Main Disc. Thread - Sex and Seduction ZP

S & S is too good !!

Today I was waiting for a train which got delayed . Platform was relatively empty .

Then I saw a very hot gal in the opposite side waiting for the train too .
I was waiting for her to make eye contact .
As soon as she made , boom , I opened spontaneoulsy .
Not a single word spoken as I didnt bother to shout across the platform .

Was just smiling , teasing , gave her compliment - all with signs . She understood every single sign I made .

WHen it was time to close , I thought I will collect the number since she responded well , but then the train came between us . She shouted - All the best.

Then I was sitting in train , wondering how did I even do that ?


those pesky trains


I have to test this more but S&S seems to be the only subliminal that makes women comfortable opening me i and I’m honestly not sure why but it works


Were they not opening you on Wanted?

Nope, I just really think I’m not a friendly looking person, they will try and back into me in the club as close as possible so I can grab them but that’s under the influence.


If you haven’t yet, try a stack like S&S, Wanted and Libertine. It’s way over the top in terms of oozing sexuality. Since you already know S&S works for it, I think Wanted and Libertine could just send it over the edge!


Funnily enough with glasses on, people are actually much more willing to approach me so it could just by my rbf which is somehow neutralized when I play S%S. I’ll try and take pics before and after I use it for a cycle or 2 and see if there is a difference in my vibe

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Wanted actually helps with self-image a lot. And RBF is partly self-image-related. I remember in the private testing for Wanted, that’s the first time subs really made me think of myself as good-looking.

I’ve been playing with combinations of different sexduction subs. S&S is fun because it’s “light” in terms of that it is “just” a skill-building sub. Stacking it with things like Wanted, or Heartsong or Libertine just add to the level of mastery that happens over time.

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I feel its way too much of an overload i did give primal and libertine ago the other day i didnt see any effects from libertine.

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Did you try them right after the other? I remember you said 8 hours in between.

Yes i basically did 2 loops of Primal and one loop of Libertine 8 hours apart.

Perhaps i should have dropped primal to 1 loop what do you suggest ?

I’d run it all together without any gaps

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Will have to experiment will give it ago later on next week thanks

Oh EFsT3 is absolutely amazing. I’ve ran it as a 4th sub multiple times and it’s always been smooth and super effective. Now I have been lifting for 18 years so that could be why the sub barely faces any resistance from my subcon but I use it on and off alongside my stack and love it!