Main Disc. Thread - Sex and Seduction ZP


The bizzare thing is for the first few days i felt like an immortal then if i remember day 5 i woke up heavily angry and depressed.

Tried this out last


Any good stories from people running this?

Anyone running this nowadays?

S&S is the most powerful seduction product in SC and if I may say so in the world. Just be careful it can be like dynamite and you may not be ready for the power for which it may bestow upon you.


I am not much experienced in this area but I thought the most powerful seduction sub is Khan.

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these things are subjective


I’ve always had great results with sex & seduction.

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Does it influence your behavior with other men or just women?


Both it effects men and women. It makes them more polite.

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Yeah because you are more polite
That is what I don’t like about them, why should I be more tolerant and socially calibrating if I don’t wanna have sex with them

Because you are a normal human being and everyone deserves a respect.


Way of ROI

Have you used it recently?

It surprises me how unpopular this title is…

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Maybe its because PS is more popular due to also inner changes.

I’ve always wanted to mainly focus on my ambitions while having love & romance to be combined as a focus towards greater health & happiness.

So in that regard I think Chosen would be great—it manifests romantic partners who desire to grow.

And if you truly want to seduce her you can still get Libertine, or Sex & Seduction and without having to be the wild Primal. I think it’s useful.

And once in a relationship you won’t need much besides perhaps Sex Mastery or Diamond to take it the sex to the next level.

So, it all depends on what someone is looking for you know.

I’m personally not the guy with the intention to actively go out and seduce woman because I get far more enjoyment on focusing on my passions which fills me with excitement.


@SaintSovereign does this Zero Point version still have the Sex Mastery scripting?

Once you are in a relationship and speaking from personal experience… nothing better than Heartsong with Sex Mastery and/or Diamond.
Heartsong gives you a deep level of intimacy and connection in which SM and Diamond can comfortably and pleasurably express.