Main Disc. Thread - Stark Ultima Experimental

Yeah I know its petty. But again this judgement on my behaviour as insulting is another PCC reinforced behaviour.

Your conclusion is correct altogether, and I apologize if anyone was actually insulted.


I can confirm what @Friday hypothesised with regards to Q vs Ultima. Even though it’s not recommended for “deep growth”.

With Stark there’s a halo effect, charm and charisma, with empire building and some emotional clearing. Ultima just gets you to the finish line quicker.

Experiencing the full status of the sub over and over again rather than waiting for it to creep up on you lol.


Perhaps, and I appreciate what you just said a lot. For me personally I just think we can have all these discussions, disagreements, without it ever getting personal. This can be challenging of course, but that’s my personal preference and standard. It takes a lot for me not to get petty sometimes lol.

We are all attempting to understand and best utilize these subs, and a lot of it is uncharted territory, and your opinion means a lot. My guess is, that’s why every one was so adamant about PCC not being anti-seduction, perhaps a concern what you were saying would apply to them, when it was more case specific, and a potential for that effect, than general result/effect of PCC.


Anyway, I’m going t give Stark Ultima a run in the next few days and will report back :slight_smile:


Imagine name embedded Ultimas.


I already imagined it. That’s why it is going to manifest; Saint said they’re going to happen with name embedded mains.

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We all imagined it. :wink:

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PCC is like going to the beach or going for a hike and having a spectrograph that shows you where the UV hotspots are.

Does that make the beach less enjoyable?

Or it’s like going to see a movie or play and having access to the screenplay and musical score with commentary and stage directions.

Does that make the movie or play less smooth?

Some would say yes. But I think it’s up to personal preference.

People who are very experienced and skilled in directing movies do watch movies very differently than people who have never directed movies. Some would say that knowing the secrets behind the curtain messes up a pure or naive experience of watching the movie. Others would say that the palate and subtlety of discrimination of the connoisseur confers the potential for experiences that are more deeply satisfying; because the connoisseur appreciates things on many more levels.

Interpersonal interactions occur through the medium of power and power dynamics are inseparable from them. PCC is about becoming an instinctive connoisseur of social dynamics.

Just like the UV rays at the beach or the music and story of the movie, these dynamics are going to affect you whether you’re aware of them or not. It’s just a question of how much skill you’d prefer in navigating them.

As for whether you prefer to jump into the water, sit on the sand, or turn around and drive back home; that is more of a personal decision and preference. This reaction of becoming ‘The Crab’ may be how you might respond to awareness of power dynamics. That reaction is not inevitable for anyone who uses the program. (Might not even be inevitable for you.)

The expression of a given subliminal will be filtered through the prism of your own personality, orientations, and views.

So it’s good to follow your intuition about what you choose to include in your stack at this time.

My own core custom has, among other things, Stark and Power Can Corrupt. I’m not using Stark Ultima yet. I’ve actually chosen to hold back on all Ultima use until I feel more grounded with some specific goals or projects. It’s looking like that will happen soon.


This is a good analysis of my choice to use it. I want the machinework/duality of thought to be more in alignment, than the affect of my behavior on social power. One of the major reasons I brought up this topic was mainly as the difference of PCC from mastermind + Manipulus. Thinking about it now, I still see the superiority of “aggressive/offensive” behaviors in isolation, since the success depends on the sucess of the action, not on your personal decision to posture as an independent actor, and these thoughts are those of a social climber, which any observant person will spot. Just as a reference to the two laws above, constantly reassessing risk towards a social solution, leading to orbiting a group, or deciding to withdraw intellectually from an interaction (both are individual sacrifices).

As for how this is crab like, I again was mainly contrasting Mastermind and manipulus with PCC, I never really intended it as more broad, as well as my experimentation is not inclusive enough for my opinions to necessarily work for others. One would have to compare and contrast every seduction law with every power law, you would probably find that some power laws would conflict with the most successful seduction style (Rake). So would it be wise to integrate all the power laws subconsciously in this case, than rather use it as an after action report?

As for some of the stuff I have observed on the forum, as well as the recent release of the module Discordia Deliverance, you might find a peculiar paralell there. As for balancing PCC, this module might work well. Again, doesn’t this presume something is imbalanced about the sub, from a single title aspect, not as a stack or custom.

