Main Disc. Thread - Seductress ZP

That’s really nice, I’m so glad you shared your experiences. I deal with the self esteem issues, too. I’m sure you’re very attractive for her to have been acting that way.


My husband has been very clingy and flirty lately especially after I ran Seductress on ultrasonic last week.
I had a situation last week when I went to the store
There was a older gentleman that was staring at me eventually he started small talk after the small talk I went to check out I turned around and he was right behind me like he just appeared out of nowhere. As I was leaving he asked if I needed help loading my cases of water into the car I said no I’m good but thanks anyway. I left the store and had to go to a different one I went to go stand in line which was pretty long as I look over he was a couple lines over waving me down because the line was shorter so I went over we had small talk he asked me if I ever tried one of the items he was purchasing and I politely told him no he checked out and said have a good day. As I was leaving out he was at the ATM by the exit of the store and he stopped me and said have a good day then he said are you married I said yes he said tell your husband he’s a lucky man. I said thanks have a good day and left. Well I stay in the house a lot but once summer hits that will change so if this is what is going to happen I better prepare myself lol. I imagine seductress could bring on some persistent men or more attention than im used to also I looked like complete crap that day so I definitely wasn’t expecting that. :sweat_smile:


@IRON Update for Seductress to ZP.

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Do you think that ultrasonic works better for you?

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Things I’ve seen in 3 weeks of using seductress ZP:

An instant positive shift in my emotional stability, self esteem, and happiness. Everyone around me noticed the sudden shift. Even in moments when I feel low, I have a sense of mental strength and determination to affirm lovely things about myself and life.

I feel super sexy more often than not.

I have more discipline to workout.

I became aware of skin products I never knew existed, and they are working great at fixing certain skin issues I’ve had my whole life. In general, I’ve also improved my understanding of my own skin and what it needs to be healthiest.

I don’t usually wear makeup but I have rediscovered my past love of occasional lipstick and blush when I want to feel a bit flirty or dressed up. I’d stopped using them because of a past relationship where he didn’t like any makeup whatsoever. I’m happy to dress up for my own pleasure again.

I went on a walk last week and there were men my type everywhere (not my usual experience) and they were all staring. A man driving past my house while I was getting the mail couldn’t take his eyes away from me to the degree that I was really relieved he didn’t hit anything nearby.

As far as changes to my body shape or hair, I have yet to see anything, but I do feel gentle pressure on my waist and breasts especially when listening.


Girlfriend ran one loop of seductress last week and didn’t run anything since, because it gave her some INTENSE healing recon. Brought up a lot of sexual shame triggers and introspection around her own beauty/shame/self-worth

Haven’t seen her that whole week as I was sick.

Saw her today, we went to a friends, then came home and had sex, talked throughout.

At my friend’s house.

  • She was confident
  • Said afterwards “i’ve never felt like your friend cared about me and what I had to say before, until today.”
  • That isn’t true, he always cared, but now SHE believed he cared
  • She said “I finally felt comfortable being myself today for like the first time around your friends.”

Coming home, we had sex:

  • Diamond ZP level quality of sex
  • Mind blowing foreplay
  • Kissing her skin more sensual than regular sex by a factor of 40.
  • Amazing sex when it actually came time to it
  • Deep connection after
  • Seductress’ aura even affected me as I was still rock hard for a while after having sex
  • In the shower, more kissing and playing
  • Then we had THE HARDEST LAUGH WE’VE EVER HAD as a couple
  • Really, we started laughing, and couldn’t stop, we’ve never laughed that hard together ever

The next day we talked about

  • How much more seriously she’s been taking her skin routine
  • How she’s more focused on improving the health of her hair
  • How she dressed really nicely because she wanted to look nice yesterday
  • How she feels extremely confident and has self worth
  • How she and her brother are going to start building a passive income stream (thanks ascension for women’s scripting!)
  • How she seems able to be more “herself” around me.

And then I asked her “hmmmm that’s a LOT of changes in a week, what do you think caused that?”

And we slowly talked about it until I got her to consider that it was seductress that might’ve helped.

Which is much better than saying “Oh sounds like seductress!” I let her come to that conclusion on her own, then I just agreed.


Damn, you make me want to use Seductress, instead of WANTED :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Are you a woman ?

I’m a lady!


Lol what’s the difference between a lady and a woman?🤷

What’s the difference between a guy and a gentleman?


I’m not a biologist


A Guy is a Guy.
A gentleman is a gentleman.

And a woman is a woman.
A lady is a lady.


It’s a matter of degree 🙇🏼‍♂️

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One has a degree and one doesn’t.

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Okay enough about lady and guy etc. Back on topic.


Update, 3.5 months of Seductress ZP

Still no visible physical changes. But a big change is how little I care now about looking different, and how I have a confident knowing that my desired changes will happen, I just don’t know when. But I recognize that I am gorgeous just as I am, and I don’t have to meet anyone else’s standard of beauty. I am the most comfortable and confident I have ever been in my body. It actually boggles my mind how physically confident I am (both sexually, and in general) in such a short period of time.

I’ve had interesting experiences out in public or at social gatherings where I’ve noticed a new ability to go from being my usual quiet introverted self to being very social, engaging, and at some points comfortably the center of attention. I’ve had so many fun, spontaneous conversations with strangers. I feel magnetic.

Went from being single to meeting the man of my dreams within one month listening (entirely without conscious effort, I was just enjoying life). He wanted me from the moment he saw me, couldn’t take his eyes off me, and continues to express regularly how irresistible I am in every single way.

The sex is mind blowing, passionate, and playful. Something important I noticed that is new for me is my ability to be mentally focused during sex now. No mind wandering to random things, no over thinking, no insecurities. Just connection and presence.

In general, I am more open, more honest, a better communicator, I feel increasingly free to be myself in all areas of my life. I not only feel like a beautiful, powerful seductress, I would say that I am that more and more. It’s becoming part of my natural identity in a balanced, grounded way. My choices, self talk and interactions with others are all changing to reflect this, it’s very noticeable.


Would you still describe yourself as introverted?

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My energy is often still focused inwardly, and I still recharge best being alone.

However, I feel a much stronger pull to be with people than I used to. It used to be that if I had my close family, a good relationship, and my online friends, I had enough. My current relationship is the most energizing and fulfilling I’ve ever been in, and yet I also find myself wanting to organize game nights with friends, or go to parties with lots of people. I want to meet people and grow my connections which I never cared about before. The idea of socializing seems fun and desirable to me where before I would dread going to parties even when it was people I liked. I’m more comfortable in crowds, in cities.

My immediate response to your question was yes, I am an introvert, but then I started to question it. I think I don’t need to know if I am an introvert or an extrovert, I can have and develop the positive qualities of both and that’s pretty great.