Main Disc. Thread - The Revelation of Dreams ZP

I should change my username to LDconsultant :joy:


It is difficult because of poor rapport between conscious and subconscious. Because it requires, relaxation of mind, mind muscles, energetic structures, tension patterns etc… . Thought remembering is just a testing method to see how well your conscious mind flows with your subconscious(it is not about forcing, but letting go of control, so your subconscious can just do), and a gateway into how much present you can be of that place where that last thought comes from.

I frequently sleep on my problems and wake up with an answer from my subconscious. When i wake up in the morning my mind is very still, and from within that stillness answers come. Most people cant phantom this.

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My 2nd coolest LD experience was a W.I.L.D. session in 2004. Awake, close eyes, suddenly in lucid dream.

That was amazing.

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Any first impressions from anyone?


The release timed up perfectly with what I was planning anyway, so I listened 7 minuted this morning, paired with RoM. I‘ve also just started to get a bit more serious about lucidity again.

It‘s smooth listening, the day was very productive (mental and creative work, RoM supporting, I think). On the dreams side, state checks just happened without the need to remember them, quite naturally in the flow of the day, and often. That was very noticeable to me. Normally I have to remember the stuff, and it‘s a bit of a pain.

I also entered a state where the day flowed by a bit like a dream a few times (but that‘s not new, I have the impression RoD enhances the feeling of flow but can‘t tell for sure yet).

No nights yet, so for now that‘s really all I can say.


Really grateful for this one, I’ve been looking forward to it.

Gonna take a month off my usual stack and just run RoM, RoS and RoD just to see what comes up.


I haven’t even downloaded the thing yet. But I sure got into reading the copy. Then read a bit on my old lucid dreaming blog/website.

And read a ton of sales pages for my favorite titles.

I can only explain the dream I had in terms of some sort of shift happening which was lucid-themed but not lucid.

I credit RoD, even if only by virtue of being excited for it but in a washout so can’t run it. Which is why I didn’t even download it yet.


Haven’t gone to bed yet, so I’ll know more in the morning.
But it was a nice listening experience. It felt light, and I felt lighter afterwards too. And happier. More relaxed. I meditated at the office a bit later which was amazing, and I felt a reignited desire to meditate more.

I am really looking forward to see what happens tonight.


I did not purchase RoD, however after reading the sales page I went to bed and woke up today semi asleep/awake…I was dreaming. I was in an attic trying to break through walls to get out. I knew ppl were trying to get me, apparently I had a weapon but it was jammed causing me to anxiously struggle to out position my pursuers.

I woke out of the dream still feeling my dream self yelling out for help/assistance in breaking out of where I was then I sat up and realized one of my pillows was on the floor and realized I had been moving around in bed.

It’s interesting because the intensity of the dream was quite high. I also was not physically aroused or sweating as times in the past. The excitement was all in the dream state, less physiological effects in my body.

I also was able to see, feel and recall the last part of the dream. Which I’ve mentioned a few times over my time at SubClub that “I don’t dream” so this was pretty wild in terms of Presults and the unique dream.

So crazy. I actually enjoyed it. Also the safeties you put into RoD manifested for me too, because even as I was corned, feeling anxious trying to break out, yelling for assistance…I wasn’t scared, it wasn’t a nightmare nor did I wake up feeling panicked, it was separate my my body in a nervous system way ya know? The dream was telling a story and was not fully affecting my physical even though I was obviously moving in my sleep. How cool is that?

I definitely got a taste of this.

The fact that I could remember even dreaming, let alone the experience is a testimony to your amazing scripting that I haven’t even heard! Lol

It’s crazy how I felt my emotional state in the dream but that it wasn’t affecting my physiology in the present.

Even though the dream was vivid, intense and I was fighting my way out of somewhere/something…I did feel safe and not in danger.


My dreams were vivid, although not SUPER vivid. (They were SUPER vivid on my first night of RoS.)

The themes were different than usual, although I would describe the dreams themselves (the content) as ordinary.

I woke feeling like my brain had been turned upside down and inside out.


I had more dreams than usual, I think I had about 4, one for each time I fell back asleep. There seemed to be some time distortion going on.

One possible effect not dream related was in regards to unfolding of the mystery, but since speaking of that on the public thread could offend those who misunderstand the revelations, I’ll post about that on my personal journal in the Black section.


1 loop of RoD before bed.

  • After loop ended I felt an urge to sleep. Body started to relax and fell to sleep in about few minutes (I guess).

  • Definitely, MUCH more dreams which changed after each other. Different themes about going beyond possible abilities. Like superpowers.

  • Dreams were not that lucid but very close. Very intensive and “going beyond possible themes” are highly pronounced.

  • I talked to people in dreams. My English is not that fluid but people in dreams started to understand my native language. Polyglot module?

  • Each thought was expanded beyond its limit. Hard to describe but definitely this title tries to expand what is possible to think about.

  • Waked up like I worked all the night :laughing: Like it was a full day but at night.

  • Definitely this title expands original concepts of Dreams title a lot. Thoughts about the essence of life, why people, animals and bacteria reproduce…whats the point of this. And how Big Bang, dark holes and stars creation is of same category of life trying to reproduces itself has in common.

