Main Disc. Thread - Sex and Seduction ZP

Yeah, tbh there are so much subs to run hahaha It’s hard to choose!

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Since ZP is said to be based on Terminus Squared, I’ve just been imagining how miserable I’d be if I overloaded on Terminus Squared subs, that helps me rein in my choices a bit.


Did not know that over a year ago i did 10 loops of terminus squared :slight_smile:

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The bizzare thing is for the first few days i felt like an immortal then if i remember day 5 i woke up heavily angry and depressed.

Tried this out last


Any good stories from people running this?

Anyone running this nowadays?

S&S is the most powerful seduction product in SC and if I may say so in the world. Just be careful it can be like dynamite and you may not be ready for the power for which it may bestow upon you.


I am not much experienced in this area but I thought the most powerful seduction sub is Khan.

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these things are subjective


I’ve always had great results with sex & seduction.

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Does it influence your behavior with other men or just women?


Both it effects men and women. It makes them more polite.

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Yeah because you are more polite
That is what I don’t like about them, why should I be more tolerant and socially calibrating if I don’t wanna have sex with them

Because you are a normal human being and everyone deserves a respect.


Way of ROI

Have you used it recently?

It surprises me how unpopular this title is…

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Maybe its because PS is more popular due to also inner changes.