I absolutely agree but want to point out 2 things that I wish I knew during my journey
- Do TRE. It’s a set of exercises aimed to release traumas stored in the body. Extremely effective and synergizes well with EVERY subliminal
Many people (myself included) don’t feel the benefits of semen retention and not feeling much benefits from quitting porn because there are a ton of blockages for sexual energy. TRE fixes it eventually. I was thinking you all are schizos when talking about sexual energy and shit until I started practicing TRE and started feeling the energy. Also it gave me full body orgasms during ejaculations. And after TRE session I feel low key orgasmic in the whole body too. And that not includes other benefits such as less stress, better sleep, higher energy, higher calmness, etc… - I’d put this practice as one of the most important ones I know
- I’d actually recommend NOT QUITTING PMO unless you are able to get laid. It might be destructive and turn you into a eunuch. I was quite depressed on my long streaks and unmotivated and it was mostly solved when I found a girlfriend. Kinda like the brain switched from “I can’t get sex and now I can’t even watch porn, I’m not worthy of reproduction” (which leads to Low T, no motivation, etc.) to “I can get sex, avoiding PMO makes total sense because I will gain way more satisfaction during sex” - increases test, motvation, etc. and is more fulfilling.