Main Disc. Thread -- The New KHAN: Love and War (Now Available! Free upgrade!)

Ive had that experience with TRE too.

Im convinced about that, not only because my experience with TRE, but also from using hypnosis to help people to deal with emotional issues that ended up dissolving physical pains and tensions in the body and viceversa.


Sounds like a new title!


One thing I have noticed in the past week is the continous feeling that there is something I need to do or be doing but I have no idea necessarily what that is.

Sometimes I think it’s my subconscious telling me not to get comfortable or complacent

This is with Khan St 1.

Its funny in a way because I was reading something maybe a month or so ago talking about how subconscious limitations and self sabotage often keep people from accomplishing what they crave let alone something grand.

The way I saw is that it’s sort of how Nietzsche described self overcoming. Basically get out of your own way so you can get epic shit done.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I understand TRE to be a fairly minor subset of Bioenergetics, a system of bodymind therapy as written about by Alexander Lowen.

I like this guy’s summary - - some of you may find it interesting.

Yeah, that feeling of doing something has been with me since stage 1. I think it’s so much easier with Khan if you set specific goals to achieve, no matter how small or even in what time frame, anything for Khan to help you to achieve, because this feeling never leaves, and for the better, of course.


It’s David Berceli. Though I’m using the guides I sent here - Main Disc. Thread -- The New KHAN: Love and War (Now Available! Free upgrade!) - #1940 by WorldOvertaker

This happens occasionally. TRE is better than massage guns because it’s guided by the body so unless you overdo it, you should feel normal/better most of the time. The body knows best lol. I had some very old memories re-emerging but it was very mild and just for a few days.

Also, supposedly, QiGong and every other spiritual practice like kundalini will work much better after completing TRE journey. There’s one individual who has written those guides on Reddit that I sent above, who has completed his TRE, says that he has awakened his kundalini and that it’s much easier and safer to do after completing TRE. I’m not a practicioner of either so I can’t comment but it makes a lot of sense. Original reason why I started doing it is for semen retention benefits, you can read more here -

As for the thread, we’ve been using this one - Trauma Release Exercises - TRE


I think that TRE titles are already here, which are basically every single healing title. The strongest would be Dragon Reborn


I definitely relate to this I also felt this in the past when on AM or emperor as well. It’s this constant feeling that I need to be productive and if I’m not the feeling starts to nag at me and make me uncomfortable or irritable


Do the healing titles help with that @SaintSovereign and @WorldOvertaker? If yes, can it take years?

Because I was thinking about using EF stage 1 or Khan stage 1 to try to get rid of my lower back pain that reappears when I do Power Cleans (an exercise from CrossFit).

The average timeline to get rid of all trauma with TRE is 4-8 years, that’s for average person. More trauma = more time.

Healing subliminals should absolutely help.


I can tell that Sanguine and QL st 1 help with my trauma-response recon a lot, as expected. That recon would be triggered in social context and take the form of mild social anxiety.

I’ve been working with those subs for almost two months and I see substantial progress in that regard. I believe I’m nearing this issue elimination.

Both subs directly impact my nervous system, by regulating and healing it.



By “all trauma”, I mean everything, including inherited generational trauma


Im on dragon reborn, khan and would love to explore and try out TRE these days or after holidays in new year most likely, i will read the links u posted.
Just wondering is there a step by step course for this tre stuff or just youtube videos u shared are enough?

I hit the jackpot on generational trauma heritence like full cia torture program tier of bs

It took me around 8 years to deal with all the traumas I’m aware of, yet the damage that was done to my nervous system is being taken care of in depth only now, when I’m focused on minimizing, and, ultimately, eliminating, the “post-traumatic” patterns and responses that are still there, even though the traumas got rooted out, if I can say so.

I’ve gone through a subliminal and life-experience healing process, though. Lots of experiences the subs opened me up to helped me deal with all that garbage. “Social healing” (through positive social interactions) helped me the most.

I’m going to run Total Breakdown along with Emperor one day to hit all the residue hard, though.



Anyway just started khan st2.
I had pleasant sexual-romantic dreams like being main char in your movie, very cool i felt slight inner shifts after waking up too.

Kb sexual dreams were like being in an oven on maximum heat, whole body getting deep fried in sexual energy


Would using subs and more specifically healing subs alongside TRE reduce the timescale in your opinion?


Though, I have no idea by how much. Without subs, an average person can expect 1-2% of release of trauma per month of consistent practice.

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Got you, thanks

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I think if they are still here, the trauma hasn’t been cleared out completely

And as I said, there’s a generational trauma too which you aren’t even aware of because you were born with it

The end stages of TRE are described like this: “As we progress on our TRE journey, our body starts to feel more and more pleasurable and the tremors decrease over time. At some point the tremors will be very subtle and it will feel like a pleasurable, warm current flows through our body. At this point equilibrium is restored in the nervous system and there will be no more irrational anxiety or chronic tension in the body. Not only that, but a very pleasant background of mild joy and pleasure will become our constant companion. The mind is more alert, clear and there is much less noise and chatter. Our trauma is finally gone.” - taken from

I think you will benefit a lot from TRE