Main Disc. Thread - The NEW Emperor (Now Available! Q Core Available!)

Sir, u r hilariously accurate. :rofl:

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Omg !!!

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They are both more and less noticeable. My behavior changed right off the bat. However it seemed to be the most natural thing in the world and like I came up with it on my own.
Same with some of my thought patterns and how I manage them. Just suddenly different, but the change came without fanfare or struggle.


This has been my experience, I have no idea exactly what is changing.

It does seems like I’ve been confronting stuff from my childhood. I’ve also noticed some normal stuff changing.

Like I asked for 10k more at my job offer, as a reflex…!


I’ve been listening to new emperor since it came out. I switched it out a week ago, I thought I “graduated” the resillience academy, but today I heard a convo that had made me start sweating and I got a clenching feeling too. Listened to 5 minutes, back to how I was on emperor. It’s like medicine for state control.
I have much to master.


It’s my 9th day on New Emperor, and I can tell that there is a type of Cosmic Submodel Alpha Navigator engine running under the hood.

Plans to ALL possible medium term goals (4-8 months range) are being subconsciously battle-tested, and the most efficient, real-world-savvy pathways are being brought to conscious attention – via memories and manifestations.

Every detail is being honed to fit my emotional preferences and realistic situation assessment:

  • How to make money, How to save it, Where to invest.
  • What relationships do I want, How to go about achieving them.
  • What fitness and nutrition plan will be the most bang for the buck in under 6 months.
  • Etc.

I’ve already started using Pomodoro Timers, and have found 2 Time Blocks when I can work with zero distractions. If I only continue that much, I can watch 10 hours of YouTube guilt-free everyday, cause just that little work is sufficient to move me superfast towards my goals.


And I no longer care what SC releases and when. I ain’t replacing Emperor until every area of life is completely transformed.


PS: Sorry for the complex language use. Guess that’s a part of it too.



Amen! I’m sticking to my stack and Emperor is going nowhere. You can think & strategize clearer. I just told someone I call it a Hard-to-kill title. In this age, nobody snuffing me.


Simon will soon transcend Gigachad status, and evolve into a higher lifeform


That’s probably because you did, lol.

The subliminal cannot think or act for any of us, after all. I see what you mean though.

The specific things I’ve been doing. Yes, I came up with them. Suddenly doing them as if they’re a long ingrained habit backed by enthusiasm?
That wouldn’t have happened without the subliminal.


@AnswerGroup is Emperor still the holy grail for getting out of helicopter households?


That’s actually a really good question


Emperor + Pheonix

Emperor for well… everything emperor stands for (power, courage, independence, building an empire etc).

Pheonix coz you might have developed codependency wid your parents (speaking from experience).

And u might not be able to cut ties immediately. So, pheonix will build up your emotional health to tackle every obstacle that you will face in the meantime.


What is a helicopter household?

A household where everyone is trying to supervise/control/know your every move/action.

It’s like “Big brother” watching you 24/7


I think I’ve finally found my ultimate nightmare. Damn that sounds terrifying.


Why not play Emperor? Independence is your prerogative. @Banc

Set a foundation to have your own life you control.


How old are you and why are you not out on your own yet?

Add in demanding, demeaning, judgmental, and hyper critical


In some cultures it is expected and encouraged for sons and daughters to live at home until they get married.

Even then sometimes the new spouse moves in and everyone continues living together.