Main Disc. Thread - Sex Mastery X ZP v2

Not true. There’s a lot of scripting in both for this. The issue is that there are so many causes of PE (and ED) that even if we made a dedicated title, you’d still have issues. The thing is, the fact that you suddenly and very openly posted some very intimate feelings on the subject shows that the healing related to that is working. You’re now taking the problem seriously and openly recognizing that you have to “accept” that it’s occurring so that you can resolve this.

This is a result.

Yes, I understand. But you won’t need to use it for long. Use Diamond + desensitizing condoms. Six months. Avoid porn at all costs, have live sex with attractive partners.


I like that last name, for whatever reason.

Third person visualization is good for self-inspection. First person, I find, is more useful for when you’re wanting to enact/create something new/different in one’s life.

Yes yes

Clearly I am executing the scripting and getting good results from it.

Both push me strongly to find solutions for my issue. Though I think a title dedicated to PE could be one of the solutions itself

Why Diamond and not SM or both?

Whatever happened yesterday was even for my standards early and I think it was either due to Libertine, Diamond, both, or none of them (in that order).

Big thank you to all the people giving me advice, suggestions or general statements of support today. Even when I might not always agree —— huh @AlexanderGraves :wink:

I appreciate it a lot


I will rethink my diet @friday, I’ve noticed that my libido was super high when I was eating more than 100g of fat per day… And like, I felt like I wouldn’t have any problem if a woman came along :wink:

For the past week tho I’ve increased my carb intake and lowered my fat intake to maybe… 60g per day… And it was less quality fat (from cooking oil, breat, sauce, etc). I don’t have the same feeling like my pants could explode at any moments… I feel like my libido is still higher because of my confidence, but it’s not the same. I’ll try increasing my fat intake from animal products (including eggs), see how it goes with my libido!

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Awesome! I am pretty certain that is the cause for your issue

Get yourself some raw (not pasteurized), unsalted butter :wink:

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Yooo that taste great! I love butter !

What do you think about coconut oil, is it good on your diet?

Oils will always be inferior, and animal fat superior.

Ingesting coconut oil is better than being deprived of fat — but butter, egg yolk, raw cream and raw fat trimmings will always be better. The problem is the centrifugal, even the cold press oil gets too hot and also it oxidizes.


It’s funny. I had a similar thought just after I pressed ‘Reply’. haha

I’m not an expert on this because I don’t tend to follow highly goal-directed yogic practices.

And I (usually) didn’t last as long as I wanted.

Not always though. So it can vary.

For some reason, I thought of Wim Hof-style practices. While doing the practice, that actually leads to increased sympathetic arousal; but I suspect that there is a compensatory drop/release during the times after the practice.

So the logic of how to actually re-balance sympathetic response may not be so straight-forward.

Exposing and habituating the system to some healthy stressor and then returning to a non-stressful environment may, over time, to lead to a less inappropriately triggered sympathetic response.

Healthy stressors could include things like cold exposure, long distance running, or possibly even more abstract stressors like leading a group, or guiding a large group through emotional mediation and conflict resolution practices.

The idea (as in Wim Hof) is to stay with the situation long enough to breathe into it, relax into it, and habituate; thereby finding a new adaptive center within that originally challenging situation.

So the formula is The Breathing and Letting Go plus The Challenge.

One more point I wanted to add though:

The less you make this into the most important thing in the world is probably the greater chance you’ll have of exerting more influence over it.

And know this:

The time of frustration over an issue is often the time when the deep mind is transforming that issue. Conscious frustration, hopelessness, overwhelm correspond to subconscious transformation and resolution.


Most likely, it was Diamond due to the pleasure enhancing scripting. Doubt it was Libertine at all. That being said, Sex Mastery X is still based on the Weapon X method of scripting – just in ZP format. It’s skills based, with less emotional healing. Diamond has much more of the emotional healing elements. WANTED is another that could help with this too.


All of this talk of ED and PE made me wonder if I’m the only one here with the problem I sometimes have.
I have no problem getting it up and keeping it there, but sometimes I can’t come for the life of me.
Ive had that sometimes since I started having sex as a teenager.


You are not alone. I have to be completely exhausted physically to ejaculate. I used to face the question: Why you can get there didn’t you like me?

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If you’re watching porn, completely stop for six months. That goes for softcore, scrolling through Instagram models, etc. Let your sexual reward system restabilize without artificial stimulation and watch what happens.



my friend. you have no idea of the pain that this statement of your ‘problem’ can possibly inspire in many of those reading about it.

Speaker: “Hello Sex Kings Anonymous. My name is @COWolfe and my problem is that I give women limitless orgasms and never get them pregnant”.

SKA Members: “Hello @COWolfe. Welcome.”

I’m kidding. Please just read it as humor. (Or freely express any irritation it might inspire. I know how annoying it can be when others frame your challenges as if they are privileges.)


I had that when in Lexapro. It’s why I quit taking it. I couldn’t finish at all.

Wife actually asked me at one point if it’s that big of a deal. I told her next time I’ll keep edging her but never let her finish. Then ask her that.


And meanwhile, you got people recklessly taking SSRIs just for the sole purpose of combatting PE.

I’ve journaled about it before. Definitely don’t recommend SSRIs. Not being able to cum is a whole new level of sad

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Personally I don’t recommend SSRIs for anything, including the illnesses that they’re primarily prescribed for (for the vast majority of the time; there are a few exceptions of course).


They made me less irritable. But also felt numb and dead a lot. I missed too many parts of the old me to keep taking it.

So SMXZP and Diamond ZP together should be ahmazing

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