There is this law here,


When you are weak, never fight for honor’s sake; instead choose surrender instead. Surrender gives you time to recover, time to wait for his power to wane. Do not give him the satisfaction of fighting and defeating you-surrender first. By turning the other cheek, you infuriate and unsettle him. Make surrender a tool of power.

You would actually go into the hotspot as well according to this,


Be ostentatious and be seen. . . . What is not seen is as though it did not exist. … It was light that first caused all creation to shine forth. Display fills up many blanks, covers up deficiencies, and gives everything a second life, especially when it is backed by genuine merit.

Of course, the subconscious integration of all the laws conflicts with one of greenes laws, (Just posted it). You will always be in an advantageous position to ever need to do this,


When you are weak, never fight for honor’s sake; instead choose surrender instead. Surrender gives you time to recover, time to wait for his power to wane. Do not give him the satisfaction of fighting and defeating you-surrender first. By turning the other cheek, you infuriate and unsettle him. Make surrender a tool of power.

And another important law is broken when this cycle is perpetuated, failure to adapt outside of a sucessful framework (fixed mindset)


What happens first always appears better and more original than what comes after: If you succeed a great man or have a famous parent, you will have to accomplish double their achievements to outshine them. Do not get lost in their shadow, or stuck in a past not of your own making: Establish your own name and identity by changing course. Slay the overbearing father; disparage his legacy, and gain power by shining in your own way.

Of course, the individuals decision to withdraw from any law invocation after a failure of an offensive and the subsequent reaction, is going to depend on the what laws the person has integrated. In this case PCC, the easiest laws are independent defense laws (Closed loop), where the offensive laws learned within mastermind will just disappear without a defensive response/whiplash. Maybe this clears up any “Crab” stuff I mentioned. Hopefully this was an interesting read.

I haven’t fleshed the affect that mastermind really, has since there is of course no way for me to know exactly what is in it. I could make some effort some time and list what could be in there.



“It’s not normal to be honest. Normal people are concerned with figuring out
the right thing to say that puts them in the best light. They want to live up to
their own best guess about what the people they are talking to want to hear.”
Dr. Brad Blanton, author of Radical Honesty: How To Transform Your Life By
Telling The Truth
[Alan Roger Currie]
Mode Two Behavior. This is the behavior that is probably the most
frequently exhibited towards women by single men than any of the other
three “modes” of behavior. Why? Because most men have been
conditioned (see Chapter One) to leave women with a “good
impression,” and to do and say those things that are most representative
of being a gentleman. These men want to maintain a positive,
favorable, wholesome reputation with just about every female they
come in contact with.

If you make a show of going against the times, flaunting your unconventional ideas and unorthodox ways, people will think that you only want attention and that you look down upon them. They will find a way to punish you for making them feel inferior. It is far safer to blend in and nurture the common touch. Share your originality only with tolerant friends and those who are sure to appreciate your uniqueness.


Maybe should start another topic? This is going pretty deeply into PCC and other related stuff. It’s pretty clear that you’re actively working on this. What do you think?


I don’t think it matters much, except for the integrity of following the rules, (topic will be dead in 1 month)


Also, it is not too far off topic, I already speculated that stark contains mastermind, and it already has manipulus.


Hi guys! Who has been experimenting with stark Ultima consistently?

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Me i run it after my custom. I run my custom at 3 loops overnight and then run 2 loops of stark U in the morning.

How has your results been?

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It works very well for me. Puts me in a calm, collective, state. Feel more grounded able to make educational guesses and decisions without to much thinking. I am going to shift back to rebirth this weekend. Then from next week try libertine again.


Currently on a 3 day break, as it’s just too intense but early results are wide ranging, briefly:

  • mostly smartening up my living quarters with new shelves and table
  • looking smarter, replacing clothes and accessories with newer, good value items.
  • thinking about building a financial platform,
  • being charming with women retail staff
  • loving hard on myself and doing more energy work.

The time off seems to allow the sub to do its work without constantly processing. Back on it tonight, see what more happens.


Starkq ultima works everytime for me , just one loop and it changes my mood and mindset .
I think ultima are bringing faster results for me , so for more deep changes I am playing StarkQ terminus everyday along with ultima ,


I stopped listening to Stark terminus

Stark ultima + starkQ works better for me


What kind of results are you getting?

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Wait I thought HoM and PCC won’t go well together?