Main Disc. Thread - Renaissance Man ZP

I don’t know why. But this statement made me laugh haha :joy:

Maybe start using the Experimental version? What I see is that most people have 0% recon with those microloops

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Oef this is EXACTLY what I am going through right now. Did you only use RM to express yourself more, or did you stack it with mutiple programs?

I’ve kinda changed my entire paradigm about subs since then. In the past few days. I haven’t journaled about it publicly yet.

That’s mainly because I can’t think yet if how do so without seeming pretentious or a know-it-all.

Suffice to say that a girl I went to HS basically is open to the idea of having fun together.

I set an intention yesterday to make enough money to get Emperor Black: Twilight of the Gods. And has that within 2 hours. (Big achievement given how UE has been and where I live)

I feel powerful again. More so than I have since probably the time I used legacy AscMogul and Limitless on loop to make an iOS app from scratch in less than a week. And that’s starting at a level of not knowing shit about it.


What made RM your favorite? Any productivity gains? Any emotional insights? Do you think that this could be a somewhat effective sub for emotional healing, but with less recon, kind of like how Love Bomb has “mild healing?”

Would love to hear what changed on RM for you that made it a favorite!


Decided to give RM a try, have to say, I’m extremely happy with the results


What a feeling :ok_hand:


Renaissance Men is a beautiful program, I like it a lot.

Gives me Da Vinci vibes.

It helps me to deeply express my emotions through all forms of creativity and art, like music, painting, anything of the sort.

It’s very oriented around expression, communication your inner-feelings in a Soulful way through art.


While using RM ZP in a custom this summer, finally I have managed to get inspiration to create my mission logo, on which I was dreaming in the past years.
It took only a few days between getting some revelation on the symbols and metaphors while I was in a church and getting to do my first graphic drafts in the editing software. Felt everything came to make the perfect puzzle for me.
RM is epic!


I was a bit “scared” that I would stop expressing my emotions after stopping with CFW. That I would go back into ego and would find it more difficult to feel the pain and the sadness/grief.

Well, let’s say I’m very impressed by RM. I actually think I should’ve started it earlier, but I was scared because of the scripting. That it would make me so authentic, that I could not function in this world. But with most things that give resistance, it rewards you the most.

I can literally get tears for 30-45min straight when I focus on it. Normally, I have to use different methods to get myself emotional. Now I need nothing but thought. It also makes me express myself for a long period of time. Generally, after getting tears I would get exhausted like some burden was released. Now with RM, I can keep going and going and it feels amazing and shitty at the same time.

If you’re looking for a sub to clear your heart/throat area. Makes you let loose all the energy that get’s stuck emotionally. This sub will let you go. I haven’t cried like this since I was 13 years old. Lastly, I have been on my healing journey for about a year now, so the foundation was built to release like now. Maybe it was exactly the right timing.


Lol I ended up doing exactly that and after a couple of weeks I had to apologize for getting carried away and ended it on a good note. It wasn’t sexual or romantic but we would talk about the mysteries of reality and the psyche on chat. I was like, sorry I can’t jeopardize my marriage for this


Yeah you’ll be walking a fine line if you’re married :wink: But it’s a good Subliminal to get the spark going :ok_hand::heart::joy:

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I ran the very first loop last evening:

RM has kicked in really nicely. I feel so good today and way more connected with everything and everyone around. People are reacting to me more positively as well. I’m also more emotional but in a strong and masculine way. I’m also more empathetic and understanding than usual and I feel it may go off the charts any time soon. :blush:


This is my next move. Stark+ Renaissance Man + EoG ST2 in rotation with Khan.

Goal: Content creation (YouTube and/or Tiktok), college, and wealth.


RM is such a nice sub! Underrated for sure.


Stark and Renaissance Man are meant for each other your gonna love the duo.

It’s legit insane.


Also… work ethic on Renaissance Man is like Emperor Black level…

Like starving artist work ethic.

It’s surprising but I’ve put in like 100 hours this week. Last week prior I put in maybe 40. Lol. Had me working until sunrise.

Loving it so far.

I’ve been feeling emotions much more strongly than before.

But I’ve been using the Letting go technique to mitigate that, also practicing celibacy. Also running Khan has made me much more calm.

One thing is:

You’ll be able to profoundly connect with girls on this.

Like you’ll be able to feel deeply their emotions. Their heartbreak, their tragedies. Their love. I’ve been like tapping into this spiritual and emotional connection side of girls and since giving up sex I’ve managed to return this sense of connection… So much to say on that.


I’d like to make a Renaissance Man and WANTED custom man. Because I can’t run 5 subs at once lmao


Renaissance Man + Khan + Stark + WANTED = Illegal. LOL. Unfair.


What was your schedule with 5 subs :slight_smile: ?

Not running 5 subs lmao

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