Main Disc. Thread - The Ecstasy of Gold ZP

Really sorry to hear about what’s happening to you man.

I’m a Canadian born Iraqi. I have cousins that just moved from Iran to Canada. And I know how brutal it is down there, especially now, and you’re doing an amazing job keeping your head despite it all and obviously working on yourself to give yourself the best life possible.

Mad respect - I see you growing like crazy!

Just one observation is that you’re listening to 7 different titles in that snippet of your journal.

wanted exp
Eog st 1

And maybe other have been listened to in the last month as well.


Those aren’t official recommendations. You’re not following recommendations. And you’re not getting the results you’re looking for. So how can we help you if you can’t help yourself?

I would love to help you become more disciplined. I care about you and I’m invested in your story as a brother here on SC.

But how can we talk about how to be disciplined if the whole conversation will go to waste?

if you can’t even b disciplined about your stack, a conversation about using subliminals to become disciplined will be pointless.

Reminder of the recommendations.

MAXIMUM 3 programs at one time, as in, for a full cycle, and even when you change stacks, only sub out one program at a time. Over the course of a 90 day period, you should only expose yourself to a maximum of 4 titles, by that logic. Look up the support article on “stack switching/cycling” for more info.

And Don’t listen 2 days in a row.


Spartan isn’t the best for mental/social discipline. I find that it’s really the best for physical discipline.

Ultimately, the question isn’t what subs will be good…

The question is what subs are you so interested in, that you’ll willingly sacrifice EVERY OTHER SUBLIMINAL just to dedicate yourself to listening to that one.

Spartan won’t hit enough of your goals.

I think you could get far with Stark/AM.

Both of those have productivity, social, discipline, alpha foundations, and more.

There’s a couple of subs that could work.

Maybe emperor + stark could help you?

Maybe something else?

But whatever that thing is, pick two subs max, and stick to them, not listening to anything else.


This is the ultimate response on creating discipline.

I have seen only few people who have made the connection between vision and discipline.

Namely Taylor Welch (via Andrew Carnegie (via Napoleon Hill)).

Andrew Carnegie, On Achieving Wealth And Prosperity (

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Thanks for the sympathy brother
It really means alot.
For now I decided to this schedule:

  • My PCC, GLM and The commander custom
  • Stark( for the overall balancing of that aggression of the custom +intelligence+MASSIVE wealth through innovation. And also the seduction aspect.
  • WANTED for overall physical shifting and adding a BIT more of focus on women.

Point: PCC, commander and GLM are mainly result enhancers and are used for stark’s wealth. My custom is mostly alpha concentrated such as: alpha of alpha, fearsome, Fenrir, furious ascent.

And I agree about the fact that I am changing stacks a lot and that is not good
FYI: I ran my custom for a considerable amount of time before.
In this society I need that aggression.

And anytime I think about listening to sth else, I will text you. Since you told me that you support me.
Thank you.


Regarding AM and emperor. I think their aggression is not enough for me to confront those guys.
I dunno about emperor, but AM was kinda not enough.

This has helped tremendously. Thank you.


Does EoG Stage 3 have healing script in it? If so what kind of healing compared to St1 and 2? Thanks!


I don’t think it does. I’ve been on it for a few weeks now and I think it’s just motivation to move forward


Stage 1 is healing
Stage 3 is pure action


I want to say that EoG stages 1 and 2 have really helped my money managing abilities


Please elaborate. I’m running EOG St one at the moment. Money is my biggest source of stress along with my mental health so I am focusing on those two until I reach my goals with both.

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Just managing money better, little to no impulsive spending. Everything is calculated with my desired money goals. So if I want to save money I can easily guide my spending to save more.

If I want to purchase something I like, I can easily plan and allocate money to afford it.

No getting myself into bad debt.

Just an overall more intimate relationship with money and its value.

The key is that doing these things are EASY and flows more naturally whereas before it was a chore

Money maturity I like to call.


