Main Disc. Thread - The NEW Emperor (Now Available! Q Core Available!)

I’m dropping emperor for now, sadly.
I’m on edge, irritable all day long. And I’m guessing it’s from emperor.
I still love this sub, but right now, this hinders everything I’m working on.
I’m replacing it with DRP for some time. I’m hoping that it will burn everything down that makes me that way in the meantime.


Before you jump subs, I suggest you try running new emp for 1 min max each run. Seems like classic recon what you’re describing.


Yeah I’m not healing sh—

It’s storm & destroy any barriers or obstacles :rofl:

I read a thought from my man Brent Smith… Imagine if you lived every day with the New Year’s mindset… what you could accomplish!


How many subs in your stack?

All hail to the new godlike masculine commanding emperor with the will to power!
This one is not a kitten (@Sub.Zero)

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Bro wants all the power to himself :skull_and_crossbones:


Man, if I didn’t want 2024 to be the dirtiest, smuttiest year… I’d replace ROTNW with GLM:TC in my Emperor stack

As @kuntz says, I’m running Emperor and Dirty Primitive Seduction (PS & ROTNW)


With new Emperor I ran mostly GM.
I tried a few loops of RotNW at the beginning of last cycle, but I dropped it pretty soon. Blue balls for days. After some consideration, I decided to stay on GM and NewEmp alone.
Getting KB for new year was a long time plan.
Bur after realizing my challenges, I decided to give Phoenix a try for a few cycles before I return to NewEmp again.


Only you can decide what’s best for you
I think I’m deciding myself but perhaps the NSE is nudging me a bit too


He probably stacks it with LBfH

I love New Emperor… it gives me the controls to choose to overcome procrastination and strategize through ROI…

Never ran GLM or ASC very long but I’m
sure this is the kind of stuff I’d have gotten there.


Use this with the LAL pheromone of the same name :eyes:

Using that mone makes me feel like I want to rip women’s panties off (consensually)

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That is why we named it that :rofl:

I’ve only used Dirty Primitive like once.
And I’ve got lots of it too.

That’s awesome if it can get you to that state of arousal… surely women will feel that in your aura. You used a single drop?


I can totally see that, if it weren´t for my good introspection, I´d have not noticed any effects at all.

Still switched back to run another cycle of Total Breakdown, it´s just so good :rofl:


I used like 5-6 drops by accident :joy:

I always overdose my mones, like a fiend LOL

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The new tech titles are not kittens anymore but sobering slaps. lol



Sir, u r hilariously accurate. :rofl:

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Omg !!!

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They are both more and less noticeable. My behavior changed right off the bat. However it seemed to be the most natural thing in the world and like I came up with it on my own.
Same with some of my thought patterns and how I manage them. Just suddenly different, but the change came without fanfare or struggle.


This has been my experience, I have no idea exactly what is changing.

It does seems like I’ve been confronting stuff from my childhood. I’ve also noticed some normal stuff changing.

Like I asked for 10k more at my job offer, as a reflex…!