a good sign.

The Way of Nature is getting me in touch with the real animal inside :laughing:

As far as business prospects go, I’m adjusting my approach and implementing a new action plan this week. A post written by a mentor got me thinking and reframed my perspective a bit. We’ll see how it pans out this week.


Today is the start of the second cycle with this stack, and I’m starting it with Ecstasy of Life and Ascension Chamber…only listened to 7 minutes of AsC V2.

Some minor things that were interesting to me the past few days of washing out…

  • I’ve learned about more and more people from various walks of life who’ve eaten raw meat, eggs, and other food for years and are alive and healthy…the fear of raw foods was put into me from as far back as I can remember, so this is eye opening for me
  • made a raw egg and orange smoothie that came out pretty good
  • I’m automatically waking up around sunrise
  • my energy levels and will power are ramping up to take care of more and do more things that are important to me every day
  • today was the first morning where I didn’t have a negotiation in my mind about what I should do first…I just did the routine I’d had in mind to do the day before – the interesting bit was that there was a “meh” kind of feeling about it, like a “this is just what I do in the morning’s now” type of feeling. Totally normal. Noticing the ease with which I executed the different tasks felt good…it was like I got a glimpse of my real power

Got woken up from a dream by the sounds of someone trying to break into my apartment loudly…

My body popped out of bed like it’d bounced off a trampoline and grabbed the first thing my hand touched on the dresser: a metal mechanical pencil…and I stood there ready to ruin someone’s morning for several slow seconds while the rest of my senses came online and stretched out as far as possible.

A few moments later I realized I was right, but also wrong: it wasn’t a human trying to break in and failing.

It was some other animal trying to break in…through a wall, not the door.

It was loud af.

So that’s how my day started.
:pencil2: :japanese_ogre:

An interesting thing happened: I switched over from feeling a “little annoyed” to feeling compassion for whatever was in the wall because I started to get the impression/feeling that it was trapped and desperate for a way out.

Then I noticed it was in a wall that doesn’t connect to others.

Anyway, it’s the first time I’ve ever felt compassion for any animal attempting to infiltrate my domain, lol.

The Way of Nature is really something else.

Also, I became aware today of how much caffeine increases the number of times I mindlessly default into distraction. It seemed like an absurd amount today, and this entry is one of those times, but yea, I’m more aware. :eyes:


“Get the bad ideas out…”

It’s something that I do in martial arts training willingly, repeatedly, and without any hang-ups around what others will think – sometimes I do shit that’s ridiculous for the fun of it and we all have a good laugh.

But the point is: I’m completely aligned with the fact that making mistakes is part of The Way.

I find out what does and doesn’t work best (for me) in order to build a robust model of movements I can deploy without thinking…because I’ve already been there and simulated it in a relatively safe-ish and controlled environment OUTSIDE of my head.

It’s a never-ending process of reconciling what you think you “know” will work, and what actually works through testing, experience, AND learning from others’ testing and experience.

Inevitably, there are a crap load of bad ideas that come up, and by “bad” I mean: ineffective and/or inefficient in producing the intended result. So you let those go, adapt to the data/experience reality served up, and test again. Ad infinitum. Because this is The Way.


And “bad ideas” exist in every realm of human endeavor, lol.

There’s no escaping the inevitable flops, so why try. Embrace the flop (while mitigating the risks as best you can).

Intend to succeed, put your idea to the test, and adapt to the results.

The stakes of NOT putting your idea to the test is only the quality and/or length of your Life, so lighten up. There’s no guarantee you’ll even make it to tomorrow, bake in some fun for yourself. Find some joy during the process. Gamify it. Be grateful for the opportunity to create something new in your life and maybe the world.

How cool would it be if that “crazy” idea you had turns into a cool experience? Or a great one? Or a flop that gives you a laugh and a good story to tell? Maybe it’s one that you didn’t even “know” could open doors to the abundance you seek?

Well you won’t ever know, if you don’t “get the bad ideas out” so the good ones can flow.

This was all a letter to myself, for future me in case he forgets. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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The last few times I went out for a run I implemented some changes to my gait, tempo, and velocity to build up a “lower gear” because I don’t really have one – I usually want my runs to be over as fast as possible. But, I plan on using it to outlast my competition on the mountain side in 3 months, so I have to start building it now because they already have the advantage of being lighter and fitter. Overall endurance is my best bet, but I’m cutting too.

Anyhow, while I was on these runs, I started to lock into a flow where I focused on no wasted mechanical energy and minimal noise to the steady beat of a metronome. It’s not the easiest.

You ever see cyclists peddling fast but only moving a few inches at a time uphill? Now imagine that same leg pumping action but without the bike…that’s basically how I looked, lol.

When I got back from today’s run, I looked up the gait analysis for Cheetahs “randomly” and noticed how little head movement they have, if any, while in a full sprint. None of their movements are wasted. Their existence hinges on their ability to run, so it’s dialed in. And it’s a thing of beauty.

I think my subconscious was reinforcing the impulses to make these mechanical changes to my gait that are slowing me way down right now, but will ultimately get me to a faster top end of my low gear.

Today was a Way of Nature and Revelation of Mind listening day.