Exactly what I need to read. So happy I am running this.

Yes. One of my main goals


@Extraordinaire I meant to ask. How long did you run each stage?

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1 month or 1 cycle of stage1, followed by the same for stage 2, then I swapped to HoM which I’m running currently and plan to do so for the rest of 2023 :slight_smile:

I consciously felt like I got what I needed even after 1 month and moved on. I didn’t think stage 3 was necessary as I ran RICh all last year.

Since then I’ve kept all the benefits, thought patterns and habits.

Much like DR


I posted this in my journal, but posting it here too (minus Nouveau RICH) for visibility. I barely have any experience with this sub, but it most certainly changed my life.

Post below:

2023-08-31T15:00:00Z - 2023-09-20T15:00:00Z (Ecstasy of Gold Stage 1, RICH, Primal)

At this point I was seriously done with my own bullshit and I was particularly inspired by this post by @Pyro

This line in particular got stuck in my mind. I actually still say it to myself sometimes lol.

Run it like a blind faith cult member, no exceptions.

I was feeling so bad about my financial situation, yet I was running sex subs. Truly this meme by @RagnarLothbrok

So I decided to follow the advice. I’d run EoG each stage for two cycles + whatever else. At first I went EoG / RICH but then I added Primal because I still couldn’t get my mind off of sex and I wanted some sort of alpha sub running.

I didn’t journal very much during this time and I wasn’t participating in the forums, so I don’t have specific details about each cycle. But in hindsight, this is where things actually changed for me. I’m going to list all of the other relevant cycles in this post, and then post the major events that happened during this time that represents my overall experience.

Cycle 2
2023-09-26T15:00:00Z - 2023-10-16T15:00:00Z (Ascension, Ecstasy of Gold Stage 1)

Cycle 3
2023-10-22T15:00:00Z - 2023-11-11T15:00:00Z (Ascension, Ecstasy of Gold Stage 2, Nouveau RICH)

My EoG Experience
I ended up spending the majority of this 3-cycle period on EoG and Ascension. Due to my time here at subliminal club, I no longer believe in coincidences, so I strongly believe EoG manifested both terrible and great things to teach me a lesson. Ascension gave me the spine to back myself and get through the storm.

I decided to get off of Primal and go back to basics – pure alpha juice + money. 2-stack with no budging.

I already posted this experience with Ascension (stacked with Gold) here:

But basically I found myself in a situation that forced me to realize that the “side business” I was trying to build wasn’t worth jack shit. And it wasn’t a side business, it was still my boss’s business. And at the end of the day she was in control of the money no matter what deal I thought we had in place. From the beginning it had felt… difficult to get money when students finally started coming in. Things were fine when I was working my ass off and we weren’t seeing results, but as soon as things started rolling I had to keep checking and talking just to get my share. You can even see some of that play out in my earlier posts in this journal. I always trusted – and still do btw – that she wasn’t trying to rip me off, and my conclusion is that the deal wasn’t very good for her from the beginning but she really wanted it to work and was hoping that the numbers would be more than they were. But basically since new students were kind of trickling in, I think she felt the squeeze and was having a hard time paying me. I genuinely think it was her subconscious causing all of the “mistakes”, “misunderstandings”, and “oops I forgot” type situations. Or maybe I’m a fool :man_shrugging:t5:

So I had just come off of like 10 fucking weeks of grinding just to get this one new student in the door, and she finally enrolled. And I would be getting like $15 / month from that. Small money, but it was adding up so I had no problem being patient.

I wasn’t paid for the student like I should have been, and I found myself arguing yet again about it. Arguing over $15…

At the same time, my brother’s business started picking up and I was helping him out with some stuff. And one day, without even thinking, he casually sent me $150 just as a thank you.

I had been out of the US – and a high-paying job – for a long time, so I had long forgotten the days when $150 was “nothing”. It was a big deal to me and I told him to keep it, but he insisted and said it was barely anything as it was. And I stopped suddenly, checked the conversion rate, and realized that $150 was almost exactly how much I was currently making on the side with this fake business thing.

It was humbling and eye-opening.

Here I was scrapping and working my dick off over 15 fucking dollars, and my brother just tossed me my monthly amount as a thank you for work that I didn’t even see as work and took me barely any time or effort.

That’s a helluva manifestation and learning experience, and I’m glad it happened.

I ended up quitting the whole thing, relinquished all of the money I was pulling in monthly for my side of the “deal”, and told my boss I wouldn’t be doing any more work outside of the bare minimum requirements for my job. I was pissed, felt insulted, and I really let it show in full force for once. I think over the course of the month she realized how much she had mishandled the situation – and also how much I was doing for her that I was no longer doing – so she ended up giving me ~$1000 as “sorry” money, with a heartfelt apology. I didn’t go back to doing anything extra, but I felt that she was sincere and I accepted the apology. And the money.

If all of that wasn’t EoG, I don’t know what that was.

During this time, I also had two different times when I was on my last dollar. Like actually, my bank account was close to 0, I had a week or so left until I would get paid, and my credit card was maxed. I was on the wrong end of a negative spiral that had finally caught up with me.

Shit spending habits → shit salary → in a shit currency → using a credit card based on a powerful currency → having to pay against that credit card with shit currency → having to also pay an absurd amount of insurance and taxes compared to the shit salary I was receiving…

For the first time in my life, and thank God it was the first and definitely the last, I experienced periods of going to bed hungry and having to eat basically rice or rice and a liiiittle bit of chicken. One time, even the rice ran out.

But both times, when I was seriously wondering how the fuck I would make it through without asking for some sort of advance, my brother randomly sent me money. He doesn’t know how powerful that money was, and I’m not sure how I can ever repay him for that because he literally saved my life twice.

And the funny thing is that it was only during this time. I haven’t gotten a dime from him since getting off of EoG. And I’ve continued to help him with much more work than I was doing during that period.

Another notable manifestation from EoG
I got a hookup through my network to apply for a software-related job at Apple (Japan or otherwise) and I would get fast-tracked to a guaranteed interview with someone, but I couldn’t find any jobs that I thought fit my skills or interest so I ended up declining. Plus, I was really holding out for a fully remote job. It was a weird manifestation, too, because both the person who introduced me and the connection at Apple said the exact phrase “You need to make some money, Saint.”

Final Thoughts
I did a really good job of staying the course when I was on AG1/2, but seeing the new subs and this whole NSE thing pulled me off track. As I’ve shared already and will reference again next, NSE subs are amazing and the next cycle I ran is what helped me get a life-changing job offer and finally get out of this bad situation that brought me to this community in the first place. So I have no regrets, but I definitely want to run EoG again when it gets updated in the future and the time is right.

I learned some really painful lessons about money, and going through this business break-up sucked ass. But it cleared the way for me to get to where I am now, so I can say with certainty I got my money’s worth out of EoG many times over – and I didn’t even get to stage 3 :laughing:


EOG is boss. I ran the program last year but just one time, along with RICH. That, for me, is the power combo. Came from migrant poverty mentality regarding wealth so knew this was my log jam in life. My thinking, earning with money is dramatically evolved it’s absolutely amazing! Too much to get into.
Last year I built a custom with EOG4 and RICH as the cores, the rest all sexy wealth boosters etc which I run often and I am still hungry for more as I am still not totally at the level I want to be. Was also running Emperor along side the custom and keeping it wealth focused.
I also feel the need from time to time to let go of the wealth subs for a month and get back to the sexual energy subs - for fun and for sexual energy transmutation of the wealth subs. That’s my excuse anyway! ha!
But I am making a decent living doing what I love, living in a mansion with the love of my life so yeah so far so good! lol EOG rules!