This is the shit right here. The cheap dopamine that a man gets from masturbating or watching PMO (all just a waste of sexual energy) is nothing compared to the dopamine and thrill of harnessing that power towards the actualization of wealth, skills, intelligence, success, romance, status, endless betterment of yourself and so forth. You can literally get high off of your own sexual energy coursing through you. People use too much drugs these days, when there’s no need. The sword on the product title for Khan:
is a physical manifestation of sexual energy. A man’s sexual energy is one of his greatest weapons.
I think most men are well aware of how porn weakens your self-image, self-worth, personal power, aura, etc. A lot of guys notice a difference in themselves when they quit investing their energy into those things. I’m just saying… that if you do that and also run SC subs like Khan, Emperor, Stark, etc then you will take off like a rocketship.
Remove of all of your energy drains + run SC subs that are chock-full to the brim with empowerment = you will become a monster.
Removing energy drains alone is quite powerful, as indicated by many young men who feel a surge in confidence/energy after quiting porn/fapping, etc. With SC subs, now you’re doing the double whammy of releasing the chains and also flying to new heights.
So if anyone reading this is tired of being addicted to porn, lazily jerking off all day, being unmotivated, low ambition, feeling metaphorically “castrated” as a man in both mental and physical… etc. I recommend that they run these empowering masculine subliminals that SC offers and ride the current towards a new self and a new life.
I’m writing this because New Year’s is around the corner, and what better time to start a powerful multistage subliminal with tons of transformation, with the beginning of 2025? Doesn’t solely apply to Khan, but shit any subliminal. Life is short, so why not become the best that you can be, lol.
I absolutely agree but want to point out 2 things that I wish I knew during my journey
Do TRE. It’s a set of exercises aimed to release traumas stored in the body. Extremely effective and synergizes well with EVERY subliminal
Many people (myself included) don’t feel the benefits of semen retention and not feeling much benefits from quitting porn because there are a ton of blockages for sexual energy. TRE fixes it eventually. I was thinking you all are schizos when talking about sexual energy and shit until I started practicing TRE and started feeling the energy. Also it gave me full body orgasms during ejaculations. And after TRE session I feel low key orgasmic in the whole body too. And that not includes other benefits such as less stress, better sleep, higher energy, higher calmness, etc… - I’d put this practice as one of the most important ones I know
I’d actually recommend NOT QUITTING PMO unless you are able to get laid. It might be destructive and turn you into a eunuch. I was quite depressed on my long streaks and unmotivated and it was mostly solved when I found a girlfriend. Kinda like the brain switched from “I can’t get sex and now I can’t even watch porn, I’m not worthy of reproduction” (which leads to Low T, no motivation, etc.) to “I can get sex, avoiding PMO makes total sense because I will gain way more satisfaction during sex” - increases test, motvation, etc. and is more fulfilling.
also, make sure to not overdo it, just like with the subs. The sweet spot method is applicable here as well.
Also, you might find that with time (or from the beginning like in my case), you can induce tremors without the exercises at all, just by lying in the butterfly position
Yes, that happened with me too, after a couple of practices I understood how to allow the tremors to appear.
Some sessions lasted for ever, other were as short as a couple of minutes. Some sessions have small tremors, others gave me violent shakes. Its pretty intuitive, you just have to let the body express itself.
please share your experience. How long did you do it? From 1-10 how did it change your energy levels, well being - I mean like “before my energy was at 5, now at 7”?
I agree, I’m lucky enough to sense clear signals on when to stop/when to skip session or when to do more. But I saw some replies of people not having this abiltiy and accidentally overdoing TRE which results in “burnout”, fatigue, anxiety and so forth, and then they have to start very very slowly (like 3 min of tremorring once every few days for a few weeks before increasing)
That mostly happens to traumatized people so if you are generally mentally healthy, without a lot of stored trauma (that you are aware of), then you should be fine I think
Also must keep in mind that there’s this thing such as generational trauma - the inherited trauma from your parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc.
Since I discover it 3 year ago maybe. Ive done it in 3 or 4 ocassion, each one lasted from 2 to 4 weeks.
I did practiced it almost every day, sometimes up to 3 times in a day.
I started doing it looking to get rid of strong lower back and hip pains, it helped me relax and lower the intensity of the pain, but it didnt solve the problem, maybe I should have done it for a longer period of time.
Unexpectedly I started feeling a lot more energy in my body, like a soft, deep electricity. The first time I had sex after starting TRE I was very aware of the sexual energyy moving through my body and I was able to control it a bit.
The more I did Tre the more my orgasms learned to leave my penis and spread through larger portions of my body, until I reached a full body orgasm that left me in ecstasy for many minutes.
I think that this might be the solution. On that reddit page, they say that on average, you get 1-2% of release of trauma per month so it takes on average 4-8 years to get rid of all trauma. Of course it will vary for everyone but I’d argue that the investment is very worth it
Yes, that’s a very good description. Though, I’m not yet at the level where I’d be in ecstasy for minutes.
I did a 10 minute practice after sharing the video and now I feel very relaxed, I’d argue that TRE is something one should practice regularly, maybe not every day, but at least 1 or 2 times a week.
It was totally unexpected for me and to this day its not a regular occurrence. Fortunately we have subs like Diamond that helps a lot with the awareness and control of the sexual energy and to learn to have full body orgasms. At least it helped me to do that.
Ive been single for a year now and with no interest in dating, so lets just say Im focused in developing other type of skills for now.
Edit: I just realized this is the Khan thread, maybe we should create s TRE topic or take it to PM.
I cant remember, but I had 2 or 3 guided videos somewhere. The process is the same and finally I started directly into the floor position and let the show began on its own.