  • No, I’m not smoking weed :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

  • Overall, RoD is a huge improvement and, I guess, best subliminal title for dreams ever created.


Results after the first night:

  • I remember having four dreams, but only details of the last one remained after waking up in the morning.
  • That last dream was long, vivid, and internally consistent, more like daytime logic than dream logic.
  • I went to bed late and didn‘t catch quite as much sleep as I liked, but had a pretty good deep sleep cycle compared to last week, which was also a bit short on sleep (as measured by tracker).
  • The ease and flow of state checks continues this morning, again without having to think of it.

For just one listen it‘s doing quite a lot already.


benefit from the same night of listening:
vivid dreams in with i can see more detail and small items

can remember when i was transitioning to a new dream

the dream felt real as in i knew i was dream but the way it look made it seem like something that happened during the day

  • Ran one loop early morning yesterday. Thought I would go back to sleep since there was time. Instead ended up activating the Paragon Sleep part of the Revelation of Dreams script and sat up fresh. As if the previous night of short sleep was enough for me.

  • Ran another loop the night before I went to sleep. Got the weirdest dream I ever had. In it I saw money (both paper notes and coins and that too in British Pounds) floating on top of the water in the commode (luckily the water was clean and there weren’t any “waste” in it lol). The dream logic was that it was put there (and in every commode of the house) so that I would get good luck! I didn’t know when I could flush it down but I wasn’t supposed to when I saw it. Thankfully I didn’t feel any urgency to use the toilet in the dream. Like a wise man said, if you see a toilet in your dreams, don’t use it haha.

  • Yup. Weird dream but it had some important message for me. “Don’t flush money down the drain”. Seems like I might need to have a wealth title like Ecstasy of Gold in my next stack. That’s what my subconscious wanted to tell me. Also my subconcious seems to have a penchant for toilet jokes.

  • Am waking up from my naps and sleep way fresher now. I think it will improve if I continue with this title. Not sure to add it to my stack but the Paragon Sleep part of it works like a charm. Have not purchased the Paragon Sleep main store title so it was nice to see it in action here.

  • There is some reality bending going on thanks to this title too. A few months ago, my sister had issues with her husband. Some domestic problems. I used to have nightmares about it since the reputation of the family was at stake. And she called me again yesterday with more issues. But today it is getting resolved very quickly. Not that my brother-in-law changed his behavior (at least not yet) but my father gave some good advice to my sister to solve this along with a sound back up plan in case the situation doesn’t work out. Now I can sleep in peace since she can too.

  • Not sure if Revelation of Dreams will continue to be in my stack since am looking forward to the other new titles which are going to be released. But it was nice to break a two week washout with this title.


Reminded me of …



Haha. Looks like I unlocked the Toilet Dimension.

Revelation of Toilets (aptly shortened to RoT).

The video was cool. Very Lovecraftian narration.


Damn, RoD looking more and more appealing. Really like the idea of working with the subconscious in the dream world as a way of manifestation/bending reality. Seeing a lot of potential with this. The more I run RoM as well, the more I see how I could through conscious guidance just use a revelation stack to manifest my desires for/wealth/romance etc. Taking a week washout to see what titles are all released but something I am for sure considering.


Alright now I’m starting to get a bit more impressed. Second night has 3 dream segments actually remembered. Including one that felt real where I was flying but more like levitating (upright) in the dream and rose up onto a place where I thought to land before noticing the landing spot was a gigantic spider web with multiple possible poisonous spiders living there, then had to BTFU.

Possibly another fragment of same dream had me using this staff in a game of something that was called Cluedo, but really wasn’t and had a little staircase magically appear and open up on the ground for you to walk onto that had a golden aspect to it and seemed to float in mid air.

Third segment I ended up at an open air bar with a tv playing and sat down on soft leather with cushions at the back where there were two girls laughing and enjoying themselves who turned to me and checked me out but were clearly not interested, but then to my left are two other women of whom the less good looking of the two has bright red hair almost like a wig , and chubby yet hearty personality, and reminds me of my first internet fling, she warms to me and strangely I to her as she was not really my type, and she ends up putting her head on my chest somehow as we’re hanging out here and we’re laughing together as if there is some funny in joke, but at first she want tell me much about herself or even a name. Then I see the tv monitor and there she is, here to celebrate the opening of her new film. She’s an actress.

All 3 segments had strong sense of realism and some aspects of whimsy to them (like… really? You make a staircase appear on the ground? Your staff transforms back into a pen? You shake that pen and throw it into the air expecting it to transform into a staff again, but fail to do so and get surprised?)

Will keep updating subsequent stuff on my own journal… but I thought the detail level of those 3 tiny fragments were worth capturing for their novelty


So I’m just about to finish my first pass through Dreams + Regeneration. No lucid dreams yet but somewhat improved recall. Regeneration is really moving stuff around though.

My question is: given that I’ve only done one set of Dreams, is it okay to replace that with RoD in my next pass? I gathered from the original description of RoD that it was experimental etc and very powerful.