Main Disc. Thread - Renaissance Man

I do not understand your question mate ?

Why don’t you want to run RM?

I already have customs built which fulfil my requirements.


@Hermit How much stronger than Q do you estimate this Qv2 is?

I’m in the same situation

honestly, it’s getting tough tho to choose
e.g. khan we have, then what is this male seductress version supposed to do? how does one choose which one to put in the stack then with so many options

but I guess I gotta stick with it for some time then see again. but it’d be nice if there was better documentation available on this somehow

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At a guess it will lean more towards an A archetype.Khan and ps are more B archetypes.Daredevil and starkq are A but not that sexually/dating oriented so i guess seductress for men would fill that gap maybe.Just a guess though.



well then here is a guy like me running both and I hear ‘it contains some special additions’ and I’m like ok well what special additions :smiley: how does it differ
it makes it hard to choose
esp when you’re reconciling from DR

but I think it helps to say I’ll stick with this stack for a year, and then decide again, or 9 months etc

still I would love to see a better documentation regarding these subtleties; I will actually try and help people see these differences with my personal exp but at the end of the day personal exp is personal exp, and only subclub knows how the scripts truly differ- the sales pages explain things but still for me personally leaves some gap when considering this

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Stick with your customs man.

Already did @Brandon; sticking with this for a few months, not sure if 3, or9 - probably 9 is best

either way, I must say thanks to SaintSovereign and Fire for answering questions when I ask, this helps in deciding
I do hope my feedback on this helps them improve it even more, it’s meant as a constructive one - if there’s enough other people thinking the same thing esp, which I’m not sure - I see at least for me it’s difficult sometimes with this issue

And, I must say, it’s good to have this type of problems - either way, as Fire said, I can rest easy knowing I’m moving forward. - it’s just I want to optimise it - and we are blessed to have many options and be able to customise the journey + grow so much - so that’s awesome

to be honest maybe it’s not that hard either
actually saint recommended me to stick with this stack
probably my gut feeling about it was right from the start - so I guess unless there’s some massive change in my life, can just stick with the stack and enjoy it - reconciliation has been hard, now I’m taking more rest days

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@ALMIGHTY i am with you bro the only aspect of my life which i need to sort out is dating and that is not going to happen till the lockdown is over.

I am looking forward to this new product for men yet I ask myself what possibly can hero ? and seducer offer on top of what is already offered in the customs ?.

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Not that easy though,

EQ, KQ, SQ all of these three have the “earth” element. RM, SQ have both “water” and “air” elements. It really depends upon how these subs resonate with an individual. Some would like SQ, some RM, some KQ, some EQ. Some, all.

It’s preference based.

If the latest developments with RM and the V2 stuff are any gauge, faster and more profound results and better manifestation scripting to begin with.

Other than that… think how old PS, DD, Stark and the X series are and how much opportunity has been had to figure out what things work and what needs to be tweaked. That’s a lot of intel that’s ready to go into Seducer and Hero :wink:

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Appreciate the responses to my question perhaps we should continue this in another thread as i do not want to derail the RM topic.

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I mean, yes that’s a lot of intel

but I’d expect/want for the old products to be upgraded in the same way

so if something would make Khan a better product for what it’s meant to do (which includes women, seduction, power, etc) then I’d want for that scripting to enter Khan as well, not just those things being limited to a new product.

So to connect it back to RM, if something is in it that would help with Khan or Emepror’s goals, I hope it arrives into those subs too :pray: (so actually a sincere favor to @SaintSovereign and @Fire: these aspects of the subs which may help the older ones, can you please include them in the older ones as you advance the tech and find more data? kinda like what you did with Emperor as you kept upgrading it - it’d be really really appreciated - because each program is so unique and we have some favourites - one of mine is Khan for example)

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I just checked FB, and 10 friend requests! Ranging from 3-1 years ago… lol. I really don’t use FB. :wink:


I’m right about to finish my very first loop. It feels really good indeed.

Has anybody tried to run more than one loop a day?


Quite a while back, the CEO of Bain Consulting came up with the idea of an expert-generalist. Is the idea of an expert-generalist what Renaissance Man could achieve?

Someone who has the ability and curiosity to master and collect expertise in many different disciplines, industries, skills, capabilities, countries, and topics. He or she can then, without necessarily even realizing it, but often by design: Draw on that palette of diverse knowledge to recognize patterns and connect the dots across multiple areas. Drill deep to focus and perfect the thinking.

I may consider a running custom RM-based subliminal that will be powered by my current learning/visualization subliminal.


I get this feeling that Seducer = Khan updated (Q+).


After my very first loop: