Main Disc. Thread - Symmetry: Helen of Troy

I live by the law of assumption… what I believe to be true always comes to pass :slight_smile:

I assume subs work because I believe in them so they always work

I always credit the one cause and creator (me)

Every tool I use works in my favour & I can feel negative or positive, but it still always works out for me. It always comes to pass regardless of my moods.

I focus on the end of my wishes fulfilled. The outcome. The end result I am going for. I do my best not to focus on the middle or the how’s. If I’m in my ideal state of consciousness everything reflects as such for me.

I’m always thankful for subliminals and how they help me on this journey.

Every win, big or small , is praised along my journey.

I was just sharing my experiences of where I got stuck on the dot.


I understand what you’re saying though. Thank you.

Don’t mean to come off as rude or spicy. Lol

Not really any different than guys talking about their dicks or peeing habits while on subs. It’s all just results and feedback.


I’m actually really happy to have a great poop or 2 or 3 daily. Shows the subs are doing their thing.

Releasing what no longer serves me on the physical level :slight_smile:


nah its not about sub I was talking about, Its just general statement

I don’t know if ZP is being structure with this modular idea.

The concept of Serum X being redundant might be important.

A support ticket might be in order.

Perhaps if you post what you want to put in your custom, we can all help narrow it down.

When you first post the list, don’t worry about it being 20 or less, just post and we can help.




I had issues with IBS, Fistula, Piles & god knows what
after starting subs specially paragon, regeneration etc., I am free from all, You can check my post history & find about my poop issue too, If you have hardcore problem with that


How long have you been on Paragon till you healed IBS?

Okay everyone, let’s get back to Helen of Troy…

@Deadpool I think it’s fine you asked and if @weir wants to answer that, okay.

However after that HoT, please.

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I used to have IBS too. That’s amazing you healed yourself from that.

Paragon was so good to me too & it’s programmed into me really well.

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Good that I have record of whatever subliminal I have listened till now except lots of break in between

I have listen 45 loops till I get rid of my poop issues for once & all

I started my sub journey from December 2021 , when I accidently listen subclub subliminal when ZP just arrived from one of my friend

Its not 45 straight but lots of up & down depending upon situation , circumstances & goal at that time

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Quite a long time. I am asking because I have started listening to Paragon this cycle. I will stick with it probably longer than I expected.

Since you get an idea from my sheet that I wasn’t sure what to listen at that time, But I get educated myself from forum friends & members, But Yeah sub increase my life quality

I had biggest issues regarding sleep & bowel, Both Completely healed now

But remember I have taken a lots of action & just didn’t hope or rested on arms of sub alone, Do whatever it takes to heal it along with listening it


Maybe it can cure my stuttering. Fingers crossed.

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It will surely my friend, just be optimistic about subs & keep taking actions


Hey ladies, it’s been awhile.
Are you finding decreased appetite on HoT? That’s my biggest obstacle.

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I’m having fluctuations.

What’s your current stack? How long have you been listening to HoT?

I’ve reduced my stuttering and scrambling of words by about 75% since subs.

I’ve learned to really slow down and breathe. Really think before I speak.


I’ve taken a break from subliminals but thinking of starting again.

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