When you outright reject information without thinking, ask yourself where your “knowledge” came from…

I find myself asking more people, “Where’d you learn that?” Or a variation of that question.

And generally the buck stops at them learning / hearing it from an authority, whether online or in a book or from a class.

I mean, that’s what my indoctrination education taught me to do as well.

But most don’t look at the authority themselves as regular humans with their own flaws, intentions, and underlying reasons for doing/saying what they do – that’s how a deception is massively accepted.

As a simple example, someone highly recommended an older book on success and making money to me, so I looked up the author and dug in a bit. Turns out, the author had a couple of businesses he ended up having to close down and turned to writing books instead. Those books about business are what brought him his wealth, not his actual businesses. Is that who you’d want to learn how to have success in business from?

(The person who recommended the book stopped talking business with me after I mentioned the reality of the author to him, lol. :man_shrugging: )

You see the same pattern now with course creators getting rich teaching others how to get rich without having actually gotten rich prior to charging money to teach their method – not all do this, there are always legit people of high integrity out there, and I’m not saying all authority/experts are full of it, you just have to discern who’s who.

Nobody likes it when their underlying assumptions are challenged, so Life gave me a taste of my own medicine and put some information in front of me that caused a strong knee-jerk reaction of “WTF is this BS”, which told me that I should pause and consider it.

Now I still think one of the two concepts is crazier than the other, but both have opened me up to the possibilities and made me realize how plugged into the Matrix I still am. The standard indoctrination system seems to have created areas in my Mind that were beyond questioning…it was a little jarring to consider. Still is.

I considered myself to be mostly open-minded about a lot, but the combo of Revelation of Mind and Way of Nature is helping me get glimpses into how much more there is to open my Mind up to…and the key to this process lies in developing discernment.


“Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” …is a crock of shit

It’s a lazy (and maybe purposeful?) distortion of the original statement attributed to Aristotle:

"Those that know, do. Those that understand, teach. – Aristotle, probably

some thoughts on that

The former creates a false dichotomy of talent versus no talent, while the latter presents a continuum of learning and progression.

The common saying today is destructive. The original saying is instructive.

Consider the opposite of the original statement: “Those that don’t know, don’t do. Those that don’t understand, don’t teach.”

That’s interesting, huh? :thinking: (Like, some smart people took that to heart and created purposeful distortions of information that prevent other people from knowing certain things, so they can’t do certain things? Hmmmm.)

Anyway, both versions of the OG statement imply that the ability to do something isn’t absolute. It isn’t about “can-ing” or “can’t-ing”.

The OG points to what’s required in order to do something in the first place, and that’s: to know something.

But, what is it to know?

To know is *to perceive directly; grasp in the mind with clarity or certainty."

That’s easy enough. So, if you can grasp something clearly in your mind, then you can do something with it…right, right, right. Obviously.

But, what’s the pre-requisite to grasping, or perceiving, something?

Can you do something you don’t know anything about?

Let’s do it!


Yea, no.

Seems like you literally can’t do, or take action on, something you don’t know anything about. If you haven’t grasped it in your mind, there’s nothing TO do.

Ok, so what’s the pre-requisite to grasping, or perceiving, something?

Having Awareness of it.

Without Awareness, there are no doings to do because there are no knowings to know. (I wish I could put a Dr. Suess-style rhyme in this flow.)

This entire Game is about Awareness.

It’s Become Aware > Know > Do.

And the bridge, it seems, from knowing to doing is in how clearly your mind grasps it.

Sounds so simple. And maybe it is.

But, what if we’re not “clear” on something? How do we gain MOAR clarity?

This is the cool part, the part that almost seems too easy to be true…

…after we become Aware of something and we grasp it in our mind, the BEST and seemingly only way to increase your clarity, your direct perception of it, is: by doing.


(well, shit…there go all my excuses to “learn more” before I do more)

The doing facilitates direct perception (knowing) which expands Awareness, which then leads to greater clarity, and thus, MOAR BETTER doings.


The End.

I took some action yesterday based off of a new perspective I became aware of via a business mentor, and a new deal entered my flow within hours.

He was able to transmit some of his knowledge and perception to us in a way that my mind understood clearly, and doing something with it immediately seemed easy. So I did.

There were thoughts of doubt as I started to open the conversation to make the deal, but all of them went quiet as I started to interact with reality as opposed to trying to “solve it all in my head” first.

For the first time I think, I got a taste of what the Ecstasy of Life could mean for me.


When I was a kid, I read a LOT and was always looking words up in a dictionary and thesaurus because I was insatiably curious and wanted to understand everything, plus I read a ton of books I probably shouldn’t have and didn’t understand as a wee lad, like Stephen King novels and raunchy joke books, lol.

That rampant curiosity waned over time for a lot of reasons.

Well, I realized today that I’ve been looking up the meanings of words (and common idioms) that I “already know” because I want more clarity. And I usually don’t stop there. I usually find myself looking up the definition of words used to define the original word I looked up, then I look up the word’s etymology too…because I want more context and understanding, especially with the things I think I know.

It finally clicked today that that insatiable curiosity I felt as a child about the world and the power of communication is making a comeback.

Is that Revelation of Mind’s doing? Or is it the Way of Nature? I’m not sure, but I’m enjoying the feeling.