Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of Mind (Custom Module Available!) (2.27.23 Hotfix Available!)

Yeah like Saint said that’s just flow state homie. RoM seems to just make this happen more easily. I believe flow state comes easier when you’re doing something you enjoy, but don’t quote me on that

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I agree but I’m still figuring out what I like so can’t confirm or deny that quote aha

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This video sums up my experience on ROM.


You’re a smart dude mi amigo you will figure it out :wink:


Yo so this sub mixed with stark is so amazing. The intelligence an desire to study for me is groundbreaking, why? So all of my life I have done well academically, and relied on my intelligence, and memory to get me by cause well I rarely studied. Especially when it comes to science like my field Kinesiology, pathology, pharmacology, client assessment etc.

Now even before SubClub when I was a very heavy drinker, sometimes being at school extremely hungover from the night before and just dominate tests and get the highest grade, all while studying for about 40 mins the night before and then get gettin drunk af the same night. Btw I don’t recommend this lifestyle, I have since gotten control over my drinking habits. Not goin to advocate binge drinking here. Just giving insight on myself here.

So how does RoM come into play? For once in my life I am actually studying hard for this test lol. This is the most I have studied in my entire life :joy:. Now during this studying and practice tests there have been times I was stumped on some questions or understanding something, after deep thought on the issues:

  • I was able to breakdown the questions and find out why I was wrong.

  • Pulling information from past lectures

  • Come to correct conclusions on my own

  • Gain confidence in not only my ability for my licensing exam but also my field as a whole.

  • Been thinking of some ideas for a custom, and the name Fate Breaker keeps coming to mind. Gonna think long and hard about that one though.

Now this is also credit to Stark cause of its intellectual boosts but RoM is literally making things so much smoother an easier.

This is easily becoming my favorite sub I have ever ran. 14/10 would run again.


So not sure if I’d ascribe this totally to RoM or not, but its certainly coding inspiration out of left field…

VAERS symptom table has 2.3 million records. A typical dataset (eg for Washington) contains several thousand records. There can be multiple VAERS ids for one report. I needed to return a list of rows from the dataset where the VAERS id was in this reasonably large array. That’s potentially 2.3e6*n/2 comparisons. Initial attempts using list comprehension and an iterator took between 3-5 minutes for 1510 records.

Anyway, I had the crazy inspiration to consider the nature of the data. By splitting the ids up into 100 bins, what was 5 minutes became less than 5 seconds. By merely using sets and binning the code was sped up 60 times!

The algorithm generalizes to any sized dataset, and by using a minimum of 100 bins and up to exp(int(log10(total records))-1) bins, its scalable since what is creating 1000 set objects vs comparing billions of numbers? (EDIT: technically this is just a poor mans version of a tree search which is generalizable to any sortable, but the inspiration to use it came organically and I haven’t considered this algorithm for lists in the past, so this was pure creativity)

So yeah… I’m impressed.

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Even sleep deprivation is used as a treatment for severe depression in clinical settings.

It used to help me many years ago. Not anymore, though.

It is interesting that hangovers could have a similar effect on some people.

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RoM is giving me this unending sense of power.

Not about control and manipulation, but power over my life. I consciously notice a lot of my thoughts manifesting strongly and right away. Or even something that would’ve slipped before I now notice.

And this comes with a SUPERB feeling of control.

(Even though all control is illusion, right? Or is it?)


Then stop torturing yourself by reading this thread :rofl:

Just kiddin


@SaintSovereign any news on ascension chamber experimental v2 update? Want to try it with rom


From RoM first few loops noticed i can see in my mind particles around me and direct them more consciously towards preferred future .
Less procrastination , workout more but need to eat less breads and sweets and fix sleep.
Not sure if i experienced ’ unfolding’ or whatever that means guess not yet.

Would AC experimental +mindeye+rom on same day be too much? Since its good synchrony between them i want them in the same day and do some visualization based meditation after.

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One way to find out :slight_smile:

@SaintSovereign Been interested in this for a few days but thought this would be the perfect place to ask.

Since I’m rebuilding my manifestation custom to include some new modules, how would RoM differ in comparison to Minds Eye as a core for this?

Considering a custom that has both AsC and RoM instead of ME in it.


Anyone running DR + Rom? How do you feel from it

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Would you mind elaborating on what it’s helped you with? I’m contemplating stacking this, but I want to make sure I’m just not sub hopping again.

:point_up: Please click on link to see full post.


I was having 3 days in the jungle. Before the treck i listened to RoM and Chosen the Way of Nature. It was truly an amazing experience. It was a symphony of sounds and colors. I was in the now, in the flow of the jungle. But it allowed me also to detect a danger : as I was in mindfullness at night, I detected an increasing sound of water. It happened that it the river which was growing. To avoid being caught in floods, we decided to leave the place. So RoM could be very well stack with Survival Instinct !


I see people saying they are more present and have less thoughts etc i still got millions thoughts per sec lol, how many cycles till that works?

Will be different for everyone. Maybe start using meditation and focusing on quieting your mind but with the conscious guidance of being more present.