Main Disc. Thread - Renaissance Man

I ran it about forty minutes before falling asleep. I got five hours of sleep and I feel like it’s enough sleep. I feel like doing something productive. This sub reminded me of Love Bomb with a passion for intimacy in a non sexual manner that can steered in different directions. I felt so inspired by a small sample of my own work. I felt a lot of warmth that reminded me of Paragon, but the warmth felt as if it was outside of me, surrounding me. The sub also reminds me of Mind’s Eye. I’ve seen this in R.I.C.H. as well, but it comes across as more sophisticated in RM because it feels even more natural. A small idea turns into a masterpiece in my mind without any effort. It’s amazing how natural this seems while it’s happening.


Damn damn damn, well what can I say… Subliminal Club has distorted the Quantum Field again.

@SaintSovereign, does Renaissance Man have any scripting to develop one’s Spiritual Essence and to improve one’s Alchemy practices – which is an art form in and of itself. I’m sure it will since it is highly emotionally focused, however, I’m wondering whether it has any specific scripting aiming at such goals?

And how dense is Renaissance Man compared to Emperor, Stark or Ascension? Seems like a Major Title, however, I could be wrong.


Why isn’t Renaissance Man also in the wealth category? :roll_eyes:

Because not everything is about money?

Thanks. but not a convincing answer :stuck_out_tongue:

What archetype would be

RM + AM + R.I.C.H + BLU
Rm + Emperor + R.I.C.H + BLU

Tony Stark minus Iron Throne.

Why not stack RM with Khan? Seems to have all one may need. Personally, I’m thinking about building a custom based on RM, Khan and Alchemist but it depends on how RM affects me which I’ll be tasting in one month (Alchemist+RM, to be precise).

It would be easier for you if you could determine the archetype you want to develop. For me, it’s about basing it on two pillars of power [Economical and Social Power (or Independence)=Khan and Spiritual Power (or independence)=Alchemist]. RM seems to bridge both pillars nicely or may stand for a third pillar of Power (Artistic and Intellectual=Humanitarian).

Ran three loops last night. I went to bed and woke up feeling better than I have in a long time. Weirdly optimistic.


Can this be used as intelligence booster?

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I wonder how this would mix with Emperor and Primal

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I got the answer to a design question I had been contemplating for a little while. I just saw it in my mind. I also closed my eyes and envisioned the art piece that they used to have in a store. Suddenly, it was as if the walls to my room were gone and I could walk right into that other space at the store. It was as if I was there. This reminded me of the meditations from As above So Below, without actually doing the meditation.


That’s the type of goal I am aiming at for my next custom sub.

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Played two loops .

Went shopping after that , my selection was sharp for whatever I was looking for .
Picked up few things and to me I had a feeling it is best of what was available.

Joy of shopping was kind of euphoric, felt damn good , emotions were heightened.

Asked two sales guys if there was promo ciopiuns on items I selected , and he paused and applied it .
I think I could read their minds .
I felt people were acting timid , may not be right word , they acted as if they were giving in to what I want amd were running pillar to post for what I need .
I got extra attention from people amd they perceived me as a person of high taste .

This can be result of RM with other subs I am running .

I am taking dance lessons and amazingly my teacher said I did much then what u learned in last whole week .
Coordination with my girl was much better , I was helping her in kitchen and I did small small things which made her happy and she ended up making out with me in kitchen .
Lol .
This sub makes me feel light amd mind is very clear.

I started thinking from view point of others , like getting in their shoes and then answer them accordingly.

Too much effect from just two loops !!


Your empathy is getting better! Right on mate!


I think with this sub I’ll probably be done for the year now, the only thing i need would be to get my RM, BLU, Rich and maybe Executive name embedded then ill be more than good to go lol


I will be adding it with my custom for sure. Its too valuable to dismiss. A month more and I’ll build my originally planned custom of Stark/RM/UA… Maybe shove M.E inside as well :smiling_imp:


We’ve all been there, until they drop a gold brick of a title out of the blue. Like they did with DR :stuck_out_tongue:

SC are like artists producing albums after another.


I got a similar result from Rembrandt when I put it in with 19 other programs. RM is like Rembrandt on steroids. I love Rembrandt, it’s a gentle program, but very eye opening. Are you getting RM?

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Now that you mentioned, I should be putting in Rembrandt into my custom sub, simply to help stimulate the imagination just like Ultimate Writer.

RM might be something that I can run externally with my custom sub.

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