Main Disc. Thread - Stark ZP

I don’t wanna change my stack. :sweat_smile: i will decide after people try it :joy::joy:. Changing stack always gave me hard recon :woozy_face::woozy_face::woozy_face:


Every person is different therefore results for every person will be different. When I started coming to this forum over 2 years ago, one of the first things I noticed is how variable results are. Some people achieved way more running Ascension than people who ran Emperor stacked with something else. One of the most successful here members only ran Emperor for a long time and had fabulous results. It literally depends on everyone. One person can run Chosen and Emperor and sit home doing nothing, while another person could just run Mogul and put a solid amount of work in and build a great business.


@ksub Mm. I considered that point. I just said it on a surface level. Just comparing the objectives. Though subjective experience decides the overall outcome. Yes… testing would be better

Bought Stark ZP. Loaded a playlist on my iPhone. Will run it tomorrow.

So what would be the stack. Would love to see a experimental journal of yours

@SaintSovereign : Look at the Stark ZP copy, is this a typo or are you actually talking about Emperor inside of the Stark copy.

That isn’t Stark ZP copy. It’s still Qv2 and earlier copy


Thank you @SaintSovereign , @Fire
Finally :sunglasses:

Just ran two loops can feel a spike in my ability to focus it seems to bring a more enthusiastic approach to whatever i concentrate on.

Did physical changes make it too this one ? @SaintSovereign



@ksub, there is no change on Stark page other than the mention & tag of Zero Point Preview.
That Emperor line was in the original writeup.



@Simon : Does that mean that the Emperor script (or parts of it) is included in Stark?

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in the Q/QV2 versions. Not necessarily the ZP one


I was absolutely not thinking about this, but adding Stark to my Chosen runs seems like a STARK idea!

Especially because a light Limitless etc is already in it, so I don’t need to run it specifically!

Unless, like the ZP version got really narrowed down and a bunch of things dropped?


See this :point_up_2:t2: right at the start of the Stark salespage.

Stark was the first Q build product release. It was before the Custom Store.

Back then, that’s how we talked about alpha products. Relating & Comparing them on their similarities and differences.


The point of this was to show how Stark’s business script is different from Emperor’s – as the latter was mostly a solo player.


You will see such mention of elements on the Khan page as well.



is stark regarded as the best product for innovation/problem solving/etc…

I’ve been experimenting the last few weeks to find the best product for this.

is stark the answer?

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Limitless and Quantum Limitless are contenders too.


In my opinion yes (smother than Limitless I think)


I’m starting to think that Stark ZP + Emperor ZP + Chosen would be a hell of a combo.
It could either transform your life for the better or it could be completely ineffective because that stack would try to cover too many things at the same time wouldn’t be focused on anything specific.


6 hours after 1 loop I am still in a highly positive and optimistic state with a lot of ideas coming for my work :+1:


@SaintSovereign Does this version emphasize the “fame” components like what Q mentions in the sale page? I’m really not into that as much. I know the copy says you can consciously try to negate that aspect. How? Just don’t accept interviews? lol