Saint Sovereign's Journal (HERO Origins + Khan Black ST 4)

I haven’t said anything about it, but I also witnessed presults (so satisfying) before the last module pack was released.

Specifically, the module Dance Mastery.

I was running Spartan and I forget what else at the time and I kept noticing that my impromptu dance movements at work or my full on Footloose - Solo Edition (coming to an apartment near you) sessions at home were actually starting to impress me.

Then, Fire said:


And Alexandria was.

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Wait you made that up, I thought it was an actual term LOL

well anyways it is now


What are people here going to be pairing this RoM with?

Intellectual stacks or you guys trying something spicy?


Imagine running RoM with Quantum Limitless?


Paragon. And a DR1 + EB custom.


That defo sounds spicy

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The famous Stark + Wanted custom

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If I do choose to run RoM then my custom has QL in it so I’ll be able to find out what it’ll be like


Ayyyye it’s coming today. But, it’s going to take awhile to go through 120 posts and answer them. Right now, going to keep focusing on finishing everything. We had some rebalancing that needed to take place, outputting the final production version now.


This is how I feel right now. I want to perfect it more, but it dawned on me – I JUST upgraded Q to allow me to release new versions quickly, so I’m going to take advantage of it.


Saint has returned! RoM Hype becomes Super-Hype!!!


I can feel the hype of all you guys through the internet. It feels like a jitteriness in my chest and eagerness. I’m already getting preresults from the ROM title. Saint, I wonder how you’re feeling about all of this? I wonder how this can release can create a greater possibility for all.


@SaintSovereign You had me at

" * Enhance your ability to perform deep work — working diligently on a particular topic, allowing you to penetrate deeper into the mysteries of your mind (and whatever else you’re focused upon)"




Now that it’s out, I just want to drop a note that I am grateful for you all. I was having a rough weekend, and scrolling through all the posts I missed was an outstanding experience. I hope you all enjoy RoM as much as I did creating it.


Well, we just need to know that everything is okay with you, guys!
We are more than only customers. We are family!
Even though, you never call, bad son! :hugs::hugs::hugs:


@SaintSovereign Would it be well paired with DR ST1 and Mind eye ? That’s what im currently running. Would it help with shadow work ,understanding what blocks my mind and how to heal/unlock it? I do have a regular spiritual practice and like to meditate and contemplate tho im not interested at all into math/physics unless related to a strategy game … or accumulating more knowledge as i already went through this phase tho integrating existing base of knowledge in different ways to expand on wisdom would be nice.

Also would the deeper conscious-subconscious connection result in stronger conscious manifestation practice?
As for spiritual/energetic practice does it empower it or make you more consistent, disciplined with it?
Wanted to get a bit more understanding of how this sub works, if you dont mind clarifying.Have a blessed day.

@RVconsultant can you share what results and benefits you experiences from it?

Edit: I just sent hearts but no one sends that here, guess that’s weird :joy:
So extreme gratitude towards you saint.

Presult are real, I’ve also discovered them.