Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

@SaintSovereign Would it be well paired with DR ST1 and Mind eye ? That’s what im currently running. Would it help with shadow work ,understanding what blocks my mind and how to heal/unlock it? I do have a regular spiritual practice and like to meditate and contemplate tho im not interested at all into math/physics unless related to a strategy game … or accumulating more knowledge as i already went through this phase tho integrating existing base of knowledge in different ways to expand on wisdom would be nice.

Also would the deeper conscious-subconscious connection result in stronger conscious manifestation practice?
As for spiritual/energetic practice does it empower it or make you more consistent, disciplined with it?
Wanted to get a bit more understanding of how this sub works, if you dont mind clarifying.Have a blessed day.

@RVconsultant can you share what results and benefits you experiences from it?

Edit: I just sent hearts but no one sends that here, guess that’s weird :joy:
So extreme gratitude towards you saint.

Presult are real, I’ve also discovered them.


No such thing as perfect.

Think ZPv1 to ZPv2. Even then, ZPv2 isn’t perfect. There will still be new versions coming in the future.

The only constant is change. The world isn’t “ready”.

Now there might be something like “Perfect for this moment”.


And we are greatful for you and Fire, much love :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Better self-discipline.

Unconscious material made conscious.

Unstuck at several areas I was stuck at.


What is the difference between the version RV, Invictus and Amor ran; and the production version that was released, @SaintSovereign ?

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I’d have to look at the changelog for exact details, but most changes were additions, not deletions. I added more scripting from Sanguine, as well as new “Sanguine-like” scripting. I took some of the spirituality scripting from RoS and put it in ROM (since the latter was made to synergize with RoM). I turned up the power level a bit in regards to inner peace scripting. It’ll be a much smoother run.


Great! :slight_smile:

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Can confirm. The easiest title to run so far for me.


Could you elaborate a bit on how does it interact with spiritual practices beside meditation?


I’m not too sure that’s what he meant, but that is interesting. Thank you for sharing. Maybe you just resonate well with it.

@SaintSovereign Do you think this is overkill?

Ayy Thank you for the release. How is the game progressing?

That is why I felt sleepy/groggy after a first run of 15 minutes

Neither do I know.

What I meant is the ride is very smooth, as opposed to other titles where I got bursts of anger or sadness (recon), this one is very smooth (easy) to work with and the revelations come in waves.


With a Malkuth co-sign, how can it not be?

Especially with your blessing. :pray:t4:

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@SaintSovereign do you see any possibility of creating more permanent aura titles?
And a title such as containing little to social scripting, but incredibly women enticing and seducing.
I think primal is something like that. But maybe there is a possibility which we are not aware of and you are

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I honestly think in 2023 and forward we will see more artisan titles for all categories… Also i think the RoM + RoS + whatever other crazy awesome scripting they have will help lead Saint and Fire to even better breakthroughs in tech and scripting.


I am sure about that, but I don’t think “artisan” necessarily means “no social scripting”